CG look - The Shiny Shine

Specularity can be used right and it can be used wrong. I reckon the reason why it's used alot in "bad CG" is that it accentuates the lighting and makes the model look more 3 dimensional. Plus we humans like shiny stuff, be it real or computer generated.
From all the videos I've seen of HL2 it has loads of shine around the place but it is used perfectly. Instead of being on all the time it requires the right angle for it to come out, you can see it quite well in some the city video's it's very subtle and works a treat. The PDO style sine all over is good for that style but you wouldn't want a racing game or realistic FPS to use it, just wouldn't work.
Less shine, more dirt...
Yup, more dirt. I think i did mention for some *dirt/grim/imperfection shading!* before :LOL: CG today looks way too clean(though i understand the need of smoothy skins in Japanese artwork). I think WC3 CGs are pretty cool.
Specular is so retro. Shiny thingies are cheap and easy to do and we should be moving pass them by now. They do not make things look better, just more gimmicker and less consistent. Consistency is going to be key for the next gen, which is why there's so much fuss with unified lighting, global illumi etc. Human skin doesn't need a lot of specular, which makes it look hard and solid, it needs scattering which will make it look soft and natural.
better texturing correct lighting model (dirt Or shine inclusive) and higher geometry. Oh and some accurate phyics would be nice too.

> Specular is so retro.

I would have to disagree. The problem is that subtlety is a lost art. If you have implemented some fancy effect you want to make damn sure everybody notices it. Overbright effects in particular have turned into this generation's lensflare.
Yup, so what needs to change from current top games, so as to move closer to CG look?

Nothing needs to change, because it's a gradual process.

For CG type graphics(FFX CGI) you need incredible(insane) geometry and incredibly high resolution textures that are very very clean, odd how most of them have little to no detail.

But that's the gist of it. Next gen, you'll start to see "cgish" graphics, I promise you.
cybamerc said:
I think the overbright effects look like total ass. So does the specular lighting on the creature in the HDRR demo video.

You have a combination of completely flat looking surfaces. No bumps, no specularity, no nothing (except some unimpressive texturing). And then you have these completely overdone shiny surfaces. Looks like crap.

Dude...those effects are bad ass. You obviously have never been in a situation in real life that reflects that scene in the demo. It looks very realistic.

And for the other, Shiney Shine is on andything and everything in real life, though the shiney happens at varying degrees depending on the substance, its there. We'll see if these shiney shine effects arent good when this game comes out :devilish:
Yup, so what needs to change from current top games, so as to move closer to CG look?

more geometry and better lighting.

Yes agreed (but more than that) - yes more geometry as well as better lighting and more of it. At least per-pixel lighting on EVERY surface, all the time, if not even more complex lighting, like sub-pixel / subdivision / lighting or whatever the next major step in lighting is beyond vertex lighting or limited amounts of per-pixel lighting.

overall though, what needs to change from the current best games, so as to move closer to the CGI look, is, more geometry (20-30x) combined with better lighting, combined with consistant framerate locked at 60fps, combined with lots of FSAA (more than 4x or 6x) combined with much better motion blurr and filtering, combined with more effects. as well as other things that I am probably forgetting (MD needs his coffee)
phed said:
I think the solution for CG look is full radiosity, selfshadowing and antialiasing.
But if everything is super shiny shiny, there won't be much need for shadowing and selfshadowing.
Like you can not cast a shadow on a mirror.
....or can you :? must try it cos I'm not sure...
for example on a day when the sun does not shiny shine brightly, if you are driving a car and look at the shiny shine (mine is not shiny shine cos it is a crappy old red Toyota) cars passing under a bridge or near a large tree or something... you can not see the shadow of the structure projecting on the car, usually the car just loses that shiny sine specularity but you hardly can see any shadow projected on a polished shiny shine vehicle.