Bloodborne: [PS4] (From Software)

552 page guide...awsome :)

I am trying now some of this chalice dungeons. I like it a lot...might help me to bridge the time until the dlc is released :mrgreen:
Does the wooden shield become important?? I sold it immediately since I was told it's useless.
It's good against enemies with guns and an especially hard hunter encounter close to the end of the game but it's not important, no.
To quote one of the scans on the last page:

“Some people say that the wooden shield becomes more and more important the more time you play through the game”

What's that supposed to mean?
Maybe he is referring to what i said with difficult enemies using guns, he doesn't exactly say what he means so it's hard to know.
I just can't believe how much content they crammed into that guide. And i paid 20$ for it, when i first saw it up close i thought it was a steal.

The thing is: you have to open the internet and read up stuff. The game doesn't offer you an option on this. And to me, this is an easy way instead of giving the player a good challenging cohesive story in a single playthrough.
No, you don't need to open the internet and read up stuff.

Be aware that the people doing the story summaries and lore theories played through the game multiple times, turning every stone to find the pieces. Even then, a lot of the story is unknown and people are debating on forums about their interpretations!!

I give you that: it is in some sense a success and I read somewhere that it was exactly the intention of the dev that he didn't want to give to much information, such that people can fill the gaps with their own ideas and thoughts.
Some of the people who paid attention to the story/lore decided to summarize it and share it with those who don't want to make the effort.

As I said, I don't like this way as for me personally this is like cheating the way out of a difficult task. But I also understand that this is a big part of the BB fascination.
How is direct storytelling more difficult than what From does?
I must admit for most of my time through BB I had no idea why I was doing what I was doing or even where I was going, having played DS1 & 2 before hand I was fairly used to this though and didn't stop me enjoying the game. Am quite amazed at how much people have managed to craft a 'complete' story on such bare bones though, guess I'm just used to things being a little more explicit.
After playing it worth checking out DS2? I read it isn't so good compared to the DS games?

Or should I wait for dlc and DS3?
Level design is much different than BB and Dark Souls 1. It's better to play the first one if you want to play Dark Souls imo.
After playing it worth checking out DS2? I read it isn't so good compared to the DS games?

Or should I wait for dlc and DS3?

I never played Dark Souls before playing, completing and loving Bloodborne. I also understand that some people prefer DS. I downloaded the second game played it for a while, got stuck (it's even harder than BB), and then stopped playing it alltogether.
It's easier to me, but i already know how Dark Souls games play. They are a bit different, you have to block or parry with the shield then attack, it's not as fast as BB.
After playing it worth checking out DS2? I read it isn't so good compared to the DS games?

Or should I wait for dlc and DS3?

DS2 is definitely a much more uneven game. It is a much, much grander and deeper game, though. I think people are really overselling the depth of BB's trick weapons, too. At best you get 2 weapons in 1 here. Some of them are pretty damn similar too, like the Saw Spear and the Saw Cleaver. Others are only really useful in one of their 2 states. DS2 doesn't have trick weapons, but who cares when it has hundreds of weapons with their own unique properties for you to pick and choose from? And let's not forget DS2 also lets you two-hand and powerstance just about anything. DS2 also has plenty choices for magic users and a sizeable arsenal of ranged weapons. As for level design: Vanilla DS2 can be really underwhelming in that area, with appropriately dull boss encounters no less. The 3 dlc areas alone are almost worth the price of admission, though. Each one of them gets you about 10 extra hours worth of gameplay.
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