After thinking a bit about the priority thing with Powertune, it would actually be nice to offer a setting in the control center for what takes precedence over what.
Let's assume the power limit has always the highest priority, 727 MHz is some kind of base clock as mentiond in some reviews, and the 95°C are the max ceiling for a save operation. Then there are six possible permutations of the three parameters (clock speed, temperature and fan speed) on the priority list. Just lets get through all of them.
fan speed
keeps fan speed always below limit, sacrifices clock for temperature
lowers clock when reaching temp target (or power limit),
if not enough (reaches 727 MHz), violate temp target,
speed up fan only when at 727MHz and 95°C
fan speed
keeps fan speed always below limit, sacrifice temperature for clock speed
temperature target basically just there for fan control, if temp target is violated no downclock
reduce clock only, if 95°C (or power limit) are hit,
speed up fan only, if 95°C cannot be held at 727 MHz
fan speed
always keeps clock as high as possible, fan speed more important than temperature
temperature target basically just there for fan control, if temp target is violated no downclock
increase fan above set limit, if absolute limit (95°C) is reached,
only reduce clock when power limit is reached or 95°C cannot be kept at 100% fan speed (which is quite unlikely)
fan speed
always keeps clock as high as possible, temperature more important than fan speed
basically disables the fan speed limit
temp target is for fan control only, no downclock if violated
only reduce clock when power limit is reached (or 95°C cannot be kept at 100% fan speed, which is very unlikely)
fan speed
try to keep set temperature at all costs, clock more important than fan speed
basically disables the fan speed limit
if fan@100% is not enough to keep the temp limit at full clocks, reduce clock
only violate temperature limit if it cannot be held at 100% fan and 727MHz (unlikey if not set very low)
fan speed
try to keep set temperature at all costs, fan speed more important than clock
first reduce clock to keep temperature with the max allowed fan speed,
if 727 MHz are not low enough, increase fan speed to stay at the temperature target
only violate temperature limit if it cannot be held at 100% fan and 727MHz (unlikey if not set extremely low)