A bad accident at the local carnival.


I'm sort of freaked, we just got back from a really nice evening at the annual fourth of July carnival down the street. Well, nice until right up at the end. We went back to get my daughter some much promised cotton candy, and after we got it we were thinking of picking up a couple of shishkebobs for us when we looked over at this ride and someone fell off it. :?

It was a big person ride, not a kiddy ride. One were you sit and get strapped in, then taken up about 30' and inverted and spun around.

I guess something bad happened with one of the restraints. Me, my son, and my wife all watched it happen but my daughter was looking somewhere else at just the right moment.

There were screams, people were aware and medical teams contacted and moving in within 10 seconds; I just grabbed my kids hands and said, "we gotta go" and got 'em out of there as people were all rushing the opposite way we were heading to see what the commotion was.

I didn't want my kids to see the mess and be traumatized, it looked like a nasty fall onto a nasty hard surface.

Very weird and unsettling. :?
State Fairs is about as far down the amusement ride food chain as I would be willing to go on anything more dangerous than a merry go-round.
I don't go on any rides that go upside down or on an angle at a moving carnival . I will go on stuff at 6 flags great adventure and disney . But at least i know they don't take the rides down and move them some where else . Feel a bit safer
what ass backwards place do you live in that channel 5 is nbc ? That is foxes number !!!!
So much for the big person ride...

It must be horrible for the parents, going from having fun at a fair to... This... In just a few hours. Awful stuff, here.

Since you're living, exactly there, what's the age of your kids, Digi? Is there a, sad, probability that the kids was at the same school your kids go to?
jvd said:
what ass backwards place do you live in that channel 5 is nbc ? That is foxes number !!!!
A kid is dead in front of his eyes, jvd.
Cable channels numbers aren't probably the hottest topic to discuss right now, I guess.
Yea , I saw a crossing guard dead . Didn't affect me to much . It sucked that she died there but there wasn't much i could do
Vysez said:
A kid is dead in front of his eyes, jvd.
Cable channels numbers aren't probably the hottest topic to discuss right now, I guess.
It isn't really bugging me that much, I've seen people die before....I'm just freaking out because my son saw it and I'm worried he'll freak out. :?

Oh, and I'm really not looking forward to telling him about it tomorrow either....and I guess there is a whole lot of, "Hmmmm, how would you feel if it had been your 8 year old son on that ride?" or "Hmmmm, how would you feel if your kid went to the carnival and just never came home?".

Funny thing, my son told me he doesn't want to ride on carnival rides ever again and I really can't say I blame him or I want him to. :(
Oh, and go easy on JVD....he's laid up recovering from surgery right now. :)

FOX is 6 here, ABC is 7, CBS is 2, PBS 11, Discovery 17, TLC26, MSNBC 32, Comedy Central 56, Nickelodeon 68, Cartoon Network 69, History 272, and HBO 550.

That's pretty much the only ones I know/watch.
digitalwanderer said:
Oh, and go easy on JVD....he's laid up recovering from surgery right now.
I know, I was just sarcastic.

And you don't like National Geographic? For shame!
Jeez digi, that's horrible! I just thought that same thought you posted, imagine going to a carnival with your happy 9yo kid, and go home alone??? Omg, horrible! And the other kids in that ride, I know I would probably have nightmares if the kid next to me was chucked out during the ride and died, especially if I was nine-ish.

We've had accidents with moving carnivals here in sweden too, resulting in kids getting seriously injured though no fatalities that I can remember anyway. Was articles in the papers a couple months ago when polish workers of one carnival revealed slave-like conditions, around-the-clock work hours where men would dismantle the rides and load them on trucks after a day of work, then drive the trucks through the night and start assembling on arrival etc...

Wonder if this will go to court, and if so, how many zeroes there will be in the amount being sued for?

digitalwanderer said:
FOX is 6 here, ABC is 7, CBS is 2, PBS 11, Discovery 17, TLC26, MSNBC 32, Comedy Central 56, Nickelodeon 68, Cartoon Network 69, History 272, and HBO 550.

That's pretty much the only ones I know/watch.
Which channel # is PMS on? :devilish:
jvd said:
Errr Poppi you might want to change that . It doesn't sound right

:oops: :LOL: I'm from the Midwest. When you hook up, you meet. But rereading, it does sound kinda odd. I need to revist my Midwestern slang.