Screenshots of Ridunkulous Quality and Size! Part Deux [2023+]

this game has the same issue of many relatively old games, imho, which is over-contrast over-dark over-ssao everything on ultra settings. There is something odd to it in that sense. Some Crysis games also have the same issue and many others, it made me dislike ultra settings and SSAO in particular 'cos the performance of those games is much lower than other settings and you literally gain nothing but all of those flaws.

Btw, a thread like this deserves A Plague Tale Requiem. This is a screengrab I took yesterday, but it is 1440p with RT on and all the candy, although I am using the Balanced upscaling 'cos I wanted to play the game in silence so the GPU doesn't have to work that hard.

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus - Mein Leben!

I forgot how good this game looked; the texturing and geometry are still impressive for a 6-year-old game. However, it was the awesome soundtrack that really did it for me.

This game really deserves a good RT/PT update or full remaster. Anyhow, 8K with Mein Leben graphic settings, of course. The game runs nice (132-172fps) and looks great on my 8K panel.






Star Citizen

I've mainly been playing SC in groups recently, so I've hardly had any time for pictures. I was able to take a few on the side. ArcCorp is so beautiful when the sun is low.

Soon there will also be ray tracing in SC. Maybe I'll take more pictures in SC again in the near future.

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Chris Roberts player in the game
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Alan Wake 2 finally has a photo mode. Before, it was difficult to take nice pictures. The camera was always the same and the character was usually in the picture.

I took a few pictures in a couple of minutes. Nothing elaborate with remarkable scenes. Just a quick test, alan_wake_2l_002.jpgalan_wake_2l_003.jpgalan_wake_2l_006.jpgalan_wake_2l_007.jpg
Alan Wake 2

No cutscenes.

Very dark. This does not look good on every screen and in every ambient brightness.

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I realise that I haven't posted any pictures of Cyberpunk 2077 yet. I shot a few yesterday and today. When I play through it again, there will be plenty of pictures. Maybe I'll start the next playthrough in the summer. Actually, I wanted to wait for Nvidia Blackwell.

Most of the images are normal photos taken from a first-person perspective. The game does not make it easy to take screenshots. It crashed frequently when taking a screenshot.

Cyberpunk 2077


I can only post such interior pictures with indirect lighting from RT heavy games. Such scenes don't look good in other non-RT titles.

Pathtracing makes the materials more realistic. Compare the cans, the porcelain and other objects in picture.

It's nice to have scenes calculated in real time that look like they were rendered offline.
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Nobody Wants to Die

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In some places that are not shown in the pictures the game looks exactly like Robocop. It's down to the engine and the assets. Overall, I think it has fewer visual weaknesses than Robocop. Robocop fluctuated more but is also bigger and more extensive. But Nobody Wants to Die was not small for $22 either. I've played it for 6.5 hours so far.
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Nobody Wants to Die is a visual and graphical heavyweight in some places. The Unreal Engine 5 makes heavy stuff possible for small studios. The game also runs smoothly and unlike some other games it doesn't have many graphical artefacts. Unfortunately, you can't turn off the HUD and there's no photo mode either. So I always have to wait for certain moments to have no HUD. Overall and fortunately the game has not too much HUD.

I also play Fort Solis and while having Unreal Engine 5 it's not as good graphically. Maybe I'll upload a picture or two here. I also checked the demo of The Alters but it's not my type of game. Visually it was a bit boring for me too.

I'll probably also have a look at Still Wakes the Deep and Hellblade 2. I'm also waiting for Unrecord, Dune Awakening, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 and Silent Hill 2.
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Fort Solis - round 1

I was now able to take a few more pictures than I thought. But only interiors. The outdoor areas on Mars didn't really appeal to me.

If the lighting didn't have this boiling issue and the reflections were always raytraced I would be even happier with the graphics.

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Hellblade 2

Looks mostly excellent, giant leap over almost 11 year old Ryse or the more recent Gof of War games (2018 and 2022) which sometimes have aesthetically similar looking places. Apart from SSR and a few other lighting and flickering shadow problems I have few visual complaints so far. Hellblade 2 would even look great on a huge cinema screen.

Compared to Alan Wake 2 with it's more consistent lighting but less big staging events Hellblade 2 has more visual wow moments. It's a tube game where you spend almost the whole time just pressing W. There are many cutscenes, little interaction and gameplay. If you want to play an interactive movie Hellblade 2 might be the right game for you. It only works well for me because it looks really really good.

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One cutscene photo. Camera can be moved in photo mode while in cutscene. Therefore cutscene pictures could look different. I'm a bit averse to cutscenes screenshots because everyone would have the same angle/pictures.
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