Buzz! The TV Quiz for PS3 and PSP

£40 does include controllers. Well my version (still hasn't arrived!) had them included.

I'm a bit wary of the question packs. Good that they're supporting (obviously) but I think the price is a little too high. And that's the first time I've ever said that about any DLC.

Basically I can see myself impulse buying a lot of them. Darn.
PSN EU(NOR) store says its over 500 questions in each of the SCI-FI and Rock Legends game packs
Finally got this game today, but without the buzzers - fortunately I can still use my old PS2 wired ones. The game was pretty much sold out! Except for a tiny Buzz/SingStar leaflet, there wasn't a trace of the game, but fortunately they still had one or two copies in the back. If I'd wanted to wait for a wireless controller bundle I'd have to wait at least a week, at least in this store. There's a fair chance that I could find one in another store, but I wanted it now, and my wife already beforehand said that she preferred to keep the old buzzers so I settled for it for now. I can still get a set of buzzers later and then have enough for eight player games. ;)

More impressions as soon as I've had a chance to try it. Will definitely be making more quizzes.
Mine nearly arrived this morning. But I slept through the postman's arrival. Damn. I pre-ordered from Amazon and even with 4 wireless controllers it cost me next to nothing. Well, less than a regular priced game.

I'm most interested in checking out the online component.
Short first impression: it's good! :)

And online players are tough beasties. I got one win, only when I played in Dutch, and even then I only won one out of three I think.

Custom question sets and playlists work, but it's a shame a little bit that you always get all questions that you put into your set. So that takes the randomness out of it a little, and makes them not that useful for repeating, unless they are educational (which is what I'm thinking about making use of, like creating pop-quizzes to train certain kind of knowledge)

The second online round isn't broken - you can select and deselect right till the last second, which means you can delay your choice and fool others by first selecting the wrong choices. It's also darn hard, hardest round, with multiple selections being valid.

There is definitely room for growth (from what I've seen I think more online modes, custom mode sets online, random question selection from user created questions, more interactivity), and I haven't checked out the offline part of it all that much yet, but it's all very good, smooth and easy, and so far, I'm very pleased.

I'm also impressed at how much Dutch content has been created already and there are plenty of players even in Dutch only online games. This excellent language support means I can definitely recommend it to my colleagues including those with kids.

From the looks of things they made everything very suitable to expansions, so I think this game will have a long future!
It's another bizarre sequel that's missing much from it's former versions. Play consists of a single format, with no options for length, game types, etc. The only choices are which selection of questions.

The game comes into its own playing against other teams online. It turns the competition in the living room to cooperation (of a sort, everyone having their own idea how best to play and which choices to make ;)) and makes for a much better atmosphere. The servers appeared to be getting thrashed, and we had a lot of trouble getting on at first, although later into the night we were able to stay on. Sadly there was a lot of question repetition.

The game is only a step up in adding online, which is surprising. The actual game mechanics are dirt simple, as evidenced by the flash quizzes at So why offer something so sparse, especially when you've already managed a more interesting quiz engine in previous iterations? The cynic in me says they deliberately released a reduced functionality game so they could sell a sequel.

Plus it turns out these wonderful user-created quizzes are limited to 8 questions each! There's also reasonable chance of cheatage in the rankings, as a laptop connected to the MyBuzzQuiz site could have all the answers discovered.
I want all the sillyness in the online sofa vs sofa mode also, ie cake throwing, pass the bomb , point stealing etc.
Also it shouldnt be limited to 1 controller per sofa, since they support 8 controllers on a PS3 in offline multiplayer, it should be possible with max 8 controller per PS3 in online mode to. With no limitations on wether there is 1 controller on PS3#1 and 3 on the next etc as long as the totalt ends up with 8.

For single player online, its fine enough, since its all about speed and racking up the highest scores. But are you sure MyBuzz questions can be used to get on the leaderboards?
Not sure. Trying to recall the, you're right. The Sofa vs. Sofa matches were game quizzes, not online quizzes. Which perhaps makes it all the more shocking there was so much repetition!
I have not noticed much repetition when choosing all questions. Only time I actually noticed that it was a bit excess was when I switched from english to norwegian as the system language on the PS3. Then the question I had already seen in english was quite often repeated in norwegian.
This was on network play. I don't remember any repetition in the multiplayer version. Online though, we had several sets of questions repeated, and one question was based on a prior question so you knew the answer.
I bought the Sci-Fi pack and the Rock Legend pack, but since I access the Norwegian EU store, I only can play them when my language settings are set to norwegian.

When the language is set to english they are not available, would have been nice if I could play it in all languages. Especially since I play online with some meatspace friends in norwegian and english with my cyberspace friends.

But can people with the same expansion packs/dlc use them while playing sofa vs sofa when they use the same store & language ier are they added to the general pack of questions it uses.
Played some offline with 6 players the other night. The set of questions was new to me, which was nice since the sofa vs sofa is getting very repeating now.

Also the 5-8 player game is different from the 2-4 game, since it is also missing point stealer, cake throwing etc.
But it got 3 quick rounds and the final countdown at the end, its more like the online thing except for the addition of the final countdown.
My copy has arrived - but haven't had the chance to try it out yet.

Thanks for the impressions JPT, I'll post mine when I've had a go.
Early glimpse at Buzz! space for Playstation Home: Pages/AD_BuzzHome.htm

Relentless Software's creative director, David Amor is a friend of mine and he was looking for someone to help develop the idea of Buzz! the quiz game for PS3 Home under request from SCEE. You can learn more about Buzz! here

He was looking for someone who could take ownership of this project and not only create the final 3D space running on PS3 but also help to conceptualise and design the space and to liaise with SCEE on technical aspacts of the new home developer SDK...

Signs of tight game integration:

The idea being to create an online game of Buzz where players Avatars could meet and play Buzz collectively in rounds. Any players remaining at the end of each round would be winners and would either go onto another round of questions. The highest scorer in each territory would get a place on the leader board.
Apparently patch for Trophies is up now ... not really very interesting trophies mostly, but trophies nonetheless ...

As for Buzz Home, Pat's link doesn't seem to work for me, but this neogaf post has the pictures up as well. Looks like there is some serious potential here!

So then Home users will be able to be audience members while online Buzz gamers are contestants?

That's actually a pretty cool concept, I could see it spawning to other games where audience members have an active role such as voting or for special events like tournaments, sporting event or concert simulcasts. With limited space, these kind of things could be a hot ticket given as part of a promotion or as a collectable in scavenger hunt
The Home game launching turns out to be more flexible than I thought. They opened up the possibility for all sorts of online play by using XML to parameterize the launch.

If they want to handle ad hoc joining (like in Warhawk), they can let the users go to the game's Home space and list all the active game sessions to hop on too.
The game just received an update, I think to version 1.10, weighing in at 345MB.

New features:

- 4 new characters (Vampire Woman, a Mexican Wrestler, a Napolean look-a-like and a Cave Woman)
- new costumes
- a quick restart option
- customise your own Channels (e.g. take Sports, but remove any Extreme Sports questions)
- PlayStation Eye support for taking photos at the moment the game is lost or won, which are then added to your photo gallery
- random character select option

A cooworker notified me of this, so it's up already.