BBC: PlayStation 'wins next gen wars' :)


B3D Yoddha

PlayStation 'wins next gen wars'

The war for supremacy between the next generation of game consoles is over and Sony has won, say analysts.
The Informa Media Group predicts that Sony will sell more than 30 million PlayStation 3s in Europe by 2010.

It puts Microsoft in second place with 10 million sales and Nintendo trailing in third with five million.

The new consoles, expected by 2005, could have up to 1,000 times more processing power than current models and emphasise online gaming.

Online arena

The console market is big business, with Sony alone having sold more than 70 million PlayStation 2.

The Japanese electronics giant, together with rivals Microsoft and Nintendo, are now looking to the next generation of games machine.

2005: 1.3 million
2006: 11m
2007: 22.1m
2008: 33.6m
2009: 41.9m
2010: 47.2m
Source: Informa Media Group

"Sony is set to exploit the lead it established with the PS2, but will face a much stronger challenge from Microsoft, who is determined not to be left chasing Sony next time," said Toby Scott, author of the Informa Media report, European Games Consoles to 2010.

"Meanwhile, Nintendo seems set to play to its strengths and emphasise game quality and innovation over processor horsepower."

However, it seems that Sony will prevail as the dominant machine, as it has done with the PS2.

According to the report, the PS3 is expected to sell 32 million units in Europe by 2010, more than the combined sales of the Microsoft and Nintendo machines.

But Sony can expect a fight on its hands from Microsoft, as they both aim to win over the hardcore gamer.

The battleground could well be the internet, with both future consoles emphasising online play.

Analysts see this as a big growth area for gaming. But there will also be innovations to widen the appeal of the consoles.

The next round of consoles are expected to come with voice recognition and motion detection technology, so that play can become a more social experience.

This will help attract more older people, women and first-time players to gaming, said Mr Scott.

Sony has already enjoyed some success with its EyeToy camera, which allows a player to control a game just by movement.

Informa does not write off the current generation of consoles. The report suggests they could be on sale until the end of the decade.
HEhe just read this on the Metro... Just a financial forecast, nothing more nothing less. Thinking that Sony will have a less than great 3rd generation is a bit naive though. Even without the "winning the war" talk, they will do great. Commercially i mean...
It's great to see how someone could say:

According to the report, the PS3 is expected to sell 32 million units in Europe by 2010, more than the combined sales of the Microsoft and Nintendo machines.

and take it seriously. I mean, even IF in the end that is what will happen, where did he get those numbers from? An angel? Still, always better than MS "expecting to sell 100 million Xbox's by the end of its lifetime"-forecast from 2 years ago.... :?
They didn't specifically say they'd sell 100 million xbox ones.
That number could include the xbox2, xbox3, xbox4, xbox5ive, xbox6ix, xbox7even, xbox8igth, xboxix and xboxx.
epicstruggle said:
Ok, on to xbox 3, ps4. ;)


still sony has a bigger nummer .. hhahaah
i won't be suprised to see MS skip a number (if they will name the new console with a number in it off course)
rabidrabbit said:
They didn't specifically say they'd sell 100 million xbox ones.
That number could include the xbox2, xbox3, xbox4, xbox5ive, xbox6ix, xbox7even, xbox8igth, xboxix and xboxx.

Including the number of controllers sold? I don't think they reach 100 million now even counting them separately :D

I think they should all give it up with the numbers and think about new names, maybe except Sony who will NEVER give up the "playstation" name, and therefore will have to attach numbers to it to avoid confusion...
Giving new names to consoles is not good for brand recognition.

Sega was able to do it, because it was Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast. Same with Nintendo. Sega and Nintendo are(were) brands as PlayStation.

Sony and Microsoft make other things in addition to consoes, so you could not call next MS console for example "Microsoft Cornucopia" and at the same time distinquish it from the company's other product lines.
hey69 said:
epicstruggle said:
Ok, on to xbox 3, ps4. ;)


still sony has a bigger nummer .. hhahaah
i won't be suprised to see MS skip a number (if they will name the new console with a number in it off course)

Good point, the consumer faced with the playstation 3 vs the xbox 2.. maybe they'll rename it the xbizzle fo'shizzle?! Could have some nifty snoop dogg tie ins.
Interesting they judge success by units sold and not profits. For a minute there, I thought these guys were in business. ;)
Magnum PI said:
what tools are they using to predict 2010 sales ?

I thought it was just that they ARE tools! ;)

Too much to go on to predict specific sales. I have no issue with thinking that, all things being equal, Sony will lead next generation as well (providing nothing catastrophic happens with PS3 or exponentially good with the others), but to be predicting sales 5-6 years from now to the nearest million? :rolleyes:
People get paid for this rubbish?

How can they predict that it has won and it hasn't been announced?

He states no facts to back up his claim, none whatsoever. Plus gamers are a fickle bunch, they will buy the system with the best most fun games if it has the power to sustain growth. If Sony doesn't deliver, they will buy Xbox2, or Nintendo's next console.

Give us the game, brand loyalty goes so far.

cthellis42 said:
Magnum PI said:
what tools are they using to predict 2010 sales ?

I thought it was just that they ARE tools! ;)

Too much to go on to predict specific sales. I have no issue with thinking that, all things being equal, Sony will lead next generation as well (providing nothing catastrophic happens with PS3 or exponentially good with the others), but to be predicting sales 5-6 years from now to the nearest million? :rolleyes:

And still many gamesites report this 'prediction' as news... Even my cat can make better predictions by walking over my keyboard. :)
Evil_Cloud said:
And still many gamesites report this 'prediction' as news... Even my cat can make better predictions by walking over my keyboard. :)
Oh, well then the PS3 will sell knf4wq millon units by 20`4, while the Xbox2 and N5 will only be selling around w4y8kp;\]

Man april fools really has come early this year. Between this report and that numbnut suing car companies for making their headlights "too attractive to theives," we've got a downright hoo-hah-hoot-n'-anny-a-goin-on. :LOL:
sytaylor said:
Good point, the consumer faced with the playstation 3 vs the xbox 2.. maybe they'll rename it the xbizzle fo'shizzle?! Could have some nifty snoop dogg tie ins.

Best comment in the thread, hands down. :LOL: