Saw the movie today.
The hero:
Bale's a damn fine batman - apart from his VOICE. He doesn't have a deep enough timbre, he just sounds hoarse. He's got the physique, but IMO Val Kilmer had the better voice and presence. Bale does a little worse as Bruce Wayne, he doesn't quite strike me as the near-fanatically determined person from Frank Miller's Batman Year One story. True, this isn't Miller's movie, but Miller really nailed Batman's psyche IMO and the movie missed the mark. Kilmer's Bruce Wayne was older, more matured, and had a REEEALLY ghey hairdo.
That was quite a distraction to me to be frank, lucky him his batman rocked so hard.
Support cast:
Great. Can't say a single bad thing about any of the major characters, except for the girl love interest. Dammit, why does hollywood always have to shoehorn in a girl somewhere in their fucking action movies no matter how contrived it looks, do they think they'll miss out on half their profit because else the other sex won't go see it or what? Girl was MEH and silly and irritating and ultimately irrelevant and completely forgettable.
First half very interesting. I've not seen anyone trying to portray the actual origin of the bat, where he received his training, et cetera. That was very nice. Second half was...not so good. Batman was much too uber, walking through almost all opposition with little to no resistance. The giant microwave oven was a completely stupid idea, I'd like to stick a cattleprod up the butt of the guy who thought that idiotic idea up in the first place. It's not that uncommon that the plot of action movies defy reason as well as logic and physics, but the worst examples are usually confined to direct-to-video releases (or created by the IQ-geniuses Emmerich/Devlin
), but this was just terribly DUMB... Here's this horrific weapon that'll make ALL tapwater in gotham explode, with people walking around right next to it as it's running... Human beings consisting of about 70% water...! Reasonably, you'd think they'd go
POP like unpricked hotdogs when subjected to something like that but NOOOO... These microwaves only work on TAPWATER... Through layers of concrete and dirt and all kinds of other crap, with the generating machine contained in a METAL CAN that is a monorail car... Christ! Neeson's badguy WAS cool and interesting though, but I did enjoy him more in the far-eastern early part of the movie, before he went completely batty. *grin* (Qui-gon getting owned AGAIN! Heheheh!) Also, scarecrow was really disturbing, though the actor whatsisname isn't really up to snuff compared to the rest of the cast. He tried hard though, and managed to do a good job nevertheless. Hauer was great, too bad his part was so small, I loved to see him in a big movie again after so many years of languishing in cheap productions... Morgan Freeman is like Gene Hackman. He can just come in, do his standard performance and still excel without really trying... I also liked Michael Caine as Alfred. Was long since I saw him too in a movie, he was great too.
Other impressions:
Fight scenes were rather disappointing. Lots of cuts, lots of tight closeups making things very hard to follow. This is typically the signs of BAD MARTIAL ARTS TRAINING of the actors. Or of the director being a pretentious prick trying to be "artsy" and/or "different". Usually, the fights are also very dark with people in muted colored clothes (typically tan/brown/grey/black it felt to me) fighting a batman in black getup, making things even harder to follow. Car was rather cool in an overpowered hitech sort of way, but didn't really do anything spectacular (very standard chase-type sequences). On the whole, Burton's batmobile looked muuch cooler than this mutated SUV thingy, and it had better accessories too. GREAT meaty engine noise on this one though!
Music was awesome. James Newton Howard I think his name is, guy who scored both the Metal Gear Solid titles and Return to Castle Wolfenstein worked on this movie as well and you could hear it! Awesome themes. I don't remember the other composer's name, but I recognized him as well.
SFX was generally pretty good. Some stuff you could see was models and/or CGI (typically daylight scenes), but things still looked cool. A little sad to see that gotham of this movie was more a modern city of glass and steel rather than the gothic heavy masonry of the original movie. There were a few art deco-like influences here and there sure (wayne tower for example), but not much to really make the city stand out as gotham. The oldest scyscrapers in NYC would have been a better target to strive for IMO. It felt too glittery to properly reflect the corrupt nature of the city, despite the slum island section they created.
Overall, this was a nice try, but not really worth the money I paid for the ticket. Was clearly better than daredevil though.