
pax said:
Energy crisis almost over?

Related link...

Heh... u wish...
Personally, i'm quite pessimistic, with the power Oil companies have, it will be hard to switch to "alternative" energy sources. They love their money and will do anything to keep their ridiculous profits.

But it will happen one day. If anything, the big oil companies will get into this business and charge us ridiculous premiums for the "luxury" of using energy which ultimately doesn't cost much to use.
pax said:

Energy crisis almost over?

Reading the text it sounds like another perpetual motion machine.

I've already got a stack of those. They're right next to my "random data compression" and "halting tester" program CDs.
Well this guy seems to have a ton of patents on hand and has 40 000 on order from a large retailer. They seem to come in all shapes and sizes and he speaks of harnessing magnetic energy and not getting free energy...

The thing sounds legit.
whoah cool! that invention is very nice on somany levels.

think mobile phone, gps sytesm, handheld consoles (psp, ds, etc..)
think car batery!
think a GIANT MOFO 50 METER HIGH Magnetic machine .. whowh
I'm pretty confident that as soon as this can be used to provide tons of free power, we will need more power anyway.
One word: SCAM

And the idea that getting a patent in US is in any way a sign that it actually will work, is rather humorous.
Simon F said:
Reading the text it sounds like another perpetual motion machine.

Sounds more like an extremely efficient electric motor using a very refined version of the same prinicples that drive normal electric motors. The motors don't run for free - they just use a lot less electrical input power and a lot more magnetic force. If it's true and it works, it could be a great breakthrough.

God knows the world needs this kind of innovation, because it's obvious the big corporations that run power generation are happy to continue raking in the money under the current the status quo without improving anything except their own bottom lines.
i *hate* articles like that,,, at the end it says the motor uses 20% of the power of a "normal" motor . . i assume thats the real "meat" of the article?? rather than the maaad claims all the way through...... now if thats the case , that sounds good doesnt it?
With the help of magnetic propulsion, it is feasible to attach a generator to the motor and produce more electric power than was put into the device. Minato says that average efficiency on his motors is about 330 percent.

Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.
3dilettante said:
With the help of magnetic propulsion, it is feasible to attach a generator to the motor and produce more electric power than was put into the device. Minato says that average efficiency on his motors is about 330 percent.

Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.

but , who is providing the bull ? check out the costing , it quotes .06 cents per kw/hour.... well thats obviously wrong,,, so who has made the mistake ? is it the people who designed the engine , or the promotor or the journo ? ?
Not neccessarily bullshit. He said "produce more electric power than was put into the device" and not "produce more energy than was put into the device" - big difference. For instance, if the electrical energy going into the device was augmented by another source of power then you could easily get more electrical power out than you put in.
He didn't strap on any solar cells, and I don't see any coal-fired boilers either.

There is no other source of power he mentions outside of the supposed power held in permanent magnets. It doesn't work that way. Permanent magnets don't exert any more force on something than is used to push something through their magnetic field or to pull it out. This means that if you were to attach a load to the axel (like a generator) the device would wind down.

Electrical power is merely kinetic energy being transfered by the movement of electrons. That's how generators work, and the inverse is how motors work.

If there's more electrical power coming out of something than going in, then there has to be an active input of something else that expends an equivalent amount of energy to produce the necessary current flow.

You don't pay for motors that also require you to pedal an exercise bike.
davefb said:
i *hate* articles like that,,, at the end it says the motor uses 20% of the power of a "normal" motor . . i assume thats the real "meat" of the article?? rather than the maaad claims all the way through...... now if thats the case , that sounds good doesnt it?
Normal motors are not very eficient.

Lets say that small/medium size brushed DC motors have eficiency <50% . Brushless DC motors (BLDC) with a good DSP controllers have eficiency >90% .

Now I can say that BLDC use only 50% of the power of normal brushed motors ;)

Probably what he did was something like below (the slash are inclined X degres magnets in an linear motor)
Stator magnets     N/S  N/S   N/S   N/S   N/S   
Rotor magnets       S/N  S/N   S/N   S/N   S/N
Maybe he solved the right angle/design (my guess around 40 deg) for the stator and rotor magnets :oops:
He posseses an oversized presence, with a booming voice and a long ponytail. In short, you can easily imagine him onstage or in a convertible cruising down the coast of California
...Or as a snake-oil salesman. Which, incidentally, is exactly what he is...

This is such total bullshit. Sold 40k units? Well either he conned somebody with no technical know-how into signing a contract, or else he simply made it up. Driving rotors with permanent magnets isn't possible because permanent magnets aren't sources of power. What he's pulling is a standard perpetual motion scam with the exception he perhaps isn't claiming it to be perpetual motion, just a "very efficient" version of a standard motor. It's still a scam though.
pascal said:
Guden Oden said:
Driving rotors with permanent magnets isn't possible because permanent magnets aren't sources of power.

Well, if you put a permanent magnet close to acoin it will atract and hold the coin, right? Then it is doing a work against the gravity force field, spending energy to do so. Then it is a source of power because power=work/time ;)

Some high school physics for you:
And eventually the permanent magnet becomes less permanent.

Somehow the energy was put into the magnet, it didn't come out of nowhere.

pascal said:
Well, if you put a permanent magnet close to a coin it will atract and hold the coin, right? Then it is doing a work against the gravity force field, spending energy to do so. Then it is a source of power because power=work/time ;)

Very droll. Conversion of potential to kinetic energy (until it hits the magnet and produces sound and heat).

BTW: I don't think coins are magnetic. Vending machines use magnets to weed out junk like washers.