Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

Not only money but time too. What's the point in buying 200 hours of next-gen games at launch if you only have 50 hours to play between now and when the game you really want is coming out? Two flagship titles per new platform is a good starting point I think, and no publisher goes into a new gen expecting 90+% uptake of their new game from the first 6 months' console sales just because it's one of only five next-gen titles available (except Nintendo :p).
Didn't Breath of the Wild have more units sold then Switch's installed base at one point. That's just insane.
I would argue that they have never been so close to a decent-spec'd PCs in terms of 60fps and solid graphical settings and I think they could be very appealing to some people who only game on PC for 60fps.

Looking at the hardware of what you get, its mid-range at best in raw rendering capabilities. Add ray tracing to the mix and its on the low-end of the scale, 2060S (and it shows in games). Games (not all) tend to use medium or even lower settings already now for multiplat games, before RT comes into play. If their aiming higher you'd be looking at 'quality modes'. While 'decent' specced is true i think, the same can be said about a RX6700/RTX3060 system.

In which case, not releasing sought-after games on PC quicker may bring some of those PC holdouts over to consoles.

Sony tried with the Pro, aswell as releasing Sony game on PC. Seeing what they say and what they do now some years later, it seems they learned that the PC gaming market is an entire different beast to what the console market is. You might shift some pc gamers, but the global pc gaming market will always co-exist and sony simply wants a piece of that market, without 'damaging' their console hardware one.
And back to RC, RC its like "Home Alone" movie, most people like it. You dont need to have very very specific game taste to like it. It received great scores, its technical masterpiece, one of the most impressive games out there that shows the power of new shiny system. Am i so dumb to think that most ps5 consumers would like it?

I've never seen Home Alone, it doesn't appeal on any level. A movie featuring a shrieking kid and slapstick comedy? No thanks.

You're not dumb but you're not acknowledging people's individuality, whilst claiming they you do. You saying "you get it" but your posts suggest you ain't getting it. On Ratchet & Clank, People may not like platformers, people may have played all the previous games and had their fill, people may not be able to afford all the games they want and prioritised buying other games and will never get around to it until Sony put it sale or give it away.

Most people don't buy most games. That's just the way it is. People buy things they like and people like different things. There will be a lot of people out there who are almost exactly the opposite likes and dislikes as you.
I've never seen Home Alone, it doesn't appeal on any level. A movie featuring a shrieking kid and slapstick comedy? No thanks.

You're not dumb but you're not acknowledging people's individuality, whilst claiming they you do. You saying "you get it" but your posts suggest you ain't getting it. On Ratchet & Clank, People may not like platformers, people may have played all the previous games and had their fill, people may not be able to afford all the games they want and prioritised buying other games and will never get around to it until Sony put it sale or give it away.

Most people don't buy most games. That's just the way it is. People buy things they like and people like different things. There will be a lot of people out there who are almost exactly the opposite likes and dislikes as you.

Im just tired of this discussion and you trying to "explain" to me something so fundamentally obvious. My whole point, which either i am explaining very badly or for some reason you are not able to understand (wich i highly doubt but i dont go that far and start insulting you like you did) is
It is very odd/curious that people who buy ps5 for exclusives are actually not buying exclusives.
And last time you dont need to have very very specific taste to like someting like RC, we are all diffrent but we have many things in common. If i approach 6 traight dudes and show em picture of naked hot women there is huge chance that 100% of them will tell "she is hot". For god sake everybody loves pupies or cats ....

"I'm struggling to understand you because you cannot seem to grasp that other people don't think just like you. You say you understand people have different taste them jump to not understanding why people have different taste. I have no words, I can't help you understand."
That just fucking rude mate.
And back to RC, RC its like "Home Alone" movie, most people like it. You dont need to have very very specific game taste to like it. It received great scores, its technical masterpiece, one of the most impressive games out there that shows the power of new shiny system. Am i so dumb to think that most ps5 consumers would like it?
I'm with @DSoup on it, pixar style shoting platformer for sure doesn't have same range of target like gow etc. its kids game and playstatinon opposite to nintendo more targeting older auidence. I obviously bought new Ratchet even tough I'm not into platformers and think its great (had much more fun than with ps4 Ratchet) but its not typical playstation mainstream like uncharted.
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IMO RC should theoretically have bigger audience than gow. It’s appealing to both genders it’s a Pixar style shoter-plat former/adventure game with sense of humor which can be enjoyed by younger and older players. And it has deep history with ps it started as ps2 game. So it’s definitely one of the most iconic games on PlayStation.
But again this is not the point, i am aware that GOW is much more successful franchise than RC.
I just find it curious that in the situation when there is not much exclusives released yet, exclusive game like RC that is appealing to very broad range of consumers, consumers that are very loyal to SONY and managed to snatch ps5 against all odds has sold with 1.1mln copies. Thats like less than 10% of ps5 users bought it.
And one of the reason or maybe the most importand reason why do people got ps5 is exclusives! That is what majority of ps5 users say "i got ps5 becouse of the exclusives".
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And one of the reason or maybe the most importand reason why do people got ps5 is exclusives! T
Well its certainly not a reason to buy an xbox as unless I'm wrong theres a grand total of .... drum roll ...... zero exclusives on it? :LOL: (perhaps theres an indie title I'm missing)
But seriously I think you dont realize the ratio's games sell at (some nintendo games excepted)
even the biggest game in history, GTAV, would struggle to reach 30% of a platform. The biggest game in history!!!
Well its certainly not a reason to buy an xbox as unless I'm wrong theres a grand total of .... drum roll ...... zero exclusives on it? :LOL: (perhaps theres an indie title I'm missing)
But seriously I think you dont realize the ratio's games sell at (some nintendo games excepted)
even the biggest game in history, GTAV, would struggle to reach 30% of a platform. The biggest game in history!!!

Yeah its certainly a suprise to me. GTAV come quite late in console life cycle afaik where there was already a ton of other games AND exclusives that it has to fight for market with
But lets compare GTA3 to ps2 sales shall we? Thats quite diffrent story

  • The Playstation 2 version of Grand Theft Auto III has sold over seven million copies, and is now known as the highest selling game ever for the console. Sony has signed a deal with Rockstar making sure all future GTA games are PS2 exclusive until 2004.
  • Grand Theft Auto III is listed by Guinness World Records as the first full sandbox action-adventure and the biggest selling game of 2001.
2001 PS2 console unit sold

End of fiscal year march 2002 28.68 mln total.

"Well its certainly not a reason to buy an xbox as unless I'm wrong theres a grand total of .... drum roll ...... zero exclusives on it? :LOL: (perhaps theres an indie title I'm missing)"

So people buy ps5 because of the exclusives and dont buy exlusives and this is the reason to mock xbox which dont have any exclusives and despite that FH5 sold 1 mln copies before is even out yet ;) /s
But lets compare GTA3 to ps2 sales shall we? Thats quite diffrent story
no its not, check the data
"Grand Theft Auto III was the highest-selling game of 2001 in the United States, selling over two million units by February 2002.[71] The game was also the second best-selling game of 2002, behind only its sequel.[72] Take-Two stock significantly increased following the game's launch,[73] and the game was included in PlayStation's Greatest Hits selection.[18] Within a year of release, the game had sold six million copies and generated over US$250 million in revenue."
So according to your numbers the ps2 had ~38 million, 6/38 != 30% , its even less than 20%

mate games just don't sell to the percentages of ppl you think they do

Mate forza is not exclusive to xbox, I can play it on my PC, also weren't you the one starting the mocking so its a bit rich turning the tables
no its not, check the data
"Grand Theft Auto III was the highest-selling game of 2001 in the United States, selling over two million units by February 2002.[71] The game was also the second best-selling game of 2002, behind only its sequel.[72] Take-Two stock significantly increased following the game's launch,[73] and the game was included in PlayStation's Greatest Hits selection.[18] Within a year of release, the game had sold six million copies and generated over US$250 million in revenue."
So according to your numbers the ps2 had ~38 million, 6/38 != 30% , its even less than 20%

mate games just don't sell to the percentages of ppl you think they do

Mate forza is not exclusive to xbox, I can play it on my PC, also weren't you the one starting the mocking so its a bit rich turning the tables
How did I started mocking I wasn’t even talking to you. And 28/6 it’s more than 20%.
Well its certainly not a reason to buy an xbox as unless I'm wrong theres a grand total of .... drum roll ...... zero exclusives on it? :LOL: (perhaps theres an indie title I'm missing)
But seriously I think you dont realize the ratio's games sell at (some nintendo games excepted)
even the biggest game in history, GTAV, would struggle to reach 30% of a platform. The biggest game in history!!!

If someone has absolutely no intention of ever buying a PC for games (because the hardware is expensive, especially now or they just aren't interested in the hassle of owning a gaming PC), then how else are they going to play the exclusives that are available on the Xbox?

People seem to be under the misguided assumption that anyone that might want to get an Xbox for the exclusives would be fine getting a PC. While there's a small percentage of console owners who would do this, the vast majority aren't getting a PC regardless, either due to cost or just not wanting a gaming PC.

Likewise we have others that are under the misguided assumption that if someone games on PC, that they'll buy a console to play console exclusives. Again, while there's a small percentage of PC players that will do this, the vast majority just won't bother with exclusives that aren't also on PC.

It's far more likely for a console owner to get a competitor's console than it is for a console owner to get a PC. Not only are consoles similar in cost (thus will fit in their budget), but they also more easily slot into the same gaming environment (the living room).

It's why titles are denoted as being either exclusives (just one platform) or console exclusives (on one console platform + PC).

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And 28/6 it’s more than 20%.
mate check your numbers again
its 6 million GTA3 sold in a year
End of fiscal year march 2002 28.68 mln total (gta3 had only been around for 5-6 months at this stage)
thus add 6 more months here, so somewhere between 28 -> 51 (I guess 38 but you can look up quarterly figures to get a more accurate picture)
Fiscal year ending March 31, 2003 51.20 mln total

so shipments were at least 40 million

and more to the point they made 10 million in 4.5 months!! Just shows what they are making now with the ps5 more pathetic
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mate check your numbers again
its 6 million GTA3 sold in a year
End of fiscal year march 2002 28.68 mln total (gta3 had only been around for 5-6 months at this stage)
thus add 6 more months here, so somewhere between 28 -> 51 (I guess 38 but you can look up quarterly figures to get a more accurate picture)
Fiscal year ending March 31, 2003 51.20 mln total

It was best seling game of 2001 so thats why i took those numebrs its logical. The point was situation on the market at given moment not 10 years after ps2 launch when everybody has a unit and 1000 exclusives to chose from.
But you are right exclusives do not sell that well if we compre them to console dales, regardless of title.