I've been still using Winamp but not been especially happy with it.
Way back I liked the music_directory/artist/album Library part of Realplayer despite most people being very unhappy with it plus they default enabled opt-ins to various data-mining etc.
Edit: yup, so-far foobar2000 = win.
Light weight, simple & easy to find what I want to play.
No stupid skins, trying to be a video player, browser or all-in one media center.
It even started with my Win7 'Music' library already loaded (admittedly a pretty obvious place to look but Winamp needed a hint)
Love the spectrogram.
wow this topic make me realized that its been years since last time i use "proper" music player on my pc...
i just use VLC directly from windows explorer
or maybe because i more often use my cellphone than pc to lay music....