Can U.S. schools survive liberalism?

Willmeister said:
Mubarak wasn't a leader of anything other than a broad apolitical movement really.

Israel invaded the territories. Arafat was a resident of that territory. He had as much intrinsic right to be a leader of the population as any other.

Despite the fact that Egypt and Jordan invaded the territories to begin with taking land that wasn't theirs.

Arafat appointed himself leader. He has a much right to lead a country as any other of his murderous ilk has.

Arafat has more of a right to the territories than Israel does.

Is this the arabs stole those lands or is it simply because he is an antisrael terrorist leader?

How does he have more right then israel? The arabs stole the land and israel took the land back.

That's been the central tenet of Israeli negotiation from the start, and it's flawed anyway you approach it.

Oh my, israel has been willing in the past to give the palis land, peace, and even citizenship. The palis have been unwilling to take any one of them. THe only reason these "peace" negotiations are occuring today is because israel owns those lands. If they were still in arab possession we would not be hearing of a palistinian state. There simply wouldn't be one.

The territories are Israel's to give back.

The jews and the arabs were both members of the palestinian state. The only reason to calls these arabs palis is done in order to falsely link them to partial ownership of land they filtched over 60 years ago.

It's pedantic and it treats the Palestinians as children...

I think their propaganda ought to render them in the public eye as such.

I disagree. Jews born in the Bronx has as much 'right' to return as a Palestinian born in Queens.

I am afraid i do not see the logic. The israelis bought what they have and have succeeded in making one of the only successful democracies in the middle east. Israel has soveignty and can give citizenship to whom it pleases. This include jewish migrants. The arabs we see here are no different then those supposed "jews from the bronx." They illegitimately clame ownership to lands not even owned by them at any time which was stolen from the bizantine greeks. Israel was more than willing to give them citizenship in '48. They refused and left israel. If anything they ought to return to the lands they ought to return to Jordan and make their palestinian state.

But don't tell the Israel government that. As a Jew, he/she has an automatic right to move to Israel regardless of origin.

And why not? Can't you allow a self governing nation to do just that?

If your Palestinian and wish to return to your home for which you still have the key for,

I don't see palestine on a map Will. Can you point it out to me? There were plenty of Jews who were members of palestine mandate. If returning to their homes in israel were truly in their interest why didn't they accept israel's invitations of citizenship? What about all the jews who would like to return to Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Germany, Italy, France, and Polland who were all forced out of their homes? Will they be give the right to return to their lands and reclaim what was rightfully theirs?

you're wasting your time.

I prefer to refer to it as banging my head up against an invincible wall of prejudice.

Once the Israelis have a Palestinian out, you can't get back in as a resident even if it's your home. Why does an occupational force allowed the right to deport anyone?

Why do they remove these palestinians if not for a valid reason? Why would they still allow for palestinian citizenship if they were really out to remove them from the country? How many of these arab nations surrounding israel are open to jewish citzenship?

Ann Coulter is a nut.

and michael moore is not?
Willmeister said:
If I steal from you, and then make you dance a little dance to get it back, should you thank me and accept my offer?

Are you refering to Jordan and Egypt invading the westbank among other lands? How did israel steal these lands? They were taken in war will. You know, just like how the arabs acquired it from the bizantine greeks and the jews.
Saem said:
Stop stating things as if they're fact. The jews in Israel aren't palestinians. Some of them are.

stop making spurious generalizations. If you want to be accurate most of the so called palestinians aren't palestinians at all Saem. If you want to call them palestinians (members of a land that no longer exists) then i can call all jews children of israel. Was that not what the "Shama" taught me? In fact is these people are really palestinians then i am really from Germany and Israel.
I am afraid i do not see the logic.

Why does this not surprise me? Should I break out the Crayola crayons? I was pointing out the obvious legal double-standard which clearly showed their feel-good rhetoric is very far from the reality of the situation.

The israelis bought what they have and have succeeded in making one of the only successful democracies in the middle east.

They didn't buy. They were given. Someone else gave them another person's property for European political expediency. Palestinians were unduly forced to shoulder the high price for European crimes against their own Jewish populations. This really does strike me as grossly unfair.

What's almost as sad, is what did the Jews get? A relatively worthless piece of land, given to it in the worst possible way, surrounded by people who are caught up in a cycle of retribution with them. That's sounds like a raw deal to me...

Israel has soveignty and can give citizenship to whom it pleases. This include jewish migrants.

It seems they've also given themselves the right to revoke citizenship as they please. Did I say they didn't accept migrants? No, I'm referring to more than migrant workers. I'm referring to fully-fledged residents.

They illegitimately clame ownership to lands not even owned by them at any time which was stolen from the bizantine greeks.

It's Byzantine btw. The Byzantines finally fell to the Sultans in 1453. There's a four-hundred year gap there where various European, Arabic and Turkish empires stole it from each other even into the twentieth century.

Israel was more than willing to give them citizenship in '48.

No, the weren't. Ben Gurion was adamant on that point. Their goal was an pure Jewish state which is unsurprising given the leadup to '48. There has been an exceptional amount of letters and memos from Ben Gurion that's showing him for the man he was. The Lavon Affair is probably the biggest scandal against Ben Gurion. Anyways...

They refused and left israel.

Like incidents such as Deir Yessin? They were offered to flee or take a bullet in the head, if not by Hagannah, than certainly by Irgun. A lot of Palestinians were driven out because of this. Hagannah forces would encircle areas and drive the occupants out through fear (Deir Yessin was such an operation that went wrong). This is like blaming Croats or Kosovars fleeing Serbian army and then Belgrade offering their victims citizenship in Greater Serbia...

You also have to remember that people do not like change. Especially drastic change. Palestinians, Jews, Muslims and Christians of the region didn't understand the concept of the nationstate. It was something totally alien to them. Remember that most of the early elite of Israeli were not of the region at all and were neglected almost as much as non-Jews. This mentality was imported by European migrants. Bernie Lewis wrote some very good historical references about this which I found fascinating.

But don't tell the Israel government that. As a Jew, he/she has an automatic right to move to Israel regardless of origin.

And why not? Can't you allow a self governing nation to do just that?

No problem with that at all. What I do have trouble with is the disengenuous argument that Israel accepts non-Jews on an equal footing. As a non-Jew, go to Israel and try to get land from the JNF. I wish you luck.

I don't see palestine on a map Will. Can you point it out to me?

You said that Israelis have as much claim to being Palestinians as Palestinians do. Unless the term you wished to use was semetic, but that's not even the case for either the Israelis or Palestinians since both have intermarried extensively over the centuries that, by and large, neither can be considered to be 'semites'. At least when compared to those in the Arabian Penninsula/Eastern Africa where intermarriage was rare.

There were plenty of Jews who were members of palestine mandate. If returning to their homes in israel were truly in their interest why didn't they accept israel's invitations of citizenship? What about all the jews who would like to return to Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Germany, Italy, France, and Polland who were all forced out of their homes? Will they be give the right to return to their lands and reclaim what was rightfully theirs?

If the Israeli government or Jewish groups pushed for such a policy (which I agree with; and they have, especially when it comes to Germany), then they must push for similar treatment for Palestinians.

Why do they remove these palestinians if not for a valid reason? Why would they still allow for palestinian citizenship if they were really out to remove them from the country? How many of these arab nations surrounding israel are open to jewish citzenship?

Iran is, but Iran is rather a curious exception in the region considering it's the only populace that maintained strong connections to their pre-Islamic past. Iran has the third-highest population of Jews in the world behind the USA and Israel. And the Jews leaving Iran are leaving for economic reasons just like the rest of the Iranian youth. Again, I know two students personally who left Iran for greener pastures abroad.

Ann Coulter is a nut.
and michael moore is not?

No, Michael never advocated invading Islamic nations, killing or forcibly converting their leaders to Christianity.
Are you refering to Jordan and Egypt invading the westbank among other lands? How did israel steal these lands? They were taken in war will. You know, just like how the arabs acquired it from the bizantine greeks and the jews.

So, just because someone else did the same, it absolves those that follow?
I know.

What's even worse is that I asked for the discussion to return to the fact that Ann Coulter is the living embodiment of the classic blonde joke.
Legion said:

i am guessing you didn't read the link i posted as it clearly refuted your first link? i didn't bother reading the rest but if any of the arguments actually holds water then please post them specifically, but best i can tell Michal More has far more journalistic integrity than Ann Coulter.
kyleb said:
Legion said:

actually no it doesn't refute the first link. Michale moore actually dodges answering many of the that major questions. At the end of my first link the inividual was directly responding to the so called refutation by Michael Moore. Moore doesn't answer questions, he bses his way through a so called refutation. I can';t believe he actually claims lawyer looked over his material. He is a liar. You should do more than glance over what i posted asthe first link does a very good job of pointing out moore's wording - moore tries to hide behind his own rhetoric. A good example is with the Lochheed contracts. Moores full of shit. He knows it. he starts talking about lockheed contracts. This is a bullshit argument. It has nothing to do with what that particular factory makes or for that matter his argument to its contribution to violence.

i am guessing you didn't read the link i posted as it clearly refuted your first link?

I most certainly did. Your link refutes nothing. As Hardy says Moore turns to bs and character assination rather than debating with him and others the facts of what he was discussing. Moore has been invinted on numerous occassions to discuss his crap-umentaries and consistantly turns invitations down. He is dodging real discussion because he knows he is a liar.

Again your link refutes nothing. Its bullshit - read it. He doesn't answer the questions he just throws info your way.

i didn't bother reading the rest but if any of the arguments actually holds water then please post them specifically, but best i can tell Michal More has far more journalistic integrity than Ann Coulter.

YOu obviously didn;'t read any of it. Hardy's argument do hold water. They demonstrate moore's dishonesty, many examples moore doesn't even try to refute, as well as shows his own inability to provide evidence for his points.
Why does this not surprise me? Should I break out the Crayola crayons?

Are you going to draw pictures for mommy?

I was pointing out the obvious legal double-standard which clearly showed their feel-good rhetoric is very far from the reality of the situation.

Legal double standard indeed. To much propali favortism.

puote[They didn't buy. They were given. Someone else gave them another person's property for European political expediency. Palestinians were unduly forced to shoulder the high price for European crimes against their own Jewish populations. This really does strike me as grossly unfair.[/quote]

thats not true. by tradition they owned the land. They were given much of it as were the arabs (who chose to lose it) as well as bought much from turkish landowners. Legally they have every right to call it theres.

What's almost as sad, is what did the Jews get? A relatively worthless piece of land, given to it in the worst possible way, surrounded by people who are caught up in a cycle of retribution with them. That's sounds like a raw deal to me...

worthless? How historically ignorant of you to say such a thing? But you are from canada correct? You have no idea what the land means to the jews do you? No you don't obviously.

The jews are willing to fight for that land. It was the Land given to them by YHWH, Hashem, Elohem. They were more than willing to share it. It is not their fault they are surrounded by bigotted, murderous, pali terrorists.

It seems they've also given themselves the right to revoke citizenship as they please.

As canada has? My word, you were once colonies as well. They have every right to give citizenship as they please. Its their damn country.

Did I say they didn't accept migrants? No, I'm referring to more than migrant workers. I'm referring to fully-fledged residents.

No. You just complain.

The arabs palis have no right to that land. If the jews wish to remove them for valid reasons, as they have, then so be it. They are trying to protect themselves. My links to you have shown how the media isn't presenting the jewish side of the story.

It's Byzantine btw. The Byzantines finally fell to the Sultans in 1453. There's a four-hundred year gap there where various European, Arabic and Turkish empires stole it from each other even into the twentieth century.

Why thank you for correcting me. It shows that you at least have some understanding of what you are talking about unlike many of your ilk. The time period of ownership has absolutely no baring on valid ownership. The land was taken through war. If israel has no valid claims to said lands acquired through war then neither do the arabs or much of the rest of the world.

The argument of historical ownership falls back on a seemingly infinite regress. Hense the reason i find it so pointless to argue with others over who "has the rights" to those lands. The arabs stole it so many times from each other and from others how would one decide who owns it based on past history?

No, the weren't.

Yes they were.

Ben Gurion was adamant on that point. Their goal was an pure Jewish state which is unsurprising given the leadup to '48. There has been an exceptional amount of letters and memos from Ben Gurion that's showing him for the man he was. The Lavon Affair is probably the biggest scandal against Ben Gurion. Anyways...

I have infact never heard such a thing. They have arab citizens now and still allow for them. infact, consistantly i have read about israel's willingness to allow the palis to reenter israel as citizens.

Like incidents such as Deir Yessin? They were offered to flee or take a bullet in the head, if not by Hagannah, than certainly by Irgun.

rather isolated incidents don't you think? Do you think that the palis are some how in better standing or the arab violence didn't incourage the standoffish nature of israel during those times? Shall we address the brutish nature of the arabs and they attacks against the israel state and each other? Unlike the arabs the jews actually gave them a chance to leave.

A lot of Palestinians were driven out because of this.

And a lot of jews were driven out of jordan, germany, egypt etc. Where are the complaints for them? The arabs wouldn't have lost their lands if not for the insuing violence against israel.

Hagannah forces would encircle areas and drive the occupants out through fear (Deir Yessin was such an operation that went wrong). This is like blaming Croats or Kosovars fleeing Serbian army and then Belgrade offering their victims citizenship in Greater Serbia...

I love it how you use the hagannah reference as some great terrorist group. Please. If anything they merciful compare to their arab counterparts. The palis to this day are force fed propaganda from their leaders in all levels of education. Their leaders can't allow for peace in any sense of the word. THey wish only for the distruction of israel.

You also have to remember that people do not like change. Especially drastic change. Palestinians, Jews, Muslims and Christians of the region didn't understand the concept of the nationstate. It was something totally alien to them.

another valid reason for the irrelevancy of the UN resolutions.

Remember that most of the early elite of Israeli were not of the region at all and were neglected almost as much as non-Jews.

How does this remove their legitimate ownership of the land? Most of the palis today never lived in the land known as palestine.

No problem with that at all. What I do have trouble with is the disengenuous argument that Israel accepts non-Jews on an equal footing. As a non-Jew, go to Israel and try to get land from the JNF. I wish you luck.

As if the jews think all americans are jewish :rolleyes:. A college professor friend of mine took his class with him to israel recently. They had no problems. I think you are being overly judgemental. Many cultures (IE JAPANESE) have problems with foreign relations. There is no absolute moral precept that states well all must love foreigners.

If the Israeli government or Jewish groups pushed for such a polic (which I agree with; and they have, especially when it comes to Germany), then they must push for similar treatment for Palestinians.

Why? they aren't citizens of their land. Why are they israel's responsibility and not the arab nations they came from?

Iran is, but Iran is rather a curious exception in the region considering it's the only populace that maintained strong connections to their pre-Islamic past. Iran has the third-highest population of Jews in the world behind the USA and Israel. And the Jews leaving Iran are leaving for economic reasons just like the rest of the Iranian youth. Again, I know two students personally who left Iran for greener pastures abroad.

Thank you for your one example.

No, Michael never advocated invading Islamic nations, killing or forcibly converting their leaders to Christianity.

But he has stated Ms Clinton should be president :LOL:
I wish people would stop calling Ann coulter a journalist. She is not a journalist.

here is her bio from
Ann Coulter is a lawyer and author of the New York Times best seller, High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton. Her most recent book, Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right, is a number one New York Times Best-Seller.

Coulter is the legal correspondent for Human Events and writes a popular syndicated column for Universal Press Syndicate. She is a frequent guest on many TV shows, including Politically Incorrect, Larry King Live, Hannity and Colmes, The O'Reilly Factor, American Morning With Paula Zahn,
Crossfire, ABC?s ?This Week,? Good Morning America, the Leeza Show, and has been profiled in TV Guide, National Journal, Harper?s Bazaar, and George Magazine. She was named one of the top 100 Public Intellectuals by federal judge Richard Posner in 2001.

Coulter clerked for the Honorable Pasco Bowman II of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit and was an attorney in the Department of Justice Honors Program for outstanding law school graduates.

After practicing law in private practice in New York City, Coulter worked for the Senate Judiciary Committee, where she handled crime and immigration issues for Senator Spencer Abraham of Michigan. From there, she became a litigator with the Center For Individual Rights in Washington, DC, a public interest law firm dedicated to the defense of individual rights with particular emphasis on freedom of speech, civil rights, and the free exercise of religion.

A Connecticut native, Coulter graduated with honors from Cornell University School of Arts & Sciences, and received her J.D. from University of Michigan Law School, where she was an editor of The Michigan Law Review.

Where in her bio does she say that she studied journalism. Or was ever a journalist? SHE is a commentator, a political pundit, a columnist, but not a journalist. I agree with many of her views, and like her. But please get it straight.


[edit]Ill add here that my idea of a journalist is someone who covers /uncovers the news without adding their opinion. Give the facts and nothing else.
Legion said:
the end of my first link the inividual was directly responding to the so called refutation by Michael Moore.

i am afraid you are going to have to explain how that so-called direct response was from january while the comments you claim they are a refutation of were posted by Moore less that a week ago. are you implying that Lockheed-Martin has developed the ability to time-travel? :LOL:

Legion said:
Moore doesn't answer questions, he bses his way through a so called refutation. I can';t believe he actually claims lawyer looked over his material. He is a liar.

so now you are implying that he lied about the lawyers too. hum, i am guessing that you do not have any evedence to back that either.

Legion said:
You should do more than glance over what i posted asthe first link does a very good job of pointing out moore's wording - moore tries to hide behind his own rhetoric.

actually it does a good job of making Evan McCollum look like a fool by accusing Moore of misrepresenting the truth by claimed that Moore used the term "missiles" when he quite clearly said "rockets".

Legion said:
A good example is with the Lochheed contracts. Moores full of shit. He knows it. he starts talking about lockheed contracts. This is a bullshit argument. It has nothing to do with what that particular factory makes or for that matter his argument to its contribution to violence.

the contracts in question have to do with what that particular factory has been making for over the past fifty years; the armaments witch alow our military to aggressively pursue our government's agenda.

Legion said:
I most certainly did. Your link refutes nothing. As Hardy says Moore turns to bs and character assination rather than debating with him and others the facts of what he was discussing. Moore has been invinted on numerous occassions to discuss his crap-umentaries and consistantly turns invitations down. He is dodging real discussion because he knows he is a liar.

you keep calling him a liar, but all i have seen from you to back it up is bs and character assignation.

YOu obviously didn;'t read any of it. Hardy's argument do hold water. They demonstrate moore's dishonesty, many examples moore doesn't even try to refute, as well as shows his own inability to provide evidence for his points.

yes i read the first link as i said, and i had already read Hardy's page prior to watching the film. i have yet to see any factual grounds for calling Moore a liar and at this point i highly doubt that you can provide any evidence to the contrary.

oh, and epicstruggle; obviously she is not a journalist, she doesn't have the integrity for the job. ;)

for some people(like yourself and others. I include myself here) who are highly passionate about a certain viewpoint, no amount of evidance will convince them of the truth. I doubt that any amount of credible independent evidence would convince you of what happened in the film was ficticious. I wont waste my time and yours trying to help you see the light. In certain areas im as stuborn as you. So dont take this the wrong way, its just the way some of us are.

epicstruggle said:
I wish people would stop calling Ann coulter a journalist. She is not a journalist.

Where in her bio does she say that she studied journalism. Or was ever a journalist? SHE is a commentator, a political pundit, a columnist, but not a journalist. I agree with many of her views, and like her. But please get it straight.


[edit]Ill add here that my idea of a journalist is someone who covers /uncovers the news without adding their opinion. Give the facts and nothing else.


\Jour"nal*ist\, n. [Cf. F. journaliste.] 1. One who keeps a journal or diary. [Obs.] --Mickle.

2. The conductor of a public journal, or one whose business it to write for a public journal; an editorial or other professional writer for a periodical. --Addison.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc

You don't have to study journalism in order to be a "journalist". Nor do you have to present "just the facts" in an objective manner to be a journalist. In fact, I would make the argument that there is no such thing as covering the news without adding their opinion. Everyone brings their own personal biases and subjective perspectives to the table. Even WHAT is covered, as well as HOW it is covered, effects the overall shape that journalism takes. Should the media as an institution focus on official statements as "news", as they have through much of the Iraq war? Should journalism be focused around investigative journalism, around checking the facts that these officials spout out? Do fires get coverage, or murders, more than serious analysis of and solutions to urban problems? When there is a debate on the war, or something similar, who do you allow to debate? Do you have a Democrat and a Republican, (or a Republican and a right-wing libertarian, as the case often is), which narrows the focus of debate, and dissallows the possibility of someone like a Phyllis Bennis or Medea Benjamin to get across other viewpoints?

In short, there is no such thing as the type of journalism you espouse. It may be a lofty goal, but playing to it is buying into a dangerous illusion and a falsehood. Regardless of this, Coulter has standards of journalistic integrity that she should adhere to regardless of whether she studied journalism or not.
@clashman, I can see where your coming from. But Ill have to disagree with:
In fact, I would make the argument that there is no such thing as covering the news without adding their opinion. Everyone brings their own personal biases and subjective perspectives to the table.
Ok i do agree that journalist do bring opinions to their news stories.
But i feel that commentators/political pundis/columnists who bring news into their commentary do not a journalist make. :)
Small difference but one none the less.

Bob Woodward
Carl Bernstein
Seymour Hersh
I.F. Stone
John Hersey
Edward R. Murrow
et al

paul begala
james carville
robert novak
ann coulter
george stephenapolis
rush limbaugh
et al

do not insult the memories/accomplishments of the journalists named above by cheaping what they did to include commentators. Many journalists risk their lives to bring news that would other wise be concealed or unnoticed:
Battle of Britain
Investigation of massacre committed by American soldiers at My Lai in Vietnam
Reports from Europe and the Pacific during World War II
and others.

i understand that the meaning of journalism is broad. but it just seems sad to include people who are not journalist into that field.

Do fires get coverage, or murders, more than serious analysis of and solutions to urban problems? When there is a debate on the war, or something similar, who do you allow to debate? Do you have a Democrat and a Republican, (or a Republican and a right-wing libertarian, as the case often is), which narrows the focus of debate, and dissallows the possibility of someone like a Phyllis Bennis or Medea Benjamin to get across other viewpoints?

Sheer economics and time-contraints already exclude most of the Left, mostly because the 'Right' has mastered the art of the simplistic sound bite. With Bush and his 'evildoers', all attacks against US forces are 'Saddam Loyalists,' 'they hate freedom,' childish name-calling, etc. You can't describe conditions anywhere in 30 seconds. You need people to elaborate on various influences on the situtation, which is next to impossible to do in five minute news pieces, or in the time allocated between commercial breaks. You can't do that on commercial television, nor do they want to. Commercial television also wishes to avoid any controversy. Look what happened to Bill Maher. He made a reasonable statement and effectively got himself fired.
i am afraid you are going to have to explain how that so-called direct response was from january while the comments you claim they are a refutation of were posted by Moore less that a week ago. are you implying that Lockheed-Martin has developed the ability to time-travel? :LOL:

I am implying that Moore's claims are bogus. He gives defense contracts. That has nothing to do with that particular factories purpose or intention. They build rockets for use in communication. I am waiting for moore to prove this factory produces nuclear weaponry or missle to be used as weapons as he claimed.

Talk about time travel :LOL: Moore's claims all take place in the 1980s. never does he provide evidence that The littleton plant constructed armed missles. He simply restates what they do: they take in titan IV missles, refit them and construct them. Never does it state they were ever armed with nukes or SPACE LASER WEAPONS at that plant :rolleyes: :LOL:. In other words the plant never created the weapons. It greated the missle husks.

Notice none of his accussation play up to today! He doesn't provide evidence for the Littleton plant producing weapons in the 90s - 2003 or for that matter if any of the rockets produced have any military weapons purpose today. I am still waiting for him to provide us with a fully armed Titan IV with a space laser weapon :LOL:.

so now you are implying that he lied about the lawyers too. hum, i am guessing that you do not have any evedence to back that either.

He indeed lied as he lied through his entire crap-umentary. What is the benefit of lawyers examining his work? lol. THe writer of the Hardy Law piece is a lawyer himself!

actually it does a good job of making Evan McCollum look like a fool by accusing Moore of misrepresenting the truth by claimed that Moore used the term "missiles" when he quite clearly said "rockets".

Lol looked like a fool :LOL:. Moore claimed they made weapons of mass destruction in his actual commentary. They produce rockets (as if moore were some how aware of a difference between rockets and missles :LOL: ) for use in launching communication satelites into space.

I am still waiting for moore to prove that factory does as he claims.

the contracts in question have to do with what that particular factory has been making for over the past fifty years;

No actually they don't. Do some research yourself. You can find out exactly what many others had about the facility. Moore is full of shit. A great deal more people then Hardy and Andrew Sullivan did research into this and came to the same conclusions.

the armaments witch alow our military to aggressively pursue our government's agenda.

I am waiting for him to prove it. Plenty have provided evidence against him. Its time he backs up his word with the finished product.

you keep calling him a liar, but all i have seen from you to back it up is bs and character assignation.

Oh Moore is a liar. His Heston interview is without a doubt engineered to deceive the viewer. THe incident with the gun in the bank was staged. Call the particular bank and they will tell you the same story. Moore, without a doubt, is a liar. Ask them to explain their investment plains and their relation to gun offers. You will find that you must invest at least 5000 dollars into their bank which must have been there for several weeks after which there are a few weeks in processing. They do not usually give them out at the bank. That had to be requested.

yes i read the first link as i said,

You mean you skimmed it.

and i had already read Hardy's page prior to watching the film. i have yet to see any factual grounds for calling Moore a liar and at this point i highly doubt that you can provide any evidence to the contrary.

You must be kidding! The Hardy page pointed out numerous occassions where Moore lied. Moore doesn't bother to respond to the bulk of people's claims and when he does respond he never provides substantive explanations.
Oh Moore is a liar. His Heston interview is without a doubt engineered to deceive the viewer.

The Heston interview sucked and shouldhave been dropped. Moore should have staged on message with the question 'why is America so homocidal?' The Heston interview was pointless exercise.

THe incident with the gun in the bank was staged. Call the particular bank and they will tell you the same story. Moore, without a doubt, is a liar. Ask them to explain their investment plains and their relation to gun offers. You will find that you must invest at least 5000 dollars into their bank which must have been there for several weeks after which there are a few weeks in processing. They do not usually give them out at the bank. That had to be requested.

Here's the ad:

It clearly says that the 20 year CD at $1000+ gets you the Mark V, which Michael got. Before you go about calling someone a liar, you may recall that people will usually ask you to back it up. An obviously, you're at a disadavantage since you didn't even check out your facts. Clearly the ad fully backs Mike's claims.

And here are the bank outtakes:

The Teller CLEARLY SAYS it would take a few minutes and that he could walk out the gun the same day.
The Heston interview sucked and shouldhave been dropped.

Thank you for admitting this. Moore completely fabricated the incident. It was infact numerous speaches spliced together inorder to paint heston and the nra in a certain light. This kind of reporting is dishonest.

Moore should have staged on message with the question 'why is America so homocidal?' The Heston interview was pointless exercise.

Well, considering Moore leaves out over 45 minutes of his personal interview with Heston i am not surprised.

You must admitt his purpose was to deceive the viewer. Stupid or not Moore was being deliberately dishonest.

Here's the ad:

It clearly says that the 20 year CD at $1000+ gets you the Mark V, which Michael got. I bet the bank no longer has this promotion...

The Teller CLEARLY SAYS it would take a few minutes and that he could walk out the gun the same day.

You mean clearly a fabrication

One note as to how far the staging may have gone: the bank is in Michigan, and Moore is a resident of New York City. I found a June 6, 1997 article indicating that he'd moved out of Flint and into a $1.2 million apartment in Manhattan, so he was already a resident by the time Bowling was filmed.

The importance? Under the Gun Control Act, transfers to a nonresident of your state are tightly limited. A person who is not a licensed dealer cannot (with a few narrow exceptions, none applicable here) transfer a gun to a resident of different state, period. A licensed dealer can transfer a rifle or shotgun to a nonresident, but only if "the sale, delivery, and receipt fully comply with the legal conditions of sale in both such States." 18 U.S. Code sec. 922(b)(3) [Link -- it's a LONG section of statute, just search for "conditions of"] This requirement is well-known to firearm dealers, and violation is a felony, so they're serious about it. The buyer is also required to produce picture ID to establish his residence.

New York City has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. One of them makes it illegal to transfer a rifle or shotgun to anyone who does not hold a rifle and shotgun purchase permit. NY Admin. Code sec. 10-303 (Link -- pdf file, p. 12 of download). The permit is supposed to be issued within 60 days of application, although in practice it takes much longer -- e.g., a 2001 comment, " I recently inquired at the Rifle and Shotgun section of the NYPD. The say it now takes up to six months to get the permit, before it was 3-4 months." Source

So (assuming Moore didn't just slip the dealer his old Michigan driver's license, which would constitute two federal felonies and maybe a third), he probably also spent 6 months or so getting a permit, then persuading the Michigan dealer that he had covered all his NYC legal bases, then getting the rifle ordered in -- all before filming a scene designed to show how easy and quick it was for him to get a rifle.

So I called the bank, North Country Bank & Trust. The spokesperson who processed Moore's free gun in the film doesn't work there any more, but I spoke to one of the gun program's customer-service reps. It turns out that it's impossible to duplicate Moore's experience.

Here's the procedure for the gun program, as it was explained to me:

1) You walk into the bank and ask for "the account where you get the free gun."

2) You're shown a catalogue of available products. They're famous for their guns, but you can also choose a set of golf clubs, a grandfather clock, or other expensive bric-a-brac. You pick out an item.

3) The gun isn't actually "free"; you're buying a Certificate of Deposit and the bank is paying you all of the interest from the account in advance, in the form of fabulous prizes. The bank employee knows what each item costs and calculates how much money you'll have to desposit and how long you'll have to keep it in there to pay off the gun. For instance, I was told that to get the Mark 5 Stainless Weatherby, I'd have to deposit $5697 and keep it there for three years.

4) You fill out paperwork. Two sets, actually. One is the usual paperwork for opening a CD, the second is information for the required firearms background check.

5) You go home and wait. The bank processes your paperwork, both to make sure that no other bank has ever lost money doing business with you, and to make sure that they can legally sell you a firearm. I asked the rep how long the bank took to approve a customer and get him his gun, but she was uncomfortable with giving me an actual number.

"Well, are we talking hours? Days?" I asked.

"Oh, days, definitely." Later in the conversation, she described it as "Like, two weeks' worth of days."