Wow, jvd, looks like you sparked a firestorm with
this post! Hehehehe.
Mp3 playback , video playback , movie umd play back ... these are all gimmicks . At least the touch screen has added to games in a unqiue way and in doing so moved the main reason to have a hand held portable system foward . That being to play games .
Please, quit trying to rationalize the situation to make it seem like Nintendo always knows best. It doesn't. And you're completely wrong about music and movies being gimmicks. Hello? It's called convergence. It's the way things are going, and it's what people want. I did, and I didn't even know it until Sony's PSP. Now I'm bringing music, movies, and games with me to work, on road trips, to the barber shop - and I'm loving it.
Here's the difference between PSP's features and DS's gimmicks. After PSP, I can't go back to no PSP. I won't give up my music and movies on the go. But I'll be damned if a touch stylus is going to change my life, or even be applicable to most types of games.
Not to mention that any game on the psp can be put on the ds with only image quality change . Yet a ds game wont allways be put on a psp as there is no touch screen.
Yup, sounds like a line of Nintendo PR. Oh, well, if the thought comforts you...
There are more psp games but the quality lvl (Aside from graphics ) are lower than that of the ds .
I find this "quality" mantra a tired argument that Nintendophiles have used since the PSX days. But quality alone is not enough, and anyway, die-hard Nintendophiles seem to define quality differently than everybody else. Too often it seems to be, "Nintendo = quality. Not Nintendo = no quality." It's crap.
Aside from that in the comming months you get some huge titles that stress all the features of the ds . Nintendodogs (mic +touch) , metriod (touch screen + wifi ) golden eye (touch screen + wifi ) animal cross (all the features )
Two of those titles (Nintendodogs and Animal Crossing) help prove my point that DS is aimed at a different audience than PSP - a younger market, a niche market. Look, I just spent two hours in a hair salon and I snuck in several rounds of golf on my PSP. People came over and looked at it, saying how cool it was. That's attention I don't mind. But I would never have pulled out a DS and Nintendodogs and started talking to it in that place - well, maybe if I was 12.
Would you read a book and then a few weeks later buy the book again in paper back and read it again ? Even a few months later and I know you still wouldn't . You would say hey i own it already and i can still play it whenever i want (ps3) might as well spend my money on a new game.... oh wait these are 90% ports so there aren't many new games to choose from .
Again - a popular anti-PSP sentiment that's both incorrect and reeking of Nintendo PR boolsheet. Open your mind and acknowledge that most of PSP's games offer new and different content, even if they are sequels to games that appeared on PS2.
Once again the what are you more likely to read . The book you read last year or the book you haven't read in 9 years ?
Invalid. Books don't change. PSP's games offer new and different content the PS2 versions didn't have, so it's not the exact same experience. Nintendo's doing the same thing with the Mario 64 DS port - it's not exactly the same as Mario 64, because that would be a ripoff.
Besides, Nintendo's not porting Mario 64 to DS because it was the best idea. They did it because the DS's capabilities are a lot closer to N64 than Gamecube. The decision results from limitations of the hardware, not because Nintendo's loath to rehash a game. Lord knows, Nintendo's fine with rehashes.
The only two orignal games from the psp that i know of are lumenarys and mecuray . So its very much the other way around for sony .
What, no Untold Legends? Metal Gear Acid has a new spin.
Twisted Metal, Wipeout, and Hot Shots are all arguably the very best games in their respective series. And they're beloved series that helped PSX steal the market from Nintendo. Sounds appealing to me - that's why I bought 'em.
well the nintendo 64 did sell more than the psx . I think even the virtual boy did though i'm not too sure

Dude, I'm talking about the original PlayStation. It was code-named PS-X during its development, and the name stuck until Sony released the PSone. Forget that white bastardized PSX - I'm sure Sony's trying to.
As i said its for this very reason that sony wont unseat nintendo for a long time .
When the psone came out Nintendo was very weak . They were fighting sega for many years and no longer had a solid grasp of the market .
What crap! If Nintendo lost its way in the 90s, it's their own damn fault. They weren't "weak" from battle with Sega, and if they were, that doesn't say very much for them. The fact is, Sega outmarketed them and Nintendo made dumb mistakes like CENSORING Mortal Kombat. All in the name of family entertainment - a quaint, 1950s concept that's hurting them to this day.
Sega miss judged the market and put out a power house of a 3d system and quickly changed course and added 3d hardware . The nintendo 64 was late . It was perfect timing for sony and they played it well .
Again, Nintendo screwed themselves. Why were they late? I remember them delaying the console at least twice while I waited anxiously for it. It nearly broke my heart every time they made an announcement. Finally, I got tired of waiting. I began to see a pattern - they didn't have their shit together. This was Nintendo's market to lose and they lost it on their own.
With the ps2 , sega was almost bankrupt , it was hard for them to do anything (Though they did good all things considering and the ds has a ton of tripple a games ) . Nintendo was late once again and the xbox was late and to expensive to compete .
Why is Nintendo always late? Are they stupid? Not likely. What then? I think they like to milk the hell out of their systems. "Sorry, N64's delayed until next April, but here, we're giving you Killer Instinct to play on your Super NES!" Same with the handheld market. Nintendo's fallen woefully behind Sony technologically because they rested on their laurels and just collected bushels of cash from the mobs of Gameboy users.
Enter Sony, and now Nintendo's got competition. Their schedule's all messed up, they have to actually get off their duffs or they'll lose gamers. How sad for them.
You know, people accuse Sony and Microsoft of shady tactics, while praising Nintendo for always thinking of the gamers. But I think Nintendo does a disservice when it milks a Gameboy for 10 years, offering few innovations the entire time, while the cash register rings and rings because hey - we've got a monopoly! - why push ourselves?
This generation may be diffrent. It will be sony thats late to the party , Ms will have the head start , good solid franchises and a ton of support. Not to mention that the console may scale quicker in price than the ps3 .
Then nintendo should launch around the ps3 and who knows may have more power than the ps3 or may even have an inovative feature that might draw people too it .
How can you be sure that Nintendo won't be late? I can't remember the last time they were on time with a home console release - Super NES, N64, Gamecube - all late.
And one "innovative feature" isn't going to be enough to sway gamers to Nintendo. I've said it before and I'll say it again, they've got a positioning problem. People perceive them as being for kids. Sega exploited this in the early 90s just as Sony did in the late 90s. Nintendo's not seen as "cool," and until they fix that, they have a problem.
I also hope their new innovations for Revolution are a little more practical and appealing than the innovations in the DS. Or you'll see Revolution become more of a niche console than any Nintendo system before.
In the handhelds nintendo has been alone for a very long time . Thier brand for gameboy is much stronger than the playstaion brand .
Hardly. "PlayStation" is one of the most recognizable brands in the history of brands. It's also chic. Neither can be said for Gameboy. (Which I think is another reason Nintendo experimented with dropping the Gameboy moniker from DS, which is nothing if not a Gameboy with two screens and other features.)
I would think the psp would be like the xbox . A decent first attempt but in the end no serious threat and a building point for the next system .
If Nintendo thinks as you do, they're going to be in deep sh*t very shortly.
IF you look at sales charts the ds is far out and with the games coming its only going to move further ahead
Again, it'll take some time, but PSP will make inroads. If this isn't a repeat of the way PSX stole the console market from Nintendo, I'll eat my hat.