Burnout2 is the most beautiful racer on GC

I define it as code that takes advantage of specific hardware.

It's like taking a Tony Hawk game, they could be getting a much prettier game out of it, but the engine that's being used something something something.

Why you asking me?

I'm just a poor, fuzzy, genetically altered, monkey.
I define it as code that takes advantage of specific hardware.

How can you apply that statement of yours to BO2 (GC)....what else they could have done???

It is not as if they copy and pasted PS2 code to GC port (I am reading COM/DCOM now for exams tomorrow :LOL: )....!
Deepak said:
How do you define Optimized Coding then,,,,,,,

optimised code is code that works on a given architecture's strengths to make the game look GOOD... as opposed to general code that tend to make the game look GOOD ENOUGH...

see it as ZOE2 for PS2 (very much tweaked around PS2's strengths)compared to Spiderman or any multiplatform game really....
Shesh. Can u guys at least make fun of me in a thread i'm actually involved in. Besides. THe monkeys were a band that didn't play thier own music. I remember them only cause nick would show thier show after school back in like 88 and i'd watch that then transformers and i allways loved when they would go , hey hey we're the monkeys and people say we're clowning around ... or something like that .
"And it was said: You are the moderator, you will be involved in all threads you moderate.

It was decreed and verily it doth dideth happen for the Mod is all knoweth" :LOL:
Tahir said:
"And it was said: You are the moderator, you will be involved in all threads you moderate.

It was decreed and verily it doth dideth happen for the Mod is all knoweth" :LOL:

I went on a date last night . I like dating girls smarter than i am. She was not. IT was along night and i know more about eye shadow than i ever needed to or wanted to know . So after the date i got really drunk and missed like a ton of posts .
Tahir said:
yea.. but did you get any? ;)

Na i only like to sleep with a girl if we are in a serious releationship. Otherwise its just to dangrous .... and i was really drunk and high two halloweens ago so that 3some doesn't count
So you never got any?

Bwahahaha and you had to talk to a gal and pretend you were interested in eye shadow makeup.... bwahahaha :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

"Verily the moderator can banneth the laughing fool. Do not haste in making fun of the Moderator he can kick serious ass"

... sorry been reading too much of this linkage http://www.pointlesswasteoftime.com/film/matrix50.html
Spoiler warning above!!

It has seriously fudged me up man. :!:
Tahir said:
So you never got any?

Bwahahaha and you had to talk to a gal and pretend you were interested in eye shadow makeup.... bwahahaha :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

"Verily the moderator can banneth the laughing fool. Do not haste in making fun of the Moderator he can kick serious ass"

... sorry been reading too much of this linkage http://www.pointlesswasteoftime.com/film/matrix50.html
Spoiler warning above!!

It has seriously fudged me up man. :!:

Hey i said i didn't get any .... As i under stand it from clinton oral is not considered sex :devilish:
I define it as code that takes advantage of specific hardware.
By that definition pretty much every port is sloppy coding :p
Hell, majority of early games on any system are also it by applying the same standard. 8)
I wish:

A - Thundermonkey, et.al could stop bitching about/ragging on PS2. Just don't buy the fucking box alright? Shut up already, this is god-damn Beyond3D, not the IGN boards alright? Your drama queen acts about how PS2 should not be able to equal GC graphically bore me to death!

B - JvD could stop posting the more intimate parts of his dysfunctional love life. It kinda disgusts me. :LOL: Besides, shouldn't at least the fricken moderator try to stay at least somewhat on-topic? I'm serious here! It doesn't belong in the console forum.

Your right but the topics i post off topic in are already way off topic to begin with.

Mod voice on Please refrain from cursing so much in your posts these aren't ign boards and we should have a big enough vocab that we don't need to use curse words Mod voice off

Have a nice day
hey hey we're the monkeys and people say we're clowning around ... or something like that .

It was:

Hey hey we're the monkeys, and people say we monkey around. But we're to busy singing to put anybody down :)

Oh and before anyone asks, no I didn't like the Monkeys, I just know a lot of useless things.
Teasy said:
hey hey we're the monkeys and people say we're clowning around ... or something like that .

It was:

Hey hey we're the monkey, and people say we monkey around. But we're to busy singing to put anybody down :)

Oh and before anyone asks, no I didn't like the Monkeys, I just know a lot of useless things.

awsome , i was only 8 years old the last time i heard the song so u have to forgive me . I updated my sig though .