mckmas8808 said:
Oh. Why not? I mean maybe the hype has taken me over but to me it seems like a HD developed media running on HD hardware, then being displayed on a HDTV set should look better than a non-HD made media running on non-HD hardware and then being displayed on a non-HDTV set.
720p is 3x the resolution, so you need 3x the horsepower to shade, light, and texture a scene in 720p then you do SDTV. Graphics cards have a finite amount of horsepower. If a graphics card's total performance is measured in booglefloogs, then a 1,000,000 booglefloog GPU (RSX. Xenos is rated at 1.3 megabooglefloogs, though there's suggestion they rigged their drivers for the benchmark software
) can apply 1 booglefloog of power per pixel at 720p. But on SDTV that same 1 megabooglefloog power would drive 3 booglefloogs per pixel. That's three times as much quality.
As Acert points out, look at older software vs new on PC. Old games written to run on 800x600 on lesser hardware can now be run at 1600x1200 on modern hardware. But they still look pants next to a modern game that's applying more shader power per pixel.
Some factors aren't really affected by resolution such as poly counts for models. The GPU can transform
n million vertices regardless of resolution. But shading is dependant on resolution. The end result is a balancing act, on complexity of shaders and fillrate limited effects vs. resolution. Going back to our testcase 1 megaboogleflop GPU, if we drop the resolution to 320x256, we'll get 12 boogleflops per pixel of shading power, but the end result will be such low resolution that even if the lighting and shading were photoaccurate, it'd look either blocky or blurred and be no good. So which would you choose...
1) Photoaccurate, super low resolution graphics at 320x256 and undistinguishable from a photo
2) Good shaders and lighting, with realism and antialising at 640x512
3) Simplistic shading and lighting, no AA at 1280x720?
That's the sort of choice render resolutions presents, and the difference is between size of pixels and rendering quality of pixels. Thankfully next-gen consoles have enough renderpower to drive quality visuals even at HDTV resolutions and provide supersampling for lower resolutions. But it's still a truth that if SDTV were targettable on XB360/PS3, more graphics power could be applied per pixel for nearer realism.