Is it normal to whack over anime?

Xenus said:
No, I think you need a virtual girlfriend :LOL: You can work up to actually going out from there.

i've had those. well i assume by virtual you mean either online pr0n or "girlfriends" that i only knew over the net.
Actually I ment more like the ones for the geek who has too much free time on their hands so they program themselves a girlfriend that acts like they want them too. Or at least thats the way it works in the movies :LOL:
Xenus said:
Actually I ment more like the ones for the geek who has too much free time on their hands so they program themselves a girlfriend that acts like they want them too. Or at least thats the way it works in the movies :LOL:

oh, i cant program 1 line of code. i've never even seen one star wars movie the whole way through. im not a true geek.
You minght me able to find one on the net. Someone was bound to put their great accomplishment the web for all to experience. :LOL: