Some of us while enjoying a brand in particular (for me last gen it was xbox) have always believed that as long as there are multiple consoles, there is no way that all the best videogame experiences can be considered to be proprietary to one console.
For example in the 16bit heyday, I preferred the Genesis because 1) it came out first (I didnt play 8 bit systems), 2) it was cool (sonic 1, forgotten worlds, strider, revenge of shinobi, earthworm jim and gunstar heroes maybe the greatest games of all time!!) and 3) I had the money for it.
But I bought a Super Nintendo because there was no way I was gonna miss out the Mana series or the perfection that was Street Fighter and pilotwings at the time (not that big a fan of Mario).
32bit again Sega came out first... but as enjoyable as Genesis was I didnt see why I should pay 399 for a system with no games with Playstation around the corner. I got the PS first at launch from Sears and was completely cised over Toshinden (looked better then VF1 for Saturn), Ridege Racer and Rayman. This purchase led to Colony Wars, Resident Evil and Warhawk and eventually FFVII.
It wasnt until late 1996 that I came around to Saturn and purchased the excellent VF2, Tomb raider 1, Daytona and my second favorite game of the era Nights. When it was all said and done PDS was my favorite game of the era followed by Nights TR2 on PS and Colony Wars on PS. Then my Playstation broke after christmas 1998... Videogames took a hiatus in general and I was looking forward to Dreamcast.
Dreamcast was my favorite launch and favorite system ever. 9/9/99. SOul caliber, NFL2K and Sega Rally 2 led to Test Drive Le Mans (holy shit that game was hot), Skies of Arcadia and Grandia.
I never really got into PS2 because I rejected the "hype" around it and kinda resented the death of the DC..... So I moved onto Xbox and GCN. I do realize that I missed out on some great games that I really wanted to play. Sly raccoon series, VF, Rygar, God of War all come to mind immediately. Hopefully a PS3 will allow me to pick thos games up anyway and play them.