there is a solid vision (with Kinect and 3 OS's) of having your Xbox connected and turned on at ALL times and controlled by kinect via voice and vision, determining and reacting to whomever it is that is sitting in front of it.
if you used one in your home, experiencing this, you would realize that nobody is defending it from an "emotional"
perspective but from the point of view of a tech lover who sees the vision and how it coalesces into a unique and desirable experience compared to any previous living room solution.
that vision of being connected to all of your living room entertainment would fall apart if they thought of disconnecting it from the system and would make it simply another game console like ps4. it is not. it is positioned as a unique device that does that and more. As an experience.
they have only just begun and anyone who owned a 360 throughout its life will confirm, MS will do nothing but improve on the experience as time passes.
if you do not buy into that, that's fine. But I have the feeling anything anyone poses to you regarding it will never convince you to agree. it seems you have made up your mind to be contrarian to kimect. that's fine. good luck on your journey trying to sell that.