Thanks for any tips or tidbits you give, I'm still working on figuring it out because it's a skill I've never learned but wanted to and it seems so useful. Besides, always up for a bit of a challenge.
Got 7.1 uninstalled, had to reboot so I'm timing it.
29:13 to desktop from reboot. My PC is about 0:47.
Can't decide if I want to try Macrium 8 or Partition Magic first, probably Macrium since I got it all downloaded
I'm not panicking anymore. My anti-anxiety pill kicked in. Well the first one did, I think I might have goofed and taken another forgetting I took the first since I was stressed. Should know in about 40 minutes. If my typing goes to crap I took two by mistake. (No biggy, I can handle up to 5 without risk but I never ever do that. I'd be out like a light bulb!)
Got 7.1 uninstalled, had to reboot so I'm timing it.
29:13 to desktop from reboot. My PC is about 0:47.
Can't decide if I want to try Macrium 8 or Partition Magic first, probably Macrium since I got it all downloaded
I'm not panicking anymore. My anti-anxiety pill kicked in. Well the first one did, I think I might have goofed and taken another forgetting I took the first since I was stressed. Should know in about 40 minutes. If my typing goes to crap I took two by mistake. (No biggy, I can handle up to 5 without risk but I never ever do that. I'd be out like a light bulb!)