Blu-Ray: hard drive on a disc?


The next generation in DVD technology will let consumers carry the equivalent of a hard drive on a disc, but what are they supposed to do with all that capacity? Interact, supporters say.

Manufacturers fancy a reciprocal relationship in which a consumer, before watching a Spider-Man movie in high-definition video on DVD, downloads and stores on the rewritable portion of that same disc a video game or trailer for the next Spider-Man sequel. The consumer would also be able to update those games and previews as new versions come out--and give studios the opportunity to make more direct pitches. That's the vision for Blu-ray Discs and broadband-connected recorders that Blu-ray backers described in a recent press tour.

Source: Zdnet

I don't think the drive in PS3 will have any write capabilities whatsoever myself.
xbdestroya said:
I don't think the drive in PS3 will have any write capabilities whatsoever myself.

I think that is a safe bet. For the cost of adding burning ability to the PS3 they could probably just add a 20gb HDD.

While this idea rather novel, I don't think it'll be implemented any time soon.
DudeMiester said:
I read somewhere that blue-ray could read at like 138MB/s, which is much faster then any HD afaik.
138 megabit per second more likely (17.8MB/s). Which isn't bad for an optical drive, mind you. :)

At 138 megabyte, the spindle would probably be spinning so fast the centrifugal force would shatter the polycarbonate disc. :)
Yep, and access time will likely not be in the same league, as Snyder implied.

I'm also not sure what you'd need to read at 138MB/s (excruciatingly high-res HD FMV?). Mb/s sounds more reasonable.