Brink: Splash Damage latest FPS (Thread features DeanoC as master of secrets)

eh game looks pretty good, id like to see the multiplayer mode though.

i like the movement though, seems like everyone saw it and said, hey mirrors edge, with guns.

thats all it needs really, throw people in a big arena launching themselves around and shooting at each other and fun will ensue.

nice graphics too.
Finally saw the vids :D

The character designs remind me so much of Timesplitters it's unreal.

Awesome graphics... I can certainly see why people have been mentioning KZ2 for comparisons.
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Bloody awesome looking game there DeanoC, congrats on the engine. I didn't know anything about the game till I saw the vids and what a surprise that was. It's good that it's giving Killzone 2 some competition graphically, we could need more games of that caliber. Shame it's delayed though.
The graphics look surprisingly good considering its using a modified version of ID's Tech 4 engine.I also like the S.M.A.R.T controls aspect of it as well.Overall, the game looks quite promising and I hope it turns out well...Looks like im adding another game to purchase on my already big list of games to get in 2010..
It looks amazingly good!!

The art direction is very unique. It is like it is made out of real plaster and everything is painted with real paint! Very solid look.

The only downside is the framerate. It is not as smooth as other games, but it seems responsive and very fast despite that.

This is the closest think to Killzone 2 I have seen by another developer so far. And this comparison should probably not even be made because it would be unfair for Brink's very unique visuals. Its on a different leaque
watching those videos again, is it just me or are those textures rather low res? Knowing the fact it's coming from the PC version, I'm fearing the console version would get punished rather hard.
If people do NOT want to think before they shoot there's plenty of games out there with bright skins, indicators over the enemies' heads and perhaps even friendly fire set to off.
If I wanted to think before I shoot I would have joined the army. That's not why I play computer game shooters, though.

The point of computer game shooters is to kill the enemy. If the enemy looks like the good guys on my side, then that is a distraction. A serious one, and that's bad.

Distractions take away from the fun-ness of a game. It's like games putting shadows everywhere so you can't fucking see anything. What's the point of having normal-mapping and pixel shaders out the wazoo if it's so bloody dark you can't see the damn normal maps? That is also a distraction - although one this game does not really seem to suffer too bad from. Levels seem rather well-lit actually from what I've seen so far, which isn't all that much I admit.

We don't need another one. :devilish:
Hey, speak for yourself man! :D

I've put brink on my watchlist since I first became aware of it a couple months ago, it's looking really REALLY good, with a cool and unique visual style to it. I'm a bit wary that it's splash damage that's making it, I've still not forgiven them for releasing and then basically abandoning Quake Wars... :p
If I wanted to think before I shoot I would have joined the army. That's not why I play computer game shooters, though.


Hey, speak for yourself man! :D

Heh. That's my point. We already have countless games that point, brighten, auto-aim enemies for you. We don't need another one.

Your argument that the game wouldn't be fun is entirely subjective though. YOU may not enjoy shadows and having to think before you shoot but other people do. Some people play Rainbow Six afterall. :rolleyes:

What target recognition gives the game, however, is less spam... that is if you have friendly fire on. Unless you're also proposing Brink removes friendly fire ALA TF2? Then grenades come out, then you have a single class, then you have a single level, then a single room, then you have the ridiculous example I gave above.

I didn't want to mention "dumbing it down" but I guess that's what it is. BTW, that's not a slight on you or anyone that prefers Quake 3-style games. I've played those since the original DOOM and now I want something different. Just like regular DM or musical chair flag-capping is no longer enough for me, I want team-based games with objectives. Does it involve more thinking? Yes, does it automatically make it less fun? No.

I've put brink on my watchlist since I first became aware of it a couple months ago, it's looking really REALLY good, with a cool and unique visual style to it. I'm a bit wary that it's splash damage that's making it, I've still not forgiven them for releasing and then basically abandoning Quake Wars... :p

To be fair, SD didn't abandon QW, they've even gone as far as releasing patch 1.5 out of their own pocket because Activision only budgeted the game up to patch 1.4. They're still replying in the official forums, etc.

BF2 is being supported with patches for longer but then BF2 probably sold a lot more copies too. :shrug: And while I appreciate what DICE is doing, let's not be that naïve and forget they have two major BF games coming up and extending support is a way to not lose connection to gamers that may be playing Modern Warfare 2 right about now. It's great they've given us booster packs for free, but it's not like it was an altruistic decision. ;)
watching those videos again, is it just me or are those textures rather low res? Knowing the fact it's coming from the PC version, I'm fearing the console version would get punished rather hard.

Lower compared to say MW2, but with the toon styles it worked pretty good for 720 at least.

What I'm more concerned about is the human characters- likability isn't high. I'm not asking for realism as the characters I liked the most in games aren't (TF2/SM) but the accentuation of the human proportions are rather... disturbing still :p

The fact that it's iD 4 modded floored me. Damn, that's impressive- and the gameplay videos show a massive step up from the majority of PC games still stuck at Source-era verisimilitude.
Heh. That's my point. We already have countless games that point, brighten, auto-aim enemies for you. We don't need another one.
Your argument that the game wouldn't be fun is entirely subjective though. YOU may not enjoy shadows and having to think before you shoot but other people do. Some people play Rainbow Six afterall. :rolleyes:
Rainbow 6 does have the huge green markers over your allies heads plus the combat is pretty much always under 100 yards so spotting people is never an issue except for dark areas/smoke/flashbang which are purposely designed to limit visibility. If you're talking about a game where there's essentially an open world, having map markers or some such thing does definitely reduce how often you get killed by players you never saw.
This isn't personal Joshua, just using your post as a launchpad but... check your target before you pull the trigger? As a team-based game, play with people that know NOT to flank right into the cross-fire?

SD have mentioned Brink will not have the awful red-triangle indicators like ETQW did, but I'm starting to think they'll cave in and put them back if people just complain they can't instantly recognise an enemy in a blurry video of a game they've never played.

If people do NOT want to think before they shoot there's plenty of games out there with bright skins, indicators over the enemies' heads and perhaps even friendly fire set to off. We don't need another one. :devilish:

I am not saying they need to be neon green and neon red :p Games like 1942 had uniforms of similar color but design choices made it fairly easy to tell them apart. Games with a lot of post prcessing in dark settings can be hard to see stuff so some artistic considerations can help. I am not playing the game, so as an observer sometimes you are not always as engaged, but it seems guys looked similar?
Rainbow 6 does have the huge green markers over your allies heads plus the combat is pretty much always under 100 yards so spotting people is never an issue except for dark areas/smoke/flashbang which are purposely designed to limit visibility. If you're talking about a game where there's essentially an open world, having map markers or some such thing does definitely reduce how often you get killed by players you never saw.

Ugh do they do that now? Glad I never picked up the newer ones. Original Rainbow 6 and Ghost Recon (Not the crap that is GRAW), was some of the best LAN gaming ever. 1 shot usually killed you if you were lightly armored. Max 3 shots to kill someone if they were in heavy armor and you were using a weapon with crap for stopping power.

No healing. If you were wounded and limping instead of killed, you'd remain that way til you died. No blatant signs that this was an enemy without targetting and looking closely at them. No shooting from the hip with anything but a shotgun or pistol and expecting to hit anything, although spray and pray with SMG at close range could net you kill, and then leave you vulnerable to their teammates.

Man, I still love the original Rainbow 6 with the weapons addon. Sad to hear they seemed to have dumbed down the most recent version. :(

Yeah the original R6 was really cool and different when it came out. I would say more, but time for sleeping :)
Everything in the R6: Vegas series is the same as the old games except that there's regenerating health and all your clothes/facial features are customizable, even camo patterns. So it's understandable that they put those HUD markers as there's nothing to distinguish friends and enemies (ie: red vs. blue or SWAT vs. terrorist) so it would be impossible to play otherwise unless you got close enough to turn the crosshairs red or green which just wouldn't make sense in a game where you die in a couple shots.
regenerating health.

Big :cry:. Regenerating health (as well as regenerating armor/shields) was the worst thing ever to come to FPS games, IMO. Lost so much interest in the whole genre when that started to become the norm rather than the exception... It's also making me lose interest in RPGs now that it seems to be commonplace there also.

Forced to hunt for medikits is usually boring. Getting stuck in a tough situation if you run out of health resupply is kind bad in a console game where you don't have saved games to go back to. All in all it was more likely a source of frustration instead of a tactical/strategic element of the gameplay. Not to mention more extended playtesting and level building.
Regenerating health also means that the designers can kill the player more easily if they want to discourage certain tactics or approaches, when combined with a proper checkpoint system.

Then again the mixed approach of Halo 1 and ODST is kinda OK - regenerating shield and non-regenerating health resupplied through medkits. But ODST's gameworld is totally full of medkits as a result...

Edit: of course all this is a more important factor in multiplayer, if that's what you've meant... that's a completely different issue.