The thread was spawned off the sales conversation (the secret's in the title). There was a couple of pages of discussion about XB1 as a failure/success (up to this post). The thread was spawned off as "XBox One is a success/failure - Discuss. *spawn". Discussion became more generalised as people presented different measures including other consoles, so the thread was renamed to "Console failures and successes".
What do you expect to gain from having a thread just saying XB1 sold worse than 360? How much discussion is there in such an obvious fact? Are you hoping for pages and pages of people saying what a failure XB1 is? Here you go...
"XB1 sold less than 360 and has less exclusives. I call that a failure"
"Sure has."
"Lots less."
"Definitely a failure."
"Yep, big flop from MS."
"360 was great. XB1 is a sales turd."
Happy now?
What do you expect to gain from having a thread just saying XB1 sold worse than 360? How much discussion is there in such an obvious fact? Are you hoping for pages and pages of people saying what a failure XB1 is? Here you go...
"XB1 sold less than 360 and has less exclusives. I call that a failure"
"Sure has."
"Lots less."
"Definitely a failure."
"Yep, big flop from MS."
"360 was great. XB1 is a sales turd."
Happy now?