Bloodborne: [PS4] (From Software)

By the way can anyone tell if the game is using HDR? Sometimes I feel like the light sources aren't as bright as those that have HDR lighting.
I couldn't tell you. My brain has reserved a little space for Bloodborne where all I can think of is: it looks great; I love it; I need to get home and finish it.

I don't think it does tone mapping, where you go from a dark room to a bright room (and vice versa) and the light adjusts as in real cameras.

BTW those spiders towards the end of the game. I HATE spiders. And the eyes??? I was actually shivering and swearing at the TV when those appeared. Terrifying. I hate spiders. And eyes.
I think the intensity of the lights seems fairly appropriate. Bloodborne is all torches, pyres and incense burners. It shouldn't be particularly bright.
I keep reading the OST is going on sale April 21, yet I saw it on the PSN last night. I didn't buy it, so maybe it would not go through. Just an FYI. It was listed at $11.99.
Got the Holy Blade. Bought it , tried it out. My cane is upgraded +4 so the Blade can't match it yet in terms of damage, but the cane-whip form is so useful when swarmed and also has amazing reach that its hard to like anything else. But I am unable to stop myself from buying new stuff, so ........end up wasting a Lot of souls. The Holy Blade does LOOK supercool though. A friend says it does fire damage, but I couldn't see it in my game. Is it so? Does it really become the go-to weapon later? And is it strength based? Does it scale with skill? cos I have most of points in skill.

Also, I have my eyes on the Tomb Protector garb and cap now. Can't resist new clothes, especially when I don't like the look of the Father Gascoigne costume I am wearing. Is the Tomb Protector worth it?
Got the Holy Blade. Bought it , tried it out. My cane is upgraded +4 so the Blade can't match it yet in terms of damage, but the cane-whip form is so useful when swarmed and also has amazing reach that its hard to like anything else. But I am unable to stop myself from buying new stuff, so ........end up wasting a Lot of souls. The Holy Blade does LOOK supercool though. A friend says it does fire damage, but I couldn't see it in my game. Is it so? Does it really become the go-to weapon later? And is it strength based? Does it scale with skill? cos I have most of points in skill.

Also, I have my eyes on the Tomb Protector garb and cap now. Can't resist new clothes, especially when I don't like the look of the Father Gascoigne costume I am wearing. Is the Tomb Protector worth it?
You get clothes quite easily throughout the game so I wouldn't spend money on them.

The Holy Blade. I found out it scales on both as normal attack scales with Skill, while heavy attack scales with Strength. Read it on the internet so it must be true! Also, you can put gems on all your weapons to add fire or electricity. And you can use the Fire/Bolt Paper to add the temporary effect. Alone it won't do.
I went from Cane to Blades of Mercy, but the Holy Blade has made both of them redundant. It hits hard and fast in its short range form while easily outdamaging both the Cane and the Blades, and the two-handed form's stopping power is just amazingly useful for larger enemies. It's basically like an Ultra Greatsword in the Souls games except a lot faster. Really wanna try out the Burial Blade as well. It has a great moveset, insane reach, and twice as much health regain based on its dps as every other weapon. Unfortunately I don't really sport the stats to make good use of the Chicage (a Katana that scales with Bloodtinge).
Meeeeehhh, finally bought the Holy Blade...but my freaking Strength is only 11...and I need16!!! Noooooooooooooo!

At least, I beat the blood starved beast at first try...Cane is king imo, I really wonder if Holy Blade is as cool as Cane.
Gherman old man
.... How the heck do you beat him??? I'm totally stuck. Stunning him is almost impossible, he has the longest reach but he's like The Flash. WTF
I went from Cane to Blades of Mercy, but the Holy Blade has made both of them redundant. It hits hard and fast in its short range form while easily outdamaging both the Cane and the Blades, and the two-handed form's stopping power is just amazingly useful for larger enemies. It's basically like an Ultra Greatsword in the Souls games except a lot faster. Really wanna try out the Burial Blade as well. It has a great moveset, insane reach, and twice as much health regain based on its dps as every other weapon. Unfortunately I don't really sport the stats to make good use of the Chicage (a Katana that scales with Bloodtinge).

Upgraded the Holy Blade after your post and boy its cool ! Its better than the Cane in normal form and disrupts the heavy enemy's attacks in transformed form. Wonder how I will handle the mobs with it, with the cane's whip form its as easy as hitting "atack' and everyone gets hit !
I like th eblade, will go for Blade+Rifle Spear and try out how it goes.

Any tips for Dark beast Paarl? I ran into him by mistake and am planning on going back to him once I have explored all of Unseen Village.
Still not convinced that holy blade is better than Cane.

While it is true that it does more damage, it also drains more stamina...and crowd control with the whip is amazing.

Atm my character feels weaker with holy blade than with cane...maybe I need to adjust my playstyle a little bit to get full benefit of the holy blade...but atm, meh.

Btw, is there respecing in Bloodborne?

I wasted 2 points in Bloodtinge to try the Riflespear (super weak imo) and I put now 5 points into strength to try the Holy blade.

I wonder if a pure skill build with Cane would be the right thing to do??

So, any chance for respecing my char?
Still not convinced that holy blade is better than Cane.

While it is true that it does more damage, it also drains more stamina...and crowd control with the whip is amazing.

Atm my character feels weaker with holy blade than with cane...maybe I need to adjust my playstyle a little bit to get full benefit of the holy blade...but atm, meh.

Btw, is there respecing in Bloodborne?

I wasted 2 points in Bloodtinge to try the Riflespear (super weak imo) and I put now 5 points into strength to try the Holy blade.

I wonder if a pure skill build with Cane would be the right thing to do??

So, any chance for respecing my char?

Thing is the game kinda moves away from the concept of throwing large groups of enemies at you. Mostly you'll be dealing with larger, much more dangerous enemies that come alone or in pairs. By that point you'll be so powerful that you can just shrug off the damage from a bunch of weak stragglers you didn't get to because of your reach. Besides, the R1 combo of the holy blade has excellent reach and swings in a wide radius.

No respeccing unfortunately. Kinda sucks because I've also spread myself out a little thin and now I'm beginning to really feel it in new game+.
No respeccing unfortunately. Kinda sucks because I've also spread myself out a little thin and now I'm beginning to really feel it in new game+.
Whereas I totally ignored Arcane, so I can't do anything with those spell things I have in my inventory as they have a minimum access level. Boo.
Upgraded the Holy Blade after your post and boy its cool ! Its better than the Cane in normal form and disrupts the heavy enemy's attacks in transformed form. Wonder how I will handle the mobs with it, with the cane's whip form its as easy as hitting "atack' and everyone gets hit !
I like th eblade, will go for Blade+Rifle Spear and try out how it goes.

Any tips for Dark beast Paarl? I ran into him by mistake and am planning on going back to him once I have explored all of Unseen Village.

Dark Beast can a be a real pain if the sackboys get you early in the game, but he's pretty easy later on as you'll be doing tremendous damage yourself. Try and roll into him when he swings to get underneath him, then hack away at his legs. If any one leg takes enough damage, he'll collapse and he'll also lose his electricity buff for a while. You can either get some free hits in when he's down or do a visceral attack. He has a very dangerous yet clearly telegraphed AoE spell (roll away twice to be sure), but the rest of his attacks cannot reach you when you're under him. I believe he's actually very vulnreable to bolt paper buffs despite the obvious nature of his elemental attacks too. Like with many of the oversized bosses in the game, locking onto them isn't the best idea. Holy Blade's trick weapon reach comes in really handly in this fight too.
Whereas I totally ignored Arcane, so I can't do anything with those spell things I have in my inventory as they have a minimum access level. Boo.

Well, you can always level it higher. It's when you notice you should've just left it alone that it starts to sting.

I have 20 points in Arcane. I think it was a waste really. 15 would have been enough to use empty phantasm shell, which is nice buff to have, but you're generally much better off using fire or bolt paper instead. I went up to 20 to use a spell called "something-something-Ebrietas". (the same tentacly spell the dude in nightmare of mensis uses on you) It has a nice knockdown effect (even on the biggest guys), but the recovery takes so long that you cannot do any sort of follow-ups and do meaningful damage. Also uses two bullets per cast I believe, and I'd rather use my bullets elsewhere.
I was kidnapped on the sack, so that must be it. I did a notice another place with fog while fighting with him. So, he's a late game boss which I have stumbled upon early? Haven't re tried it yet.

But why would a guy covered in Bolt be susceptible to bolt attacks? I thought he would be immune to them :-/.