Only 40% of RV770 is clusters, about 390M transistors. Of that, I estimate 64% is ALUs, excluding the redundant ALU lanes, which I like to lump in with the TU when looking at a die shot and which makes scaling estimates a bit simpler.
So RV770 has about 250M transistors for its 800 ALU lanes and 140M for the rest. RV740's 640 lanes would be ~200M transistors, subject to new functionality and lack of double precision. The clusters, as a whole, would be about 312M, leaving, as you observe, a hell of a lot of transistors, 514M, for MCs, RBEs, the hub, PCI Express etc.
This compares with ~566M in RV770
Analogue stuff isn't supposed to shrink particularly well - dunno how to account for that.
Aren't the transistors for the ALU's significantly more densely packed than the rest of the chip? If so, isn't it possible that it has more transistors than just the die area alone would suggest?