Battlefield 3 announced

And for the LOVE OF GOD, please let me adjust my settings without being in the game!

Right now it's impossible for me to edit settings without being spawned, basically leading to loads of deaths for me while I try to adjust my crouch button.

Also, after assigning a mouse button, the mouse cursor dissapears, you need to esc out of it.
I noticed you said earlier that you liked the knife, neliz, and it is quite cool when it works, but the novelty of the animation and the bonkers flourish as the knife is pulled out of the victim gets old real fast. I just have big problems getting the knife to stick, dunno if it is lag or anything, since I can't observe latency on the scoreboard.

ACtually, I feel knifing is better in bf3 than Bc2, especially with the latest bc2 patch I can't seem to knife for 2 cents worth and in bf3 at least 75% of the knifes register.

bc2 regularly showed me the animation of my knife entering the victims head and it simply wouldn't register.

I've got it down to bf3 knifing being more robust.. we'll see.
And for the LOVE OF GOD, please let me adjust my settings without being in the game!

Right now it's impossible for me to edit settings without being spawned, basically leading to loads of deaths for me while I try to adjust my crouch button.

Also, after assigning a mouse button, the mouse cursor dissapears, you need to esc out of it.
What about not being able to customise anything while the server is changing maps or when you have died. You HAVE to watch the kill cam for a while until the menu appears. I want to be able to quickly switch to the map, change my kit and queue my spawn on a squaddie.

There are many usability problems here, and there is a whiff of console about it all.

In any case it's good that the resident Keyboard Warrior has returned.
hmm the Catalyst preview driver is only improving Radeon family 5000 and 6000.
me with 4770 seems wont get any performance boost ...

btw those with slow internet need to "preload" the beta using the torrents.
wish from Origin client there a preload button.....

anyone triedwith Xbox gamepad? does it work good or broken like in BFBC2?
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Got a few hours under my belt. First impressions:

The good:
  1. Hit registration is excellent and much, much better than BC2. Thank you DICE! This was my #1 concern.
  2. Graphics are good but not as good as expected and they have this weird shine to them. BC2 feels grittier, will take getting used to.
  3. Sound is great as expected but not as punchy as the hype videos.
  4. Character movement different to BC2 but got used to it pretty fast.
  5. Performance was acceptable at 1920x1200 Ultra on a single 580 (40-60fps). Will probably need to dial it back a bit though.
  6. Getting stabbed makes you truly feel like a punk.
The not so good:
  1. Lots of graphical glitches, flashing textures.
  2. Lots of physical glitches, character fighting with terrain, character spawning under the ground etc.
  3. Characters have this weird neon silhouette but it's probably something you just get used to after a while. I was expecting a grittier, dirty feeling war game. It's a bit too glossy.
  4. Far less bullet spread than BC2, spray and pray is a viable option.
  5. User interface is poorly laid out, can only access options while in a game (even exit). Chat window is a joke.
Fun so far but the glaring graphics and physics issues are concerning for a game launching in a month. Also, I was expecting to be more wowed by the graphics than I was. Going back to BC2 for now, maybe I'll appreciate BF3 more after a few rounds in old reliable.
The MP beta is no Crysis 2 (odd that I'm saying this considering how Crytek bungled it with DX9). But it's a head above anything else out there in the genre. Previous iterations like BFBC2, the COD series, ARMA, etc.

So as a military shooter with 64 player support, vehicles, jets and tons of destructibility and weapon options.. I think it's pretty amazing imo.

I have a feeling things will get much better with the launch product too.
Performance was acceptable at 1920x1200 Ultra on a single 580 (40-60fps). Will probably need to dial it back a bit though.

In the end I set everything to ultra and removed AA.
medium PPAA reduces FPS to teens where they're otherwise 60-100.

btw, the quicktime jump&quicktime slide feel very mirrors edge, good job! :)
Umm.... I was having the same thoughts, the screens I see here n there just are so anti-climatic. I mean, they don't look any special at all to me :rolleyes: ! The trailers showed some uber cool future graphics, but these seem so "Okay !". Some Maps of BC2 look equally good (maybe even better?) :???:

I am not saying they are all bad, some look good, but some of them are just too bland ! Maybe its the colour choices !

apparantly, buying BF3 abroad through Origin has the perks of giving you two mails. one in your local language and one in the language from the country you bought it in.

and both contain different keys!
Seriously underwhelmed by the screenshots. Is that really meant to be ultra settings we're seeing? What happened?

Some are saying that the beta is a 2 month old build, but some trailers are at least that old and claim to be 'gameplay footage'.

Hopefully they're holding back the real ultra stuff for the proper release, or a beta update. Perhaps there's bugs with the high end features, or released drivers aren't yet up to snuff. Would be great to have some sort of official explaination though. At this point I can't help but wonder if we've been hoodwinked.
If what you're saying is true, I'm more worried about the performance impact of those promised features being in fact delivered. We're already seeing very powerful cards clearly churning very hard to output the screenshots that many are disappointed with..
If what you're saying is true, I'm more worried about the performance impact of those promised features being in fact delivered. We're already seeing very powerful cards clearly churning very hard to output the screenshots that many are disappointed with..

100fps for everything at Ultra except AA is not "churning very hard"

Also, I didn't get a single hint of Tessellation being enabled or applied, but maybe it's just me.

Screenshots don't do the lightning justice. Smoke, shadows and lightning (muzzle flashes, grenades etc.) look awesome, especially in the subway part.

You have to see it to actually feel it, but there are so many light sources, so many smoke stacks rising, floating. the game world actually feels "filled". Though the characters themselves seem kind of emotionless.
I'm not worried about performance as much as I am that there will be no way in the future (with a decent hardware upgrade) to get anything like the trailers.

I really don't mind not being able to select Ultra and have great performance with today's hardware. Gives me something to look forward to. I guess you can't please everybody - it seems lots of people will not be happy unless the uber settings are easily attainable day 1. God knows they seem to be more abundant than people like me.
Can someone please post some screenshots in high (or very high if there is that option before ultra) and ultra for comparison. From what i'v heard in some video ultra settings are not applied in the beta (even after a restart). Is that true? Also the game doesn't recognise more than 2 mouse buttons?! wt...urgh :devilish::cry: