Both my laptops are down!

Ok, I don't think anyone will believe this...but it's true and I just did it. I was pissed that all the options kind of suck for replacing it, and my wife was ragging on me a bit about me not having it fixed yet; so I sort of went a bit bonkers...

I was thinking about the whole baking your viddy card better thing and thought, "Well why wouldn't it work for a laptop GPU? And what exactly do you have to lose by trying?".

So I did, and it fucking worked. Bertha is back baby! :cool:

Got the GPU MXM package out, disassembled the heatsink and pulled the card. Baked the card in a preheated 400F oven with the components up on a cookie sheet on 4 little balls of tinfoil for 7 minutes. I was going to go for 10, but the plastic around the CPU was shriveling up a bit and I didn't want to melt it.

Put it all back together after it was cool, (about 15-20 minutes, nothing extreme), but before hand I scraped off the rockhard paste from the cooler and cleaned it up a bit and applied some Ceramique.

Then I booted, and it didn't work. Gave me a configuration error, please enter setup...but wouldn't enter setup.

Defeat. :(

Then my wife was getting ready to pop a CD from work into her PC, 'cept she suddenly realized her PC ain't got a CD drive. She'd just never noticed because she always used her laptops player, and gosh she'd like it fixed someday.

So I got a bit mad, and took the lappy apart again and reseated the viddy card a bit more properly and put it back together....and I'll be bloody damned if the thing didn't fucking boot fine! :oops:

She's been running for about 15-20 minutes now which is longer than she had before I got started fixing her. I'm not convinced it's a 100% fix, but it sure as hell is better than what we had before it was working! :D

I really am in a bit of shock, I didn't really think this would work!