In polite addition to the others, the story here states some 'truth', but when you look at the evidence, you are getting the author's interpretation. And that's much of the internet, so when you look something up, you get the same 'fact' repeated such that it looks like it must be true - I mean, everyone says it is, so it must be, right? The proverbial 'echo chamber'. Search "Naughty Dog nVidia Last of us" and get lots of people repeating the idea without questioning the logic of the source material...thx for being annoying. Stop harping on the same thing.

That's why it's important to go to the source. Here, we have a generic job listing, someone's run wild with it, and a bunch of people are parroting it. When you look at the job listing it's obviously nothing specially hinting at a PC port. This is why when discussing XBSX's hardware raytracing solution, I asked for the source, because all I could find was a a bunch of articles making the claim and as such, I couldn't be sure they were correct or jumping to conclusions.