Best War movies

You are mixing up realism with what makes a good movie. A good movie should have story and plot. If you want to have a realistic movie about war then I guess the first 30 minutes would be about getting from the USA in a transport plane, then getting delayed in Germany, then being re-routed via Saudi than going straight to Iraq and then settling in and making your mess a bit more homely and then .... you end up with the worlds most boring war movie.

For a good war movie we want STORY not realism as per the above. Given that the modern day soldier has no more credence than Paris Hilton and should be cut out of the equation altogether.

Black Hawk down is still rubbish and it is still not a war movie. They even pinched the bit where the 2 guys were fighting off the millions of Somali's from the helicopter from the film Zulu.

"Somalies, thousands of them ! "

Oh dear....

Confusing realism with what makes a good movie? What? Hardly. I'm not defending BHD as a pinnacle of cinematic history, I merely mentioned that apparently it's an accurate depiction of modern day warfare, otherwise I would have added it to my list of what I considered the most ground breaking war movies ever. BHD is an alright movie, and it ends there. About the only point of yours I agree with wholeheartedly is the fact that Somalia was of an intervention, and hardly a war, but apparently there's no "Intervention Movies" category, otherwise we could add it to the ranks of them....

But your view seems slightly askew on who you deem fit for merit regarding realism in a war movie. Who do you think consults these movies anyway? Paris? I know for a fact that the actors in Saving Private Ryan went through a mini "boot camp" instructed by Dale Dye to add a realistic sense so it didn't look completely like "that guy from 'Big' avoiding mortars in Normandy."

And what scene in BHD are you referring to because that sounds an awful lot like the entire composite of it.
To add a few

The Guns Of Navarone (although not as good, of course the later Force 10 From Navarone)
Battle Of The Bulge
The Dirty Dozen
A Bridge Too Far
The Bridge at Remagen
The Big Red One
Memphis Belle
Letters From Iwo Jima

If Das Boot counts as a movie then no reason not to add in Band of Brothers
Cant bring up Schindler's List and forget The Pianist either.