ATi's R420 launch and Half-life2, some thoughts.

Johny Dread said:
digitalwanderer said:
Johny Dread said:
That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. There's such a thing as a game publisher, and Valve isn't one. You think they'd piss in their own pool by going around their own publisher like that? Jesus smarten up.
Welcome to B3D, glad you ain't shy or nothing. :rolleyes:

You HAVE heard of Steam.....right?
yeah I also know how much it sucks. You think they could meet the demand for HL2 when the thing is barely working as it is? Think.
Steam is working good right now and has been since early march late febuary. What is the problem you see?
Johny Dread said:
yeah I also know how much it sucks. You think they could meet the demand for HL2 when the thing is barely working as it is? Think.
Ok, hmmmm......

The Dig gets a far away look in his eyes and a thought balloon springs unbiden from his head and starts filling itself up with words representing the Dig's thoughts!

"Steam sure did/does suck, I wonder if that's why they hired the guy who invented bittorrent last year to re-write it...nah, probably a tax write-off or something. And Valve CAN'T have worried about that at all or addressed the upcoming problem of everyone and their bloody mother wanting HL2 just as soon as possible, not to mention all the people out there like me holding a voucher in their sweaty little palms just WAITING to enter that serial number and help to melt their servers."

"Nope, this obnoxious and rude ghit who's telling you to 'think' obviously is better versed and more capable of forming a rational and compelling insight into what the future will hold....abide by him, learn from him, LOVE him!"


Wow, you're soooo right! Tell me more, which card will be better the 6800U or the X800 XT? :|
Steam worked perfectly fine for CounterStrike: Condition Zero. It had the entire game pre-chached on my computer days before it was to be released.
digitalwanderer said:
Johny Dread said:
yeah I also know how much it sucks. You think they could meet the demand for HL2 when the thing is barely working as it is? Think.
Ok, hmmmm......

The Dig gets a far away look in his eyes and a thought balloon springs unbiden from his head and starts filling itself up with words representing the Dig's thoughts!

"Steam sure did/does suck, I wonder if that's why they hired the guy who invented bittorrent last year to re-write it...nah, probably a tax write-off or something. And Valve CAN'T have worried about that at all or addressed the upcoming problem of everyone and their bloody mother wanting HL2 just as soon as possible, not to mention all the people out there like me holding a voucher in their sweaty little palms just WAITING to enter that serial number and help to melt their servers."

"Nope, this obnoxious and rude ghit who's telling you to 'think' obviously is better versed and more capable of forming a rational and compelling insight into what the future will hold....abide by him, learn from him, LOVE him!"


Wow, you're soooo right! Tell me more, which card will be better the 6800U or the X800 XT? :|
depends on what you want. If you only care about speed in not so shader heavy games (current games) then the X800XT. If you want speed with games that use alot of high-class shaders and fancy special effects (future games) then the 6800U. 32 pixel shader units vs 16, no contest right? Pretty obvious.

...and what's with the third person stuff and "The Dig"? Unless you're a super-star wrestler then that's pretty lame... actually even if you are a wrestler it's still lame...
Johny Dread said:
depends on what you want. If you only care about speed in not so shader heavy games (current games) then the X800XT. If you want speed with games that use alot of high-class shaders and fancy special effects (future games) then the 6800U. 32 pixel shader units vs 16, no contest right? Pretty obvious.

I'm sorry but in high-class shaders and fancy special effects intensive games, one would be better off with the X800-XT than the current specced 6800U.
Johny Dread said:
depends on what you want. If you only care about speed in not so shader heavy games (current games) then the X800XT. If you want speed with games that use alot of high-class shaders and fancy special effects (future games) then the 6800U. 32 pixel shader units vs 16, no contest right? Pretty obvious.

No game currently uses "high-class" shaders. PS3.0 only offers efficiency improvments and allows for more instructions over PS2.0. Games won't need the instruction capabilities that 3.0 offers for at least another year. And you haven't even seen the specifications for the X800 yet. It may very well blow the 6800U out of the water in every catagory.
BRiT said:
Johny Dread said:
depends on what you want. If you only care about speed in not so shader heavy games (current games) then the X800XT. If you want speed with games that use alot of high-class shaders and fancy special effects (future games) then the 6800U. 32 pixel shader units vs 16, no contest right? Pretty obvious.

I'm sorry but in high-class shaders and fancy special effects intensive games, one would be better off with the X800-XT than the current specced 6800U.
oh? What if the game calls for something SM3.0 specific, or a shitload of shaders that'd make something look real nice but can only be done fast enough if you use branching? How would you be better off with the X800 then?
ANova said:
Johny Dread said:
depends on what you want. If you only care about speed in not so shader heavy games (current games) then the X800XT. If you want speed with games that use alot of high-class shaders and fancy special effects (future games) then the 6800U. 32 pixel shader units vs 16, no contest right? Pretty obvious.

No game currently uses "high-class" shaders. PS3.0 only offers efficiency improvments and allows for more instructions over PS2.0. Games won't need the instruction capabilities that 3.0 offers for at least another year. And you haven't even seen the specifications for the X800 yet. It may very well blow the 6800U out of the water in every catagory.
oh, I guess I should have denoted my post with the terms "current games" and "future games" when mentioning those things... oh, wait...

just because I'm an asshole doesn't mean I haven't see the specs or run benchmarks on the thing
Johny Dread said:
.... doesn't mean I haven't see the specs or run benchmarks on the thing
Thing? Steam? or a future game? the Cards? you ran benchmarks on the new cards? Oh and why does Steam suck ?
Johny Dread said:
...and what's with the third person stuff and "The Dig"? Unless you're a super-star wrestler then that's pretty lame... actually even if you are a wrestler it's still lame...

You must be a brave man to come in here and have a go at THE DIGITAL WANDERER :devilish:

What a tossa!
digitalwanderer said:
Johny Dread said:
just because I'm an asshole doesn't mean I haven't see the specs or run benchmarks on the thing
True, but it does affect how we view/interact with you here. :rolleyes:
about 12 months ago that might have meant something but B3D has gone from being a cool place to lurk and learn things to your typical fanb0y infested forum so fast that it's starting to make nvnews and rage3d look good.
Johny Dread said:
about 12 months ago that might have meant something but B3D has gone from being a cool place to lurk and learn things to your typical fanb0y infested forum so fast that it's starting to make nvnews and rage3d look good.

Oooh... sounds like trollspeak to me. :rolleyes:
Johny Dread said:
about 12 months ago that might have meant something but B3D has gone from being a cool place to lurk and learn things to your typical fanb0y infested forum so fast that it's starting to make nvnews and rage3d look good.
Do you see your current behavoir as helping to solve that problem, or do ya think perhaps it might just make it a bit worse? :|

Your statement seems to imply that you think this place is a fanboy forum and you don't want it to be, but your behavoir seems to indicate quite contrary to that. :?
Johny Dread said:
about 12 months ago that might have meant something but B3D has gone from being a cool place to lurk and learn things to your typical fanb0y infested forum so fast that it's starting to make nvnews and rage3d look good.

I'm reminded of three things:

1. The Last Remake of Beau Geste, Marty Feldman and Michael York: Q: "How's father?" A: "Still alive and dying."

2. Jean Francois Revel in "How Democracies Perish" observation that it is amazing that in spite of the warnings of his European friends that "the dark night of fascism was falling in America" that it seemed to him that "The dark night of fascism was forever falling in America, but for some reason it only ever touched ground in Europe." Replace fascism with fanboi-ism, America with B3d (sorry Dave, just for the purposes of the quote), and Europe (ditto) with Rage3d/NVN, and there ya go.

3. Every four years, CSPAN, at convention time, runs 'round the clock all the convention speechs of presidential nominees for as far back as they exist. One thing is perfectly evident if you engage in this exercise: THINGS HAVE NEVER BEEN AS BAD AS THEY ARE RIGHT NOW. And this is true for any speech you care to listen to for any year. I suppose this is technically possible on an unbroken linear powerdive, but seems unlikely. Unlikely here at B3D too.
Johny Dread said:
oh, I guess I should have denoted my post with the terms "current games" and "future games" when mentioning those things... oh, wait...

You just don't get it do you. By the time future games come out that use the advantages shader model 3.0 supports the 6800 will be outdated. It may be able to run advanced games like Unreal 3 with all the new effects but it will run it slow. Have you not heard the rumors that both the R500 and NV50 are being pushed up?

just because I'm an asshole doesn't mean I haven't see the specs or run benchmarks on the thing

You sure don't act like it, otherwise you wouldn't be arguing with us. In fact it seems like you have a bias towards a certain company that starts with n.
He's a troll yeah, but I don't know about the fan-boy bit. What he said wrt the X800 and NV40 seems spot on to me.

And this place has definitly got more fan-boys running around now than when it did when I first registered.

Dave, I think there's an option you can set so that people with @whatever can't even register.