What do you mean? The thing was released at a super expensive price one year late in US and one year and a half late in Europe. People were looking for those oh Godly CGI visuals produced by the CELL processor and the REALITY synthesizer. Instead they were getting multi platform games that under performed compared to the 360 that was released earlier.I mean it wasn't perceived as a dud at launch. Bunge suggested the worldwide crisis helped obscure poor sales as though the poor sales were because people didn't want PS3. The market didn't snub it because it was no good; sales were only down because it was expensive, but it was still desirable. Most of what you list only started affecting the platform after launch when people realised it all.
Exclusive games were very very few, they weren't anything special and reviews were not so great. All games shown at the first reveal were no where as great looking as their target renders.
The PS3 was getting a lot of flunk in forums and by gaming websites for not having games.
Even before the launch, the PS3 was raising eyebrows.
The price announcement was a shock followed by crazy Ken's statement that you have to work a lot to have one.
Then Sony missed their launch target of March 2006.
It missed the rumble feature. Excuse? Old gen. We all knew there was a patent issue.
Lets not for forget the Riiiiiiidge Racer and Giant Enemy Crab memes
Then before and after launch a ton of articles and spec comparisons were appearing showing that the PS3 was under performing compared to the 360 and it was a development hell. The Cell was not praised by most. It was like the Saturn vs PS1. Only this time Sony was Sega. Devs working on games like Heavenly Sword were trying to defend the PS3's real capabilities on these very forums while others were expressing their distaste.
Then it was one exclusive game after the other being re announced for the 360 as well, including rumors that MGS4 would be released for the 360.
On top articles were being released showing the financial disaster Sony was into, especially their SCE department and the fact that every console was costing Sony $800-$900 to manufacture. Billions were being lost.
And when Sony released their console articles were showing empty lines during launch, piles of units in stores, an XBOX boat thanking Sony for screwing up during the PS3 launch etc.
It was worse than the Saturn and it was getting more flunk than the XBOX One
People wanted the console and at the same time were filled with doubt.
Sony made all the right moves to turn it from a dud to a worthwhile product step by step. But oh my, for some period it was a disaster
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