Batman Begins

jvd said:
apparently in the new superman clark goes into space to see what really happened to krypton and when he comes back years later lois has a baby with another guy .

I don't know wtf these people get to make these scripts but they are bad. Why can't they just give fans what they want . Superman sells well with out this bastard child .
Uhm, hubba-wa? WHY?!?! :?
Goddamn Batman rocked hard. 5-5 stars.

Great script, cast, look, effects, sounds, ect... very little downside to it.
jvd said:
apparently in the new superman clark goes into space to see what really happened to krypton and when he comes back years later lois has a baby with another guy .

I don't know wtf these people get to make these scripts but they are bad. Why can't they just give fans what they want . Superman sells well with out this bastard child .

ROFL!!! There you see, big muscles == small penis! ;)
I really like Burton's films better. The whole martial arts stuff was completely "out-of-franchise" imho and apart from Neeson the film would have profited from cutting most of the first half hour.
I gotta say that I loved this movie quite alot, and am definitely going to seey it again. My brother and sister and myself talked about it, and while we all would have liked to see longer cuts in the fighting scenes, like when Batman takes out a guy from the shadows, we eventually agreed that it was a very good way for the director to make the audience be in the shoes of the criminals: not knowing the Bat was going to strike from, and when it happens, BAM!

The ending really, really got me going. If there was any more to watch after that last scene, I woulda paid $50 for just 1 ticket to see the Nolan's version of the next Baddie. Seriously, OMG!!!! :LOL:
I'm a huge Batman fan if you couldn't tell by my nick and I thought this was bar none the best Batman movie ever. In fact, it was definitely the best movie I've seen in a year or so. Yes, better than Revenge of the Sith.

I kinda knew beforehand about the twist in the movie. So that wasn't much of a surprise, but everything else did surprise me. I kept saying to my wife and brother-in-law "this movie is so cool" throughout the whole movie. I couldn't stop talking about it for 2 days. That's a first for me after watching a movie. I understand some nitpick some things with regard to suspension of belief, but I've never had that problem with any movie ever! Movies REQUIRE a suspension of belief. The only issues I had with this movie was some of the small things that veered off from the canon of the comics. I completely understand why they made the changes because of trying to make it work for a bigger audience and fitting it all into a movie that's just over 2 hours long. However, those changes were great and fitted into the movie with no distractions. I know I'm not going to get a completely correct Batman movie. I will say it did get the "big picture" stuff. I heard that Goyer and Nolan got to sit down with DC Comics before the script was written and got a list of things about Batman they couldn't change. And it looks like they got those things right.

I really need to see again before I'm able to fully digest the whole thing, but I'm a broke mofo. ;) It'll have to wait till the dollar theatre gets it. Oh well.

P.S. I loved the Tumbler! I don't think people understand that it was a work in progress or a prototype. The Tumbler will evolve over time into a full Batmobile. Just wait for the sequel...

P.S.S. Speaking of sequel, I wonder if anybody else saw one of Batman's future villians in Arkham? Victor Zsaz, played by Tim Booth, should show up in a future Batman movie. Zsaz is a serial killer who carves a mark in his skin for every murder he commits. Anyway, he could possibly be the next one, but Jett at suggested that he may be in the 3rd movie instead. Joker is likely the next villian and right now Crispin Glover("Back to the Future" and "Williard") and Lachy Hulme("Enter the Matrix" and "Matrix Revolutions") are leading the casting. I'm still thinking maybe some other kind of psycho could play the part, but I think he needs to be of the same or better caliber of actor than Liam Neeson. Can't think off the top of my head who that might be, but I'm sure we've got a little time to argue about it. ;)

Just came back from seeing it. Awesome film.

Pretty much the only things that bugged me were Katie Holmes' chubby little head and when Gary Oldman (superbly cast against type) said "I gotta get me one of those!!!", which made everybody in the cinema wince.
Blade said:
I was thinking Ed Norton in a change-of-pace role as a supervillain.
Oooh, me loves Ed Norton...he'd be great!

I finally saw it, I loved it too. I want to get me one of them sets of armor the ninjas had when he was training. :)
Fred said:
Its a good flic, though I liked Sin City a lot more.

Christian Bale is a pretty good Bruce Wayne, but not so great as Batman (his deep voice sounds Hokey).

The whole training sequence in Tibet is completely unbelievable, and rather ridiculously badly acted (surprisingly Liam Neeson is the culprit). Some of the 'im here for justice' lines are boring. Batman is all about revenge, yet they moved away from that in this movie trying to make a rather bizarre comprimise. I thought he needed more indestructable fire/will to make the character believable, considering what he turns into.

I didn't like the Bat car (err I mean tank) that much.

I also didn't think he had enough time to truly become Batman, you would think he would need so much more training to even be the man he was in prison.

Also a few stupid scenes (like when the batcar suddenly appears out of nowhere, randomly in front of Gordon in the slums).

Katie Holmes has no role and plays it poorly. Though the Scarecrow villian was damn good, I liked him a lot.

I am not even going to say IMO.

You are totally and completely wrong.

Batman was not about revenge. He is about Turning Fear against the criminals yes. But he is about making the Justice system work. Not revenge. The punnisher is about revenge. Trust me, I have been a comic buff for 20+ years.

I dont see anything at all wrong with the training scene in Tibet. It was simply fantastic. I cant even begin to understand what bad acting you are talking about. Or what was wrong with the justice lines.

He had 7 years of training, preparing and its not clear how long he was in Tibet. You get the feeling it was at least the last couple (of the seven) years. Which for someone dedicated to the point of obsession is plenty.

The batcar did not appear "out of nowhere". Its obvious he drove it in and parked it in the back alley which is where he told Gordon to meet him with the girl.

I wonder did you actually *watch* the movie??? :rolleyes:
Katie Holmes was a bit bland as a Role in the movie. But i did not think her acting was bad.

( i just saw the movie for the 3rd time yesterday)
She didn't fit in (or perhaps didn't stand out enough) but didn't let the rest of the cast down IMO. The acting was top notch, I just can't get over that line from Oldman - more cringe-worthy than the crap kid actor in Episode III. :? guys are beating me in the number of times to see the movie...thats week I am going to San Fran with my gf...shes been wanting to see it as well and usually she just likes chick flicks!!! :oops: I am gonna go straight to the account be damned! God the audience cheered so many times it was unbelieveable!!! I think this is the best movie I have ever seen....well comic book movie...oh forget it...yeah best movie ever seen and i have been a batman addict for a long time and god did I hate batman and robin...what a shame that was. I really hope sequels are in the works!!
Seen it yesterday and while it definitaly is the best batman movie, I missed an epic fight towards the end, continuing what began on the train. Also, that microwave device stuff was quite ridiculous.

Better baddies next time, please! And which idiot casted KH for the role?

Otherwise, great movie. A definite must see.
She was cheap , she isn't a crappy actress (though not a good one by any strectch of the imagination ) she isn't bad looking and this whole thing with tom crusie didn't hurt
So my husband and I watched Batman '89 tonight, just to see if the Tim Burton one held up as well as our memories said it did. God was that ever a mistake. Batman Begins completely and utterly obliterates it. I honestly had a rosier picture of Batman '89 in my memory. Once I watched it, good god. It's just a terrible flick in comparison to BB.

I don't even know if I want see Batman Returns after this.

Though Batman '89 did do me the favor of getting me interested in the Batman mythology in the first place, it really didn't do any justice to Batman, his history, his pain, etc. Batman Begins is the first true Batman film imo, hands down. The first five (2 Burton, 2 Schumacher, 1 60s with Adam West/Burt Ward) were just pretenders.
Na batman is much better than batman begins . I think it got the smugness of batman that batman begins didn't get .

See batman / bruce wayne is very full of himself as he should be . I just never got that from batman begins . I also didn't understand that whole growling thing with his voice when he was in costume .

Batman and batman returns are very good movies .

Now batman forever was bad . Val did a noble job as brue wayne but wasn't a very good batman and Batman and robin was just horrible .
You should watch it again. ;)

I thought that Batman '89 was maybe a shade under BB. After watching it again, good lord. There's just no comparison.