Uh, no. The voodoo cards had a weird gamma setting. 90% of this "brighter and more saturated color stuff" comes from that. You can easily see it by putting a V5 and GF2 together and using a tweak-tool to set the GF2's gamma to be the same as the V5. (some of the powerstrip tools actually had "voodoo gamma" setting)
Most of the 2D arguments going around nowadays are purely subjective. It's like CD vs SACD vs LP, or audiophile arguments. Unless you put an oscillascope on the output, you're not likely to see the effects of these so-called "cheap filters". Nor will you hear the different between a tube amp and a digital amp on some newfangled audio card (but people will attest to it)
Yes, I'm sure if you put different cards side by side, they look different. But before you start talking about filters, you better equalize the driver settings. If you guys saw someone comparing a card with -2 LOD bias vs a card with 0, or 16x aniso vs 2x anisotropic, you'd say it was unfair, but very few of the people who talk about 2D deal with the gamma issue or color profiles issue. They happily post screenshots from different cards and assume they are an accurate comparison everywhere.
All of these IQ comparisons should use equal settings and double blind testing scenarios.