Coffee = HEAVEN!!!!!


I'm breaking a 12 hour fast with a pot of coffee and it tastes just like heaven to me. :)

I had to have some bloodwork done for a looong over due cardiologist appointment tomorrow that went from a simple thing into a three day adventure, but it's finally done and over and it'll all be ready for my appointment in the morning.

Which means I FINALLY get to have something besides water, and I'm actually delighted. I don't mind going without food, but I didn't realize coke and coffee were considered "food" for these tests. Sugar and caffeine could have skewed the results they told me, so I got to find out just how unpleasant a morning without coffee can be.

It's very unpleasant. Call me spoiled, but today I found I need my cup of joe to get me going. :oops:

So it's just after lunch time and I still haven't eaten anything, but I've just about finished off a pot of coffee and I'm starting to feel halfway human. The coffee felt/tasted so good I thought it deserved a thread-o-tribute/appreciation.

Oh, I take mine light and sweet. Off for another cup and to start thinking about making myself some eggs. I got about an hour and a half to do nothing but eat and relax. :cool:
I can definetly see drinking it for the caffeine and liking the effects of caffeine. But that someone can actually like the taste of coffee is totally beyond me.

If there was no caffeine in it I can't see it being more popular than a cup of hot mud.
Coffee is an aquired taste I think, but I've been drinking it so long I forget how/when I aquired it.

Gave up on the coffee, switched to Coke with my eggs and both were delicious. :)

Doing some laundry and kicking back, life = good. :cool:
Coffee is an aquired taste I think, but I've been drinking it so long I forget how/when I aquired it.

I've been drinking coffee for years and I've yet to 'acquire' a taste for it. I'd rather drink ammonia if it was as harmless and contained as much caffeine(but then, I kinda like the smell of ammonia...).
I was raised on the stuff. Developed a taste for it when I was around 4, and have been consistently drinking it since I was about 9 or so. And the kind I was raised on was Madras-style, so strong, but at the same time, never bitter. The mistake people often make is that they seem to think they prefer weak coffee when they actually just don't like it bitter, and putting less grounds in relation to water or heating up the water too much causes you to leech out more bitter qualities -- as does leaving the water to sit on spent grounds (a la french press) or running most of the water through a single small area of grounds (which is what most coffee machines do). That's why my preference is towards filter drip or pressurized drip techniques for brewing. Certain types of coffee can also have a lot of acidity to it, which tends to bother people's stomachs.
Agreed! There are many ways to brew coffee that isn't bitter. also, many good coffees aren't too bittter, but the methodology is usually most important. The best way I've found (although I like regular bitter coffee, too) is cold brewing. You can buy yourself a Toddy or do it yourself -- it's just brewing a large amount of coffee, like a whole pound usually, in room temperature water. You seem to need about twice as much water as coffee. The Toddy company's main advantage is a nice filter they sell with the kit, but yu can strain it after 12-18 hours through a few coffee filters, too, if you're cheap. The resultaing coffee is heavily concentrated, so, to make a "normal" cup of hot coffee, mix it about one part coffee concentrate to four or five parts hot water. Cold-brewed coffee is stunningly delicious.
I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but I think also the main benefit of coffee is it's cheap. I don't think you could get a few gallons of No Fear for $2.95 :).

I prefer cold drinks in the morning but some prefer it warm, so that’s another down side of most non-coffee caffeine bringing liquids, Coke and such don't taste very good at a near boil to most...
Gave up on the coffee, switched to Coke with my eggs and both were delicious. :)
Coke is second only to beer as the worst possible breakfast choice. How anyone can load themselves up with sugar and acid so early in the day, I do not know. Mind you, I'm not big on super-greasy breakfasts either.
I've been drinking coffee for years and I've yet to 'acquire' a taste for it.
If you don't like it, why drink it?
I prefer cold drinks in the morning but some prefer it warm
I suspect climate has a lot to do with that, no? A coffee always goes down well on those horrid days when you have to haul yourself out of bed at 5am and brave a frosty sunrise.

I try to steer well clear of any sort of energy drink though, as the more you drink them the more you rely on them just to get yourself moving. Do without, and then when you really need a pep you have no tolerance and the caffeine does wonders.
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I quite enjoy a nice cup of coffee every now and again (not just to assist during the 'morning after').

Unfortunately since I've gotten older, coffee has started to have a somewhat erm, deleterious effect on my digestive tract so I limit myself to just a couple of cups a week! :oops: