How Do I Embrace Fantasy? How Did You?

The other side typically responded with shut up it's magic not science, it has to be unintelligible.
What I'm confused is not why magic appear and how it appear. but why nobody logically use the magic.

Like how magic barrier or portal can form from thin air, I'm fine with that. but why nobody used it logically...

Or even worse... Only use the magic logically when with goons..

Like dr strange in one of the marvel movie I can't remember the title.

The sparkling portal was used to dismember goons. But once ANY BOSS character appears, the sparkling portal never be used to dismember any boss character.
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A mention for the 'Laundry' series of books from Charles Stross and the 'Rivers of London' series from Ben Aaronovich. Both set in Britain with typical humour and they are very good.
This is real footage -

well filmed with actual planes anyways.
That movie is awesome but they didn't have the budget for the actual Nimitz vs Imperial Japanese fleet battle scene so it just ends. Sorry for the spoiler.