Anyone Remember B3D Way Back When....

I've been here since 2000ish. My previous account locked me out (password started being wrong one day) and was merged with this account somehow. I moved here from which was previously (the first "geforce" chip). I found that site from the back of a magazine in '99, when I had to use the internet at college as I didn't have a connection at home. The internet was £1 / 5mins for personal use, but I was so poor I couldnt afford it. I used to be able to get on for 15 mins after everyone had gone home, if I helped the librarian clean up the library at the end of the day. Thus was my love affair with the net born. I moved out of my parents house when I was 18 and still in college, just to get a net connection (they were against it at the time). So, B3D has a special place in my heart as being (probably) the longest running site I've visited, ever.

My fondest memory back then was of the KYRO II, which was the little card that could(nt do TnL).
You guys are the reason I dropped 80.000 drachmas for that voodoo monster, (or was it Voodoo II, I cant remember) :p
Used to lurk back then, until curiosity got the best of me, and at some point, I decided to learn what that RPSC thread I kept hearing was about. :)
Back in the day I replaced the clock crystal on a PowerVR PCX1 board...that was overclocking.
A PCX1? What did you get it up to? Some people managed 25% over the original 60Mhz. (There was also an internal experiment to drive 2 PCX cards to double the fill rate (-it might have used interleaved tiles-) but I suspect the CPU (or maybe the PCI bus) would have been a bottleneck first).
I don't remember specifically but it was over 70MHz. It only worked for a few hours and then it died. I didn't have a fan or heatsink on it so it probably overheated.:cry:
Someone said Bitboys?

The core team of Bitboys isn't anymore in Qualcomm. Have not been over two and half years.
I can still remember being gobsmacked at the smoothness and image quality of Quake using the 3Dfx miniGL on my Orchid Righteous 3D...
A PCX1? What did you get it up to?
Mine handled 66MHz; I killed my PCX2 trying for more. I had a fan on the PCX1, but I'm not sure it actually helped all that much. Sure it got warm, but not THAT warm...

PCI bus on the VIA Apollo MVP platform was god-f*cking awful, framerates with the PCX boards were MUCH lower [edit: than] when using Intel's Socket7 platform. Only reason I went with VIA in the first place was that Intel didn't produce a chipset for Socket7 that featured AGP (of course, since they wanted people to move to their slot1/Pentium 2 boards instead.)
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Anyone remember running Shadows of the Empire at the highest resolution?

I couldn't do it until I had a Voodoo2 that my dad brought me back from California when it came out.

He found it cheaper than any ad in the month's Computer Shopper that was as thick as a phone book!