my friend did 6 months in bosnian serb concentration camp.... that changed him alot.
you cant even compere western prisons to Balkans..... croatian ones are nasty, but the most famous in all former Yugoslavia was bosnian one....
"U Zenicu kada pođem ja...."....
Jew, getting 18 year old kid inside with people of which are some worse then those kept in US maximum security prisons isnt good idea....
there is almost no separation between types of prisoners.... and kid might get out impressed by those people inside... not to mention he could "prove" himself as you say and grew balls ... and take wrong road....
3 weeks in some cousy jail in US is very diffferent then being thrown with bunch of PTSS crazed maniacs that were chopping heads and torturing people during the war....
_xxx_ (upozno sam raznu ekipu preko tog fredna, od vukovaraca, merčepovaca, čak smo i sa Štelom (od Tute) bili jednom u društvu.... njemu su ti ljudi ono WooooW, on je pao zbog droge prije 10 godina (znači imo je 21) i starija ekipa ga je gotivila jer nije druko i sad je sav u tom điru... to je najgore od svega.... najgore je kaj mu se može svidit ekpia jer klinca je tamo jako lako impresionirat i zadivit... još ako je povodljiv....
pravi materijal za stare okorjele smradove)
daj mu šanse, pa ako zajebe... bar znaš da ste probali i da je to njegov izbor i to mu mora biti jasno....
once again, sorry for croatian guys..... you wouldnt understand some references even if it was in english....
but basically what i am saying to _xxx_ is that kid might go there and be impressed by "real men", specially if he is not kind of leader material, old inmates will use him and give him feeling like he is "one of the guys"...he'll end up with phone numbers and next time he'll do 5 or 10 years for something much worse...
JEW..... military != prison.....
military (as you did) is pure choice.... prison isnt.... no matter what you think