1up show..



Heavily microsoft centric this week, naturally, but a great watch.

Interviews with tons of heavy hitters.

I really think the Gamspots of the world are gonna have to start copying this or be caught flatfooted. I mean some of this stuff is on the verge of creating news (such as smartest guy in gaming Mark Rein saying Unreal engine will be on Revolution if possible).

Anyway, good stuff.
I would dearly love to have been at that event. Looks so very awesome, and they all got to purchase the systems early.

Peter Moore also isn't the twit I thought he was. Seems like a nice, down-to-earth bloke. Wouldn't have minded chatting to him like those 1up guys did, either.

I still hate Cliffy B. though. :D
Hardknock said:
He has Opa's Saturn games? :LOL:

An infamous story..

He "borrowed" them, never to return them.

But in truth, as usual Opa is at fault..he wont pick them up..
I enjoyed this and enjoyed the interviews. I wonder how Peter Moore feels being interviewed by a kid with booze in his hand and his questions on a napkin. That's quite a dropoff from being in staff meetings with one of the most powerful business men in the world today (Billy G). Ironically, Peter Moore probably needs 1up more than they need him...
I've really been enjoying the 1up show. It has real video game nerds who know their stuff and aren't afraid to speak their minds. It's kind of the exact opposite of G4.
Shark Sandwich said:
I've really been enjoying the 1up show. It has real video game nerds who know their stuff and aren't afraid to speak their minds. It's kind of the exact opposite of G4.

I agree. G4 seems like they are always sacrificing content and journalism to be, too irreverent, too 'hip', and overall 'too cool for the room'. The few one liners that hit are offset by 10 that miss, and awkwardly at that.