Brink: Splash Damage latest FPS (Thread features DeanoC as master of secrets)

It's nice to see Yahtzee review an online shooter for once. Though much of his criticisms can applied to more online shooters than just Brink. Like having to unlock stuff that's critical to the gameplay.
A few things i don't agree with his review.
The only idea the game borrows from team fortress 2 imo is the deployable turret and character&weapons customizations, thats it, can't think of anything else.
His remark about the 1st person viewpoint for jumping/interacting wilth vertical manouvering is not a fair point. He should try playing the light body type instead of medium/heavy, its quite a monkey when it comes to manouvering, now if he tried to climb using heavies or jump long edges with medium its no surprise it will ram head on to the wall/floor.

So, with that said, do not mistake me as a 'fanboy' for this game.

Everything else basicly is from the old Wolfenstein: Enemy territory with mirrors edge style. Merge the fieldops role with soldier and thats it. The game is shallow/standard stuff in all aspects, and so much so with regard to the weapons. There's excessive useless redundant handguns and submachine guns. My guess, they probably where thinking to make most of them locked to give the achievement feeling, that fails miserably (But unfortunatly its not just this game, its most of them! I hate this locked/XP/LvL up trend, everything nowadays needs unlockables, just to give the shallow useless pet talk of how the player has awsome skillz!1 for shooting or driving or whatever...even the most basic things that should be a given) anyway...

So, after a quick look at details you'll pick the best one to the class the character is and stick with it for the majority of the time. Sniper rifles(among a few other things) are another useless victims of consolitis syndrome. Headshots will only kill the light character build(i think it survives if his team has all the buffs), every other will always survive. but that's not the worst. The worst is the game level designs are so claustrophobic it makes the sniper rifle a very specific weapon for use only in 1 or 2 maps at some areas in some modes that you may try to use to avoid repetition and try something more challenging. Otherwise, better off with a (modded)high accuracy/stability machine/heavy machine gun and aim for the head, there's not need for a scope(or a strong one), you'll fire quicker and given the small levels, their range/accuracy is enough and the damage is easily offset by well placed controlled burst(s).

*(Oops, forgot this is the thread for the console version, while i only played the PC so far)*
As for visuals, i hope ID software's Rage can give better textures. Brink doesn't go much over 512MB of texture memory, and there's allot of texture/color banding in darker textures, while details were carefully selected and well placed overall, its easilly noticiable sacrifices were made.

I'd say a few more things, but its not worth the time. Oh well one more, 8(even 16) player matches? *yAWn*...too predictible&repetitive. Battle/combat mechanics need more dynamic/unpredictability approaches, but this remark doesn't apply just to Brink, but almost if not everything in gaming.

Oh almost forgot to mention how cool it is to have to repeat the training levels to re-unlock every weapon and modifications again for a different character...makes no sense whatsoever in a shooting game where's only linearity to story/plot. You can avoid re-training but having to wait for the XP to stack up to the levels required to unlock them is tediously looooonng for basic stuff.
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He does point out a very important thing I kept warning about in their previous game (ETQW) namely the overcomplicated, busy GUI. A new player, even FPS experienced gamer will look at all the flashing bits, moving arrows, different colours and cry with anguish.

He does not have a point implying it's a ripoff of TF2. Splash Damage has done this class-based objective driven gameplay in ETQW, Wolf:ET and their TF mod for Quake 3. But it's understandable given his prejudice with mp games so he probably doesn't know the history.

From all the reviews of Brink I've seen it seems SD has once again not been able to stop the gameplay devolving into aimless lemming to choke points. Wolf:ET had a bit of that, ETQW had quite a bit of that. From everything I read Brink is worse still. That more than anything seems to be what grates people.

doob: they also had deployable turrets in ETQW, i.e. before TF2 shipped (and in their Q3 TF mod IIRC).
Oh, good to know, there's a reason i didn't recall that about the ET:QW, mainly because at the time my PC couldn't run it, so i never played that one and never tried the Q3 TF mod :LOL: