Brink: Splash Damage latest FPS (Thread features DeanoC as master of secrets)

Didn't even know it had been delayed till Spring 11 as well. Sigh. Getting very tiresome.

What's up with this damn 2011? Every game on the planet is released in 2011, seems to be a very smart move from all the publisher, I prepare for lamenting publisher when their games don't sell as expected!

with respect to Brink and GT dev diary:

Love Brink, and looking forward to buy it.
The amount of detail on screen somehow gives me an Uncharted2 Nepal vibe, whereas the overall dirty and somehow gritty look (despite the comic characters) give me a Killzone 2 vibe - seems to be an insta buy for me, if the gameplay is really so cool as shown in the vids!

I like playing Uncharted 2 online, because of the mobility of your character (jumping, climbing, ...) and it seems to me that Brink allows me to do this in FPS view, which is a major plus in my book!

I wonder if they implement some verticality in the gameplay, besides passing obstacles?!
Quake con 2010 schedule

Special BRINK Presentation - Main Stage
WhenSat, August 14, 11am – 12pm
WhereChantilly Ballroom (map)
DescriptionPaul Wedgwood, CEO of Splash Damage and Game Director of Brink will be on hand to share a presentation of the game with QuakeCon attendees.
more details» copy to my calendar

When our Security team struggles to breach the metal door on Container City we switch to the Medic class to offer support. We're tossing health packs to downed team-mates partly because it seems logical, but partly because the mission wheel - the slick one-button menu that shows you available objectives as you play - shows that it confers a lot of experience points.

It's good to see more games rewarding teamwork, and making it easier new players to see what needs to be done. Hopefully they'll also have systems in place to keep players abusing it. We wouldn't want everyone to switch to medic at the same point.

I don't like the art style though, I think the game looks really bad because of it. But I guess that's just a matter of taste.
okay when exactly is this game coming out ?
Its up on steam at the moment & some sites say 7th sept 2010 while wiki says spring 2011.
Kotaku seems to like Brink:

A year ago, this is what Paul Wedgwood, head of Brink development studio Splash Damage told me: "The buzz you get from coordinated team play is beyond and above just about every other experience that you can have as a video gamer."

Brink could do that, he told me. Brink could make me feel the glory of team-based greatness. I guess it would be like becoming a member of the A-Team after feeling for so many years playing online shooters like the bad guys the A-Team shot.

Brink is supposed to enable anyone, even bad gamers, to get that experience that normally only an elite Team Fortress 2 player might have, an experience of slick coordination in which everyone knows their role and slickly performs it. That bad player might as well have been me. And a year after Wedgwood told me Brink could deliver that opportunity, I tried the game — and — he was right.

Brink, ingeniously, works.

Brink really was not on my radar, but if the team experience is good as its hinted about here, then its more into my style :)
Beta under nda or are you free to talk?
Under strict NDA ;
Hi there

This is a private beta under strict NDA and will not be made available to the public or press. The private beta is for technical testing purposes only and not for gameplay evaluation. Should anything change, we will let you know.
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This is one of my most anticipated games of '11, wish I had a chance to participate in the Beta.
This game seems like one of those that was great looking at one time, but development dragged on so long it lost graphical luster compared to everybody else.

I mean at one time I thought it looked amazing but now it will be against Crysis 2, Bulletstorm, KZ3 etc.

Still looks sharp though. We'll see.