A bad accident at the local carnival.

well yea , i figured that much. But here on the east coast hook up also means to make out or have sex (depending on the age bracket ) and we really don't use hook up. Meet up is better
Poppi said:
My cousin is a Highland cop. I'm hooking up with him in a couple of weeks. I'll see if I can find out more.
Not much to find out, I saw it happen so I have a pretty good idea of what went down.

The local paper the Hammond Timeshad some horrific coverage of it, I'm glad my kids didn't see it. :?

(I got the "hooking up" bit right of, it's a common phrase around here)
It wasn't. We saw all the action, but fortunately missed the horrific aftermath thanks to some strategically placed skirting on the ride. :?

Me and my wife were talking about it this morning and she admitted she was a bit traumatized by it too, we've both been seeing replays of the child falling in our mind over and over. We both decided that it's probably the ride operators fault from what we saw.

The harnessess were the swingdown/lock in place type and there were no open restraints on the ride so it wasn't a mechanical failure, but a 9 year old I don't think was tall enough to ride on that ride and I think the operator let him anyways is what happened. :?

At least the kid didn't look tall enough as I watched him fall, but we'll find out more details later so I figure I'll just wait and see.
It's very shocking to see this stuff happen. Back in '00 I was two cars back as a 10-year-old girl ran out into the street and was hit by a car, which threw her through the air and onto the edge of the road. By the time traffic stopped and people got out her head was already in a pool of blood. The impact knocked her tennis shoes off her feet and I remember walking over and picking them up so they wouldn't be run over as traffic started ebbing by. She died at the hospital about 7-8 hours later that evening. The really bad part was when her older brother, seeing the commotion, came over and watching the realization of who was lying there hurt hit his face and seeing him start screaming and then running off (presumably home to get help).

I also felt really bad for the driver of the car that hit her, because he was badly dazed, wandering around the scene telling everyone who'd listen that she'd run right out in front of him, that it wasn't his fault, that he couldn't stop in time, etc.
I was coming home from a devils game and we were at 7-11 getting slurpees . When a trock went right into a mini van on a local road (speed limit 35) the guy was going at least 60 and was drunk . The two guys in the truck were okay . But the wife in the mini van died , the baby was flung with car seat at least 6 car lengths ahead of the crash and the father lived. We checked on the baby that was dead and the wife that was dead. Helped the father out of the fan who then went and started pounding the drunk guys , my friend and I both over 6 feet tall could barely hold this guy back , the cops had to lock him up . He kept screaming saying you better lock me up or i will kill them and he def meant it .

Really messed up . But what you going to do
Damn, jvd. That poor fucker. There is so much unexplainable tragedy in the world, including the boy in Indiana. The survivors are often worse off than the victims. I remember reading a story of a young couple (20's) that got married. . .happiest day of their lives. After the reception, they go back to the motel they are staying at on their wedding night, climb the stairs to the second floor where their room is. . .and she drops dead of a heart attack at the top of the stairs. In her 20's, on her wedding day.

You're her new husband. . . what do you do with that, this side of blowing your brains out?
yup thats why i'm not spending time mourning people i dunno . Cause it can be my time at any time
digitalwanderer said:
John Reynolds said:
Jump on her while she's still warm?
Collect the life insurance, buy a panty-dropping ride, and have a bit of fun seeing how much sympathy sex a dead wife is worth? :|

There are laws about that, JR.

As for you, Digi. . that kind of advice will likely find you in Scott Peterson land with the police. So far as I can tell, that was 80% of what they had on him.
geo said:
As for you, Digi. . that kind of advice will likely find you in Scott Peterson land with the police. So far as I can tell, that was 80% of what they had on him.
Sorry, I figured if John was getting silly I'd join in....of course I don't endorse that kind of behavoir!

I'm a very happily married man who happens to be one of those weirdos who figures faithfulness is just a given in a relationship, without it there's nothing.
Oh, lighten up! :LOL: I was just trying to get in the spirit of climbing out of the boo-boo face hole this thread had descended to with my help. I should have called JR a necrophiliac slimeball or sumtin to tip it better.
I'm just tired of thinking about the accident, it's always prevelant in my mind/thoughts. :(

Anytime I step out of the house I get hit with it, it's the talk all over town. I just ran out to McDonald's and the drive up lady was even chatting about it. :?

My kids didn't want to go to the carnival nor parade yesterday, and today they asked me if we could have a pajama day today and I said sure. ("pajama day"="bum around the house day")

They're not preoccupied about it, but they don't want to be reminded of it right now either so it's cool with me. My wife is working today and I'm already feeling bad for her about how many times she's going to have to tell that story today. :(

It's stupid, but that's how it is right now.

I'm just cleaning house, it keeps me busy and the house could always use it. The kids are playing the latest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game for the Gamecube that my wife got my son yesterday to bribe him into a haircut, and they're having a rather good time of it.

(It slays me at how well they play together, they're each others best friends and I take a lot of pride in that being as that was kind of a goal of mine. It's how I was/am with my sibs and it's a hella-big part of what made me me I think)