Cell mass production plan for 2nd half of 2005

chaphack said:
About the floppy FLOPS thingie, i saw this link* and it puts the NV30 at 200GFLOPS.


Now seriously, how do the floppy FLOPS calculated/compare yesterday, today and tomorrow? yay know, how are things progressing in the 3D arena. I say, we need to see moreth comparison benchies!

1TFLOPS might sound holier impressive today, but tomorrow?


*ironically, i got that from the wannabe 1TFLOPS! :LOL: :oops: :LOL:

Interestingly, from my own post, found that ...

1- Mr Moore's Law has already been broken, which i assume is the 3D graphiX advancement. Sooo does that mean Sony has already been beaten to the punch? (remember Sony's hooha about overcoming Moore's Law with CELL?)

2- Thus, performance doubles every 6 months, instead of 18 months. Sooo, if the much criticized NV30 is already at 200GFLOPS, what might happen in 2-3 years time, with the R5X, a dual R5X or even a R6X?

:?: o_O :?:
chaphack said:
About the floppy FLOPS thingie, i saw this link* and it puts the NV30 at 200GFLOPS.


Now seriously, how do the floppy FLOPS calculated/compare yesterday, today and tomorrow? yay know, how are things progressing in the 3D arena. I say, we need to see moreth comparison benchies!

1TFLOPS might sound holier impressive today, but tomorrow?


*ironically, i got that from the wannabe 1TFLOPS! :LOL: :oops: :LOL:

chap, what we're trying to say is that whether it IS 1Tflop or not, that doesnt really say much about what u want to know, namely "how many polygonthingys it can blowz and how much shinyshine it can do" :D :rolleyes:
chaphack said:
chaphack said:
About the floppy FLOPS thingie, i saw this link* and it puts the NV30 at 200GFLOPS.


Now seriously, how do the floppy FLOPS calculated/compare yesterday, today and tomorrow? yay know, how are things progressing in the 3D arena. I say, we need to see moreth comparison benchies!

1TFLOPS might sound holier impressive today, but tomorrow?


*ironically, i got that from the wannabe 1TFLOPS! :LOL: :oops: :LOL:

Interestingly, from my own post, found that ...

1- Mr Moore's Law has already been broken, which i assume is the 3D graphiX advancement. Sooo does that mean Sony has already been beaten to the punch? (remember Sony's hooha about overcoming Moore's Law with CELL?)

2- Thus, performance doubles every 6 months, instead of 18 months. Sooo, if the much criticized NV30 is already at 200GFLOPS, what might happen in 2-3 years time, with the R5X, a dual R5X or even a R6X?

:?: o_O :?:
Well, that only makes it more potentially possible to be feasible for PS3 to achieve 1TFLOPS.

After all, PS3 is very much today's (and couple of years on) technology.

Chap, does it have to sound holy impressive, to be impressive technology. We are living this day and year, as in 2006 we'll be living that day and year.
Will PS3 be a huge disappointment to you and Sony hyPinG bULL**iT, if it is not 10 years ahead of (chaps') technology curve.

Sony did say the Moore's law is too slow for them. They never said they'll be the only company that is going to go beyond that law.
Does the fact that other's are pursuing the same goal as Sony, make PS3 a flop??

Has Sony only delivered if it meets your exceptions that change whenever you realise they were realistic.
marconelly! said:
and it puts the NV30 at 200GFLOPS.
Yes, but I think those are 'NVFLOPS', not the real, programmable FLOPS.

What do you mean by NVFLOPS? i mean, if we look at Xbox "flops" number it is in the trillions. Is that the NVFLOPS you are talking about? Then again, Nvidia listed that trillions as "operations per second"aka OPS. But this NV30 is 200G-FLOPS. ... soo .... ????


So anyone in the know about how the OPS FLOPS TOPS are calculated? Which is the "correct" one? I have been asking about that for ages. :LOL:
trillions..... i dont think so... even NVflops dont reach trillions.... (trillions are Tera right... hold on, mega=million, giga=billion, yeah, tera=trillion...) :?
:LOL: Is it a Sony'er trait to act all silly and defensive whenever non hohohaha pro++ Sony questions are asked? :LOL:

Cmon dudes, i really do wanna know more about this OPS FLOPS TOPS thing. Why get so tensed up...cant you leave some room for a kid who wants to understand more? :rolleyes:
chaphack said:
:LOL: Is it a Sony'er trait to act all silly and defensive whenever non hohohaha pro++ Sony questions are asked? :LOL:

Cmon dudes, i really do wanna know more about this OPS FLOPS TOPS thing. Why get so tensed up...cant you leave some room for a kid who wants to understand more? :rolleyes:

chap... again:

chap, what we're trying to say is that whether it IS 1Tflop or not, that doesnt really say much about what u want to know, namely "how many polygonthingys it can blowz and how much shinyshine it can do"
london-boy said:
chaphack said:
:LOL: Is it a Sony'er trait to act all silly and defensive whenever non hohohaha pro++ Sony questions are asked? :LOL:

Cmon dudes, i really do wanna know more about this OPS FLOPS TOPS thing. Why get so tensed up...cant you leave some room for a kid who wants to understand more? :rolleyes:

chap... again:

chap, what we're trying to say is that whether it IS 1Tflop or not, that doesnt really say much about what u want to know, namely "how many polygonthingys it can blowz and how much shinyshine it can do"


Maybe you are not going eeeyaahaa over the 1TFLOPS number, but certainly a few others here are.

Now i am just wondering what/why/where/how/when is that 1TFLOPS number causing so much of a storm. So much so that one clown registered over at TXB forums to spreadtroll the 1TFLOPS mantra. BUT no, nothing to do with that clown, i am really interested to see just why 1TFLOPS is so hotty with CELL/others with 3D gaming.

If some of you, somehow, feel defensively offended, we can forget about CELL momentarily, just this 1TFLOPS thingie, ya?
Soooo any 3D dude, care to share with us bout this FLOPS TOPS OPS 3D graphiX thing ?
chaphack said:
What do you mean by NVFLOPS?

NVFLOPS is the number people refer to when Nvidia states their FLOPS numbers. To my knowledge, the number Nvidia uses are also performed by dedicated silicon (ie. texture filtering etc) - that's why they are not comparable and are refered to as nvFLOPS. It's probably Nvidia saying you need x FLOPS to perform in software what a Nvidia card does with x NVFLOPS.
i mean, if we look at Xbox "flops" number it is in the trillions.
I'd be more than happy to see this, if you can tell me where you read it. AFAIK, even NVFLOPS are not in the tera numbers yet.

Somebody more knowledgeable about this than I am posted just couple of months ago that even the latest GPUs from ATI and Nvidia have no more than couple of dozens of GFLOPs on their programmable units.
marconelly! said:
i mean, if we look at Xbox "flops" number it is in the trillions.
I'd be more than happy to see this, if you can tell me where you read it. AFAIK, even NVFLOPS are not in the tera numbers yet.

Somebody more knowledgeable about this than I am posted just couple of months ago that even the latest GPUs from ATI and Nvidia have no more than couple of dozens of GFLOPs on their programmable units.

Watch the column that says 1.03-1.23 Trillions Operations Per Second, GF4Ti though. Cant find the Xbox link ATM, but i figure it is close enough, IIRC.

So what is the actual FLOPS ratings of FX cards? Is there a "standard" way of measuring FLOPS, 1TFLOPS?
if i actually understood what the words hohohoho and eheheheyaaa mean, then maybe i would take him a bit more seriously. as it stands now..... no.

1Tflop just means that the machine will be able to calculate a VERY large number of complicated mathematical functions very fast.
just like PS2 was "very powerful for its time" because it was (and is) capable of calculating a lot of complicated mathematical functions very fast. what u do with that power is a different matter.
it will somehow be PS2-all-over-again in this aspect at least, and i'm certainly looking forward to it, just to see what talented and imaginative devs can do with it.
Never mind marc, found it!

All this is possible because Xbox has at least three times the graphics performance of the newest generation of game consoles. Features will include a 733MHz CPU, a custom-designed graphics chip capable of processing more than 1 trillion operations per second, an 8GB hard drive, 64 MB of total memory, a 3-D audio processor with 64 audio channels, and broadband connectivity for online game play.


See, its somewhere there, as also stated in the GF4Ti homepage. How can anyone forget about that 1 trillion operations PR number? :p

So is that the fabled NVFLOPS?
Watch the column that says 1.03-1.23 Trillions Operations Per Second
Ah, I see. Well, as it says, those are not even floating operations, programmable or fixed. Those are not even nvFLOPS. They probably count even the most stupid things like memory reads and such into these OPS.
chaphack said:
Never mind marc, found it!

All this is possible because Xbox has at least three times the graphics performance of the newest generation of game consoles. Features will include a 733MHz CPU, a custom-designed graphics chip capable of processing more than 1 trillion operations per second, an 8GB hard drive, 64 MB of total memory, a 3-D audio processor with 64 audio channels, and broadband connectivity for online game play.


See, its somewhere there, as also stated in the GF4Ti homepage. How can anyone forget about that 1 trillion operations PR number? :p

So is that the fabled NVFLOPS?

chap, did u notice that the 1trillion ops ( :rolleyes: ) is from the CPU... therefore it's not NVflops. they're just Intel PR ops...
london-boy said:
chap, did u notice that the 1trillion ops ( :rolleyes: ) is from the CPU... therefore it's not NVflops. they're just Intel PR ops...

I be nice to you, thus i will just say... no. ;)

*hint: re-read when you are in doubt*