Incredible video Alex. 10/10
Videos like this is what helps drive progress forward for those who want to see progress. In a world that is so marred by BS online discussion, the purity of just looking at the technology stacks and educating people on how it works, is what we need more of.
I knew that Ubisoft was capable of this level of maintaining their tech stack, but I didn't know how far they went mwith Anvil, as my extended family works on Snowdrop. But it's ultra impressive what they've managed to accomplish here.
I hope the most important portion of the narrative that people take away from your video, is why we absolutely need to move towards rendering techniques that happen in realtime as opposed baked.
As the worlds get larger and larger, the space requirement to support more and more environments becomes untenable. They have night to day, on a massive open world, with several seasons, the lighting data I agree would be impossible. Combined with specular reflections. The geometry engine to support that, would also be so hard. The destructible terrain, all of this now being simulated created a very grounded world that we couldn't achieve in the past. So while these SSDs solve some issues, in particular they are useful for streaming in assets and pre-computing things, you still have size limitations. And this streaming of baked technologies can only go so far. This is a next generation title, there is no doubt of that, this would be impossible to achieve last gen. Even the Series S would outperform a X1X despite being weaker on power, this game requires a modern feature set like Mesh Shaders that would not allow X1X to be able to run this title.
And so for the many haters out there, who don't understand why we need this technology, and why it's so heavy, it's because many of the UE5 games that came out earlier, were still largely designing small scope games using the wrong tools to support it. That mismatch is what created the angst against progress. But now we have a situation of pairing the scope with the tools that are available, and now we have an incredible end result. At max settings, this game is consistently beautiful everywhere.
I'm thinking it's on my to buy list now. I guess I'll need to some my family a wish list on this one and get it direct, cough.