I can only comment on USA pricing.Depends on where you are in the world and what your priority is.
In the UK the cheapest 3060ti is £440 while the cheapest 6700XT is £463.99
Both are close in terms of raster performance but the 3060ti flat out murders the 6700XT when ray tracing is on.
If ray tracing is your number one priority than at every price price point AMD loses to Nvidia and loses quite heavily.
The RTX3060 smacks the 6600XT around when ray tracing is enabled and can even beat the much more expensive 6700XT in heavier ray traced games.
As for ray tracing, for the games I've seen, with anything less than a RTX3080 you're getting <60FPS at 1080p. Dunno who spends $400 on a GPU to game at <60FPS in 2022. Realistically, people will turn it on for a minute to see what it looks like and then turn it back off because performance is horrible. Whether you get 35 or 45 fps doesn't matter much.
On another note, what are the good PC hardware sites now? I'm trying to find recent benchmarks and Guru3D is like the only one left who regularly posts comprehensive GPU reviews. RIP TechReport, and PCPer and AnandTech don't publish very often.
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