Both my laptops are down!

Ouch! I wouldn't even know where to shop for gpus for laptops, but you could probably buy an entire used laptop for quite a bit less.
That second one is mine, with the replaceable GPU. I know, I was in there and saw it. :)

I'm almost tempted to tear it down again and try pulling/reseating the heatsink on the GPU. I doubt it'll do any good, but it's about all I can try before buying a new video card for it.
Lots of places, plus there is always Ebay.

I haven't seriously started hunting yet, I tried a bit and it depressed me. I gotta figure out first which GPU I want and then I'll get all focused. (Or at least narrow it down to 2 or 3 to hunt!)

I'm still trying to figure out what the best card I can get is and what limitations/advantages the different ones will bring, then I'll start hunting seriously and hopefully be able to get one I like for under $200.

EDITED BITS: I think this is the one I want, I just gotta find a better deal. It involves a very slight bit of case modding, but seems like it's worth it.
also look at this quote about the 7950
"It enables the user to play all current (10/2006) games fluently in the highest resolutions and options. As a consequence, the heat is correspondingly high. Therefore it can be used only in DTR laptops (17")."
E1705, it is a 17" laptop. I'll have to snap a couple of pieces of metal off the case near the CPU vent to fit in the second heat pipe and mebbe buy myself a new brick. (I think I have the 90w AC charger and they recommend the 150w if you get a 7950)

Hell, I'm still trying to figure out what the ATi equivalent mobility GPUs are besides the X1400 & X1600...I'm not sure there are any others. :(

I'm not buying anything yet, still in the extreme looking stage. Thankfully the 8200 is running fine so my wife stole that from me until I can get hers working again, so we're really not under any ginormous time pressure.

Well, at least until I run out of patience waiting/worrying/thinking about it. I figure about 3-4 days. ;)
Now I'm using this thread to make notes so I don't forget as well as get opinions. :LOL:

Just found out I could upgrade my C2D T5200 for a C2D T7200-T7600. The T7600s are pricey for that 2.2Ghz, but the T7200 seems reasonable for 2Ghz.

The T7400 seems to vary, might try and hunt down one of them.

Think I might as well drop an extry $80 and upgrade my wife's CPU too? The difference 'tween 1.6Ghz & 2Ghz can be pretty extreme with a decent GPU, and the double cache can't hurt.

Sure I can kiss its battery life bye-bye, but I also would get to rename her "Nova" or something. ;)
Why aren't you just buying one with a broken screen and swapping parts? Or something similar. (Note I did not read whole thread). I had a laptop crap out, either the motherboard of PS in the computer never really sure what it was, but int he process of messing about I broke a piece off the mother board :oops: so it was time anyway. I got a better CPU, bluetooth module, and other goodies out of the deal so it wasn't bad. Then I used the spare parts from the broken laptop to build my car PC.
Because I haven't found one yet? :p Seriously, I am's just hard to find a busted one that has what I'm looking for on it. (Hell, it's hard to find a busted one period!)
Probably a stupid question, but you did clear all the dust, including the thick layers that look like filters when you had it open, did you?