If there is any part of a graphics design that should be as custom as possible, its the ALU pipes themselves. Its very very high bang for the work, basically 1 ALU and then just slicing it across for the SIMD block and then replication for the multiple SIMD blocks. Its also something that is relatively easy to layout and extremely regular.
In addition synthesis tools tend to suck balls at ALU pipes where as they are much closer to hand drawn for random logic.
I've been a big proponent of all ALUs being full custom. Esp in light of the way Nvidia did it allowing 2x alu rates.
Aaron Spink
speaking for myself inc.
Maybe but it still comes out with the same or less shading power than R600.
Just seems a big tradearound that didn't *really* gain them anything. Now they've got half as many double clocked units, it basically seems like...