Here we go again. Wheeeeeee !!!!!
False equivalence
Playing the victim
Claiming double standard
Claiming hypocrisy
Generalization of an entire group
I see a bit of this scattered in the last few pages, so please anyone feel free to quote me as you see fit to support the above claims, because my opinion didn't change since my first post which can be found here:
Console Exclusives: Are you for or against them & why?
I'm against SF4 timed-exclusivity and it's not clear to me if Sony is to blame, or Capcom, or both. But it was probably part of the SF5 co-production deal (anyone disagree?). It's unimportant because SF4 is just a timed-exclusivity of an old has-been title. In terms of market impact, which is what I care about when exclusivity is involved, I see this as inconsequential. It's as relevant as any DD-only title having some timed exclusivity on either PSN or XB Live, which there are plenty.
The important title here is SF5. Capcom said they went fishing for exclusivity, and I give Sony the same benefit of the doubt as Heavy Rain, Titanfall and Sunset Overdrive. More importantly, Capcom said clearly that they are
co-producing the title with Sony, so I don't see how this can be considered money-hatting.
The comparison with TR is wrong. It has merit in the sense that it's a known franchise where the exclusivity is profitable to grab some existing fanbase, but TR was new reboot that created an on-going storyline, while SF have been almost exactly the same for the last 20 years (it's like the 12 different editions of Start Wars). TR is NOT co-produced by MS, they have nothing to do with the title and it's a timed-exclusivity anyway, so once again the double standard claim rely on a false equivalence.
The biggest problem with TR announcement was that both parties involved played the PR bullshit of a car salesman, and it's not happening here. There was also no ambiguity about the timed-exclusivity status for SF4, and they said clearly on stage that SF5 is coming on PC and that it's a co-production with Sony. For them to say it's coming on PC on stage at a Sony-only event means it's nowhere near the crap about
"geez I don't know if it's ever coming on other consoles, it's not my job". Here, we don't have the sick impression of hush money and manipulative PR. The statements were clear.
With that said, Capcom is already hated by many playstation fans for their fucking batshit crazy DRM they tried on PS3. They have a steep hill to regain some kind of reputation, as far as I'm concerned. I have a powerful PC and a PS4, and they can go to hell. I'm still grumpy about this, maybe I will have cooled down by the time it comes out, who knows.