Not yet, but I'm not sure how to force a specific path on a given card. If everything was equal (i.e. same rendering/result between each path), DX11 should be significantly faster, particularly with MSAA on, but I'd be interested in seeing the benchmarks.
Thanks to Neliz I've been playing for the last 2 hours or so. My impressions are:
Screenshots look far worse than seeing it in motion, however it is a bit on the green side. I'd love it if todays devs could look past varying shades of one colour in FPS games. At least it's not varying shades of yellow/brown/gold like everything else. Graphically it really reminds me a lot of Ghost Recon : Advanced Warfighter on PC, which personally I loved the look of, but I know opinion on that was quite divided.
Enemies are quite hard to see, it takes some getting used to spotting them (not the spot action, just seeing them) but once you get used to it the game becomes a lot more fun.
I was concerned that unlocking stuff every 5 minutes and getting points for things splashed over the screen all the time would be annoying and distracting. Far from it, it's actually quite subtle when you're focused on what's happening in game.
Odd choice of map, considering there's no vehicles, but rumors have it that Caspian border will be activated in the next day or two. It seems we have the map downloaded.
For the first half an hour it was quite painful. Not knowing the map really sucks in this game. Unlike typical team based shooters there isn't much in the way of helpful hints built in to the map, such as lovely big arrows pointing to where you should go. I'm not saying there should be - it would detract from the immersion and authenticity, but you do pay for that with your blood until you know where the hell you're going, where the enemy is likely to be covering, and where your (relatively) safe zones are. The underground section seems particularly maze-like at first, but once you have a handle on it it's surprising how simple it actually is.
The auto-config for my system worked very well. Performance was very smooth (I didn't FRAPS but had not one instance where I felt it lagging). Most options seemed to be HIGH or ULTRA. I have a Q9650 + GTX470 + 4GB, fairly modest by todays standards I guess but not too shabby a system.
I've only played on one server but had no lag whatsoever. Hitreg seems 'okay'. Pretty good generally but suffers that unavoidable pain of being shot after you've just run round the corner. I really don't think there's anything that can be done about that in these sorts of games sadly, so best just to put up with it and realise that it happens to everyone.
The falling through the ground bug affects quite a large (maybe 15m sq.) zone on the first phase of the map. Affected everybody playing. Strange to think that they didn't fix a glaring bug of that magnitude before releasing it but there you go. Once 'caught in the vortex' you will be doing all sorts of funny dances trying to get out.
Speaking of funny, occasionally the animation skeleton/skin combo gets all sorts of messed up.. one particular made the guy running in front of me look likeJohn Cleese at 2:14
I've not seen anyone else mention it, so I'm going to test Stereo3D mode after I've had a little break. I expect hellish performance, but I'm doing it for the eye-candy and just to see if it works. I'm not sure I've seen a fully deferred renderer doing proper 3D yet.
I've been playing with a pair of 5.1 headphones and the Cinema option. Sounds wonderful.
Something kept nagging at me during play: I've not had any 'Battlefield Moments'* yet. It's hopefully just because of the lack of vehicles and places to use parachutes.
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter seems to be like it has been an underrated game but I enjoyed the hell out of the game. If Batltlefield 3 gives the same sort of visual vibes then that's great in my book. I wish I could be joining you guys in the betas but work is just not letting me.
The movement feels quite GR:AW like too actually. Heavy and deliberate, but aiming is nice and fluid.
Ended up playing with a few clan mates, so never got round to testing stereo3D. Playing with friends as ever is the way to go with BF. You can't yet choose your squad though, which is annoying.
Quite a few issues with connecting to servers, but once in game it's all kinds of awesome. I'm not sure I'll be playing much else for a while, esp. if Caspian Border gets unlocked.
Not that I've noticed, but I'm only rank 9 (which took me approx 3.5 hours with 227 SPM). I think the highest rank I saw in game was a 24, but I wasn't really paying attention. I've certainly not heard of any limits to ranks or unlocks.
It's a bit of a pain again being the medic but not having a defib until it's unlocked. Another thing that wasn't apparent to me is that you need to unlock the torch, and you don't get that until level 7 or 8 IIRC. Was wondering why pressing 'T' wasn't doing anything.
Another thing I've noticed is that pressing 'N' will cycle the map zoom to 3 different settings, just like in BF2. I'm glad they listened to the feedback and put that in. I think the alpha didn't have it.
Well, since I won't have the beta for a bit longer.. Can anybody talk to me about the AS VAL rifle in this game? It should be in the assault class.
It's basically the same as the VSS, just with a slightly hand guard and a folding skeleton stock. Grip is a polymer\synthetic, no wood. This is the weapon I'm most interested about in BF3, since my all time favorite weapon in BFBC2 was the VSS.
It's basically the same as the VSS, just with a slightly hand guard and a folding skeleton stock. Grip is a polymer\synthetic, no wood. This is the weapon I'm most interested about in BF3, since my all time favorite weapon in BFBC2 was the VSS.
Odd choice of map, considering there's no vehicles, but rumors have it that Caspian border will be activated in the next day or two. It seems we have the map downloaded.
Had a go on Caspian Border today, but the lag made it less enjoyable. Certainly looked the part and felt absolutely massive. That might have had something to do with me not getting a vehicle though.
The current password for most Caspian Border servers is:
Good luck getting in to one though. N.B. there are several servers in Amsterdam which have a different password that I don't know.
Another thing: The US servers seem tremendously laggy, to the point of being unplayable. There is one Aussie server which was quite good. Seems that high ping play is not too bad with this game, which is good news as loads of my clan are based in aus/nz.
Apparently the EU servers are the least laggy, but IDK I never managed to get in one.
All settings ultra. All AA OFF. Motion Blur set to 40. HBAO/SSAO off.
Map: Metro
Outside = high 50's
Indoors = 60's
With game and driver optimizations, these should go up over time. I'm not the in mood for Sli so I'll just ride it out. At my res. AA on/off isn't really making much of a difference, esp in movement. I'll forward to seeing a deeper analysis on which settings have what level of impact.
Hopefully this was a very early build because the game is amazingly glitched throughout. So many people (myself included) falling through the map and getting stuck. My 2nd game was going great. I was 16 and 4 and with a few tickets left the server decided to kicked everyone out. Having to exit a game to change settings just makes you shake your head.
Anyone figure out which settings provide minimal IQ benefits but a large performance hit?