As an online discussion involving either AMD or nVidia grows longer, the probability of turning it into a driver discussion approaches 1.Hey is this thread about gcn or the quality of amd's drivers? I forget. Can any of you remind me?
PS. Isnt it about time a site "accidentaly" releases their review early? Or are they finishing them till last minute?
Is that completely AMD's fault or maybe the developer who's still sour for one little Alpha-build leak?
ID was doing some funky things that apparently required some additional cooperation on the part of the IHVs.
Well then I don't know why AMD lists a fix for these in their release notes
Crysis 2 was unplayable with CFX for weeks after its initial release. Basically a 20 Hz strobe light. They eventually fixed it. Anyway, don't argue with me, just tell AMD to stop fixing - and documenting fixes - for problems that never existed
img snip
What is this?
Just the already leaked review guide.What is this?
Am I the only one that's never even heard of that manufacturer?
Notice the bias towards 25x16 benches. Showing off that 3GB of GDDR5 RAM.
For what other reason would someone spend 550€ on a graphics card, if not to use multi-display or very high resolutions?
What is this?
It's apparently an ISV ass-kissing site that ran AMD's slides no questions asked. Shame. Looking forward to some real reviews!