[360, PS3] Crysis 2

Playing this becoming somewhat of a routine. I never switch suit powers because the ones I use are the best for almost all situations. I have to force myself not to play it safe and not carry 2 assault rifles, with are easily the most versatile weapons in the game. And instead carry something that's only useful in some situations and has a lot less ammo for it. I no longer use the visor as often because I either kill everyone when I know they won't respawn, or simply stealth my way past killing as little as possible when they do respawn. Some more variety would indeed be nice. It's still an awesome game though.
Crysis 2 AI is mostly a joke comapred to Crysis 1 AI. Black and white difference. And I am not talking about bugs. Crysis had tons of 3D particle effects. Actually most particle effect had volume, I should know having made a particle mod based on vanilla particle effects.
Crysis 2 AI is mostly a joke comapred to Crysis 1 AI. Black and white difference. And I am not talking about bugs. Crysis had tons of 3D particle effects. Actually most particle effect had volume, I should know having made a particle mod based on vanilla particle effects.

No it didn't... Maybe I've got no idea what you mean by '3D particles', but they were still completely composed of 2D sprites.
Yeah, they even had that soft particle tech where intersections with geometry (mostly the ground) were covered up to hide the 2D planes that built up the smoke, dust and fire effects.
Layered 2D sprite effects to create a 3D volume and use of zfeather to mask edges like pretty much all other games do that have 3D volume effects. The clouds at some places like the beginning intro where different tech using some voxel or "pearl" based method (dont remember the correct name right now) as in CGI movies but ofcourse in lower res. As the comparision is vs other games true volume effects like can be done in CGI shouldn't be mixed in since almost no other game even does it so point is mooth.
Layered 2D sprite effects to create a 3D volume and use of zfeather to mask edges like pretty much all other games do that have 3D volume effects. The clouds at some places like the beginning intro where different tech using some voxel or "pearl" based method (dont remember the correct name right now) as in CGI movies but ofcourse in lower res. As the comparision is vs other games true volume effects like can be done in CGI shouldn't be mixed in since almost no other game even does it so point is mooth.
Ah, alright. Makes sense.

I have high-ish hopes for Crysis 3 (or whatever game they make next). With the core CE3 tech finished, they can spend more time creating the game and less time in R&D (we've seen the opposite, and the consequences of that, in Crysis 2). It's really frustrating when a game comes out that had the potential to have been so much better, but that's the way it is, I guess.
2 years might be enough on the current engine, and if Kingdoms can be turned into a franchise as well then they can have an annual release schedule too.
The quiet world AI, by that I mean the AI of the world when you havent been detected, seems not so much bugged as fundamentally broken in that you've been granted a stealth suit, but not really given the opportunity to use it to full effect.

Why is it that a sizeable percentage of characters in a level stand staring at a wall or a bush like a sleepy terminator, usually in completely the wrong direction, never turning, never moving, destroying any stealthy plans you've made to slip by unobserved. I'm only a couple of hours in, but I'm finding it very frustrating not being able to play the way I want to.
And vehicles that noncensequently shuffle between two points a couple of meters apart, successfully preventing you from laying any C4 charges.

Once you are detected though the AI seems to wake up and progress much like any other 1st person shoot'em up. Except for resporning, which can happen right in front of your eyes. If you must resporn please do it off screen.

It just seems very rushed. (360 version)
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This is nonsense, Crysis AI doesn't seem to be as complex as that of even Halo 2, not to mention the later games. Even Halo 2 had group behaviors, vehicle usage, and it has never displayed bugs like literally running in circles.

Crysis has both group behavior and vehicle usage. Suggesting the basic "AI" of Halo which consisted only of enemies making a basic frontal attack once you get with a certain distance of them is ridiculous. There's no requirement for the AI to deal with complex environments which can obscure the player and/or the AI's view to say nothing of the nanosuit invisibility. Halo's AI doesn't have to deal with anything like that. Sure there is the occasional bug but thats becaus e the AI's operating under massively more complex circumstances.

Oh and Crysis levels are usually far more limited than even Halo 1. Sure, they sometimes give the illusion of larger spaces by surrounding you with entire seashores and giant mountains - but you can't climb those hills and the actual interactive areas are always enclosed.

This is true for some levels in Crysis. Not all though. The tank level for example is huge, easily KM's across and obviously far, far more complex than any of the other gaemes mentioned.

There are other similarly huge levels which can only be navigated by vehicle. But yes, there are smaller levels that are as "little" as 2 or 3 hundred meter wide "corridors". But then the environment in those corridors is so dense that they always provide multiple paths though anyway. Unlike the open canyons shown in that Halo video.

So I think you probably haven't played the Halo games, or can't really recall the actual scale of things going on in there.

I own and have completed both 1 & 2.
Please. Even Halo 1 had invisibility for the player, and it was possible to attack an enemy in the back after leading him in one way because the AI has realistic senses and memory of the player's last position. You've probably played it ten years ago so you might have forgotten these... The point is that Crysis AI isn't that special as you seem to believe it to be.
Please. Even Halo 1 had invisibility for the player, and it was possible to attack an enemy in the back after leading him in one way because the AI has realistic senses and memory of the player's last position. You've probably played it ten years ago so you might have forgotten these... The point is that Crysis AI isn't that special as you seem to believe it to be.

Fair enough, I'd forgot about that. Nevertheless, the complexity of the environments in which the AI has to operate is still vastly higher.

And for the record I never said it was anything particularly special. I only ever picked up on the point that it was better than Halo 2.
AI is really one of the most important aspects of a game, IMO. It honestly feels like Crytek hasn't changed it since Far Cry. It's always been buggy and unaware of the environment.

Is it because they write their AI scripting in Lua?
I still don't get why you think there's such a big environment complexity difference. Granted, the polygon counts have increased by probably something like an order of magnitude, but that is a meaningless statistic for AI.

Remember the level Flawless Cowboy from Halo? There was a part with a huge alien structure, which had an underground element with two exits (sort of a tunnel but with turns and a larger room). The structure had multiple stories as well, and there was a lot of cover all around. I personally consider this to be a quite complex environment, even though it wasn't filled with foliage or high poly rock formations.

Again, Crysis isn't bad, despite the occasional bugs (that could however break the immersion completely), but it definitely isn't doing anything better or more complex than the Halo games.
AI is really one of the most important aspects of a game, IMO. It honestly feels like Crytek hasn't changed it since Far Cry. It's always been buggy and unaware of the environment.

Is it because they write their AI scripting in Lua?

The scripting language used shouldn't make any difference to the outcome of any search algorithm such as A* or any sensor code.

It's all down to the type of search used, how complex you want to make your search topology, and above all how much processing and memory you want to give over to it. AI type searches can be very, very resource hungry.

It's a shame though that most game AI still uses very basic search and path finding. By now we should have smarter enemies and our consoles should be reading our expressions by camera or galvanic skin response via the controller, adjusting the enemies reactions accordingly!!
Can't try myself but a few peeps on GAF suggesting the latest patch on PS3 has seen framerate improvements, noticable from the off.
I played for a bit at my brother's on the weekend. I thought it was pretty fun. Still something about the visuals I'm not quite a fan of. It's almost too busy. Overall, I think it looks quite good. The single-player played very well, despite the occasional slowdown. The areas I played in were very open compared to other shooters. Seems like a game I would play through.
Please. Even Halo 1 had invisibility for the player, and it was possible to attack an enemy in the back after leading him in one way because the AI has realistic senses and memory of the player's last position. You've probably played it ten years ago so you might have forgotten these... The point is that Crysis AI isn't that special as you seem to believe it to be.

The big difference between Crysis A.I. versus all other games is that Crytek and their staff basically said it was the ultimate or bestest A.I. in the history of existance.

I know I read about it for Crysis 1 and read more with reguards to Crysis 2 but sadly its not the case, the AI is not so good.


PS due to Crytek having made many claims on how superior their AI is I believe its only fair analyze and compare specially since C2 is now in a new audience that has been used to console A.I. routines since GoldenEye 007 N64.

Also I spoke to friend of mines who is something of an FPS ace and Xbox360 only gamer, he told me that C2 MP was a camping heaven or something like that, I have only played single player campaign but somehow I am sure that there are matches with stealth disabled right?
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