Console Exclusives: Significance and Impact *spinoff*

But if you still didn't buy any console, Sony exclusives could be an argument to orient your purchase.

Yes, and the Sony exclusives could be an argument against said purchase too; like it was already said, it also depends on the gamers preferred style. So many variables, so many choices, so many preferences, too much to definitively quantify.
Yes, and the Sony exclusives could be an argument against said purchase too; like it was already said, it also depends on the gamers preferred style. So many variables, so many choices, so many preferences, too much to definitively quantify.

That is sure but from the sales it seems it is a good choice too on Sony side the best sales out of Nintendo exclusive are on Sony side 8,7 millions after 7 months for UC4 the 22th december 2016... 7,6 millions after one year for HZD the two games will probably finish 10+ millions ltd... In 2017 in multiple PAL country UC4 was in the top 20 of the most sold games...

Microsoft exclusives games sold less and 3rd party games sold better most of the time on PS4 than Xbox One but it is normal PS4 sold more than Xbox One...
Yes, and the Sony exclusives could be an argument against said purchase too

If everything is equal the answer is no...

like it was already said, it also depends on the gamers preferred style. So many variables, so many choices, so many preferences, too much to definitively quantify.

But it still doesn't change anything from a statistical standpoint.

Larger quantity + more diversity > lower quantity + less diversity. It's a basic fact that is always true.

If company A sells stones with 5 different colors against only 2 in company B, company A has far more chance to please the taste of a new consumer.

Obviously, as you said, other variables must be considered. For instance, if the company A sells its stones at a much higher price, it could still lose the market despite the indisputable advantage of having more colors.
If everything is equal the answer is no...

But it still doesn't change anything from a statistical standpoint.

Larger quantity + more diversity > lower quantity + less diversity. It's a basic fact that is always true.

If company A sells stones with 5 different colors against only 2 in company B, company A has far more chance to please the taste of a new consumer.

Obviously, as you said, other variables must be considered. For instance, if the company A sells its stones at a much higher price, it could still lose the market despite the indisputable advantage of having more colors.

And there is the phenomen of long tail... For example since ZhugeEX graph we have approximately the ratio of PS4 and Xbox One sold in UK and for games like Final Fantasy or other Japanese game the split advantage is bigger than the hardware split with an advantage for PS4 side... The reason is because people liking Japanese game will prefer take a PS4 because out the blockbuster they are sure to find other type of game...
Great games which are narrative-based need to be experienced to form an opinion. But they tend to be unique in a way that the genre itself is not a factor for "substitution". I really want to know if there are other games with the following good reviews about it's emotional resonance. Really, I will buy any other game where they say this.

"something we’ll never forget for the rest of our lives.... not just a game, it’s an absolute work of art."

"This game and its soundtrack will live forever in the gaming world."

"The impact in its final act is both somber and spirited.... couldn’t help but respond with deluge of raw emotion."

"A magnificent, deeply personal... Smart, subversive and emotionally enriching, this is one of the most evocative games in the last decade."

"It’s a tale too good to give away, with an tremendously worthwhile ending... demands to be experienced."

"The end result is a masterpiece."

"beautiful, heartfelt, unique and infuriating. And I adore it."

"the farther you get, the more memorable and dramatic it all becomes... a mesmerizing adventure that we’ll never forget."

"When the journey comes to an end, you’ll find yourself in shock, emotionally-drained, and appreciative... a real work of art."

"...emotionally evocative masterpiece in the annals of modern gaming."

"deep, meaningful, and powerful. It’s reflective, different, and beautiful."

" a masterful piece of art that depicts one of the most touching stories ever told in this medium."

"this is an unforgettable experience that you will probably carry in your heart for your whole life"

"... filled with both sadness and triumph that will make you cheer out loud even while wiping your tears."

" is proof -- for anyone who doubts it -- that video games can be a unique and emotionally powerful form of participatory storytelling."

"a modern masterpiece.... one of those most meaningful and truly original experiences in years."

"... shows once again that games can make you feel something else and that we are, perhaps, kind of used to trivial, hollow experiences."

"a triumph... profound, beautiful, affecting journey...."

"an experience to see and feel things that no other game can. Essential for anyone who wants to see a game which pushes boundaries and genres."

" The experience as a whole is one of the most unique ever."

"truly wonderful - some might even call it "transcendent" - experience"

"spectacular emotive ending."

"one of the best adventures in recent years."
I knew what he was going from, but those 2 other games I mentioned also have equal raving PR statements too. I was showing how that experience isnt unique and can be found elsewhere.

Because you think they give the exact same emotion than The Last Guardian, the game is unique... :D And imo it is not the best Ueda game I prefer SOTC and I like the remake...

And it is a little niche but people who like Ueda game choose the console where he makes his game...

Unravel or Ori are not at all a substitute to The Last Guardian and vice versa...

Edit: Valient heart is too unique each game is unique...
Unravel or Ori are not at all a substitute to The Last Guardian and vice versa...

No one ever said or claimed they were substitutes. You're the only one suggesting that others said as much. Here is what MrFox said and what I responded to, maybe you glanced over this part of his post too quickly? I merely pointing out games with good reviews about their emotional resonance.

I really want to know if there are other games with the following good reviews about it's emotional resonance. Really, I will buy any other game where they say this.
No one ever said or claimed they were substitutes. You're the only one suggesting that others said as much. Here is what MrFox said and what I responded to, maybe you glanced over this part of his post too quickly? I merely pointing out games with good reviews about their emotional resonance.

Inside, Valient heart, Ori, The Witness and many indies games...
I said: But they tend to be unique in a way that the genre itself is not a factor for "substitution".

I bought those indies with short but great stories. Loved them. They are nowhere near the same type of "emotional resonance", being platformers without much immersion. And the big budgets companies rarely go there. Just like hollywood, big budget usually means accessible story, limiting risk. So when that combination happens it tends to be unique.
Most people do not chose games based on any economy other than can they afford to buy them, they chose based on what they want to play. This is predicated on a lot of factors including genre, gameplay, narrative, period, atmosphere and tone. If I couldn't play The Last of Us, would State of Decay be a good substitute? They're both third person 'shooters' with stealth mechanics with heavy survival crafting mechanics. But they're nothing alike to play. :nope:

Your substitute list of games is so mind-boggingly bad it could well have be written bu somebody who has never played any of these games and only seen trailers. The nearest mark you get is Uncharted / Tomb Raider but tonally these are very different. I've never replayed 2013 Tomb Raider and got bored of the sequel before finishing it, the oppressive and absurdly over serious tone doesn't work for me. Uncharted? Fun, lighthearted mass-murder sims. Played them all, and replayed them. Many times.

You seem to be enjoying Sea of Theives. What if SoT was a PS4 exclusive, would Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag be a good substitute? It's not what you want but it's got treasure, pirates and combat. That's fine right?

I'd argue these games are really not alike beyond being open world and third person. HZD is a sci-fi game with sublime combat, light RPG mechanics and a concise, unwavering story. TW3 - which is a game I finished and throughly enjoyed - is a fantasy game with, let's be honest, average combat (regardless of your specialisation) but a tremendous RPG with many different stories to tell but an extremely drawn out main quest.

If I feel like playing HZD but can't, TW3 is not a good substitute and vice-versa. But perhaps others are just playing games just to kill time and what they play really doesn't matter to them. :???:

edit: spelling.

Yes, but again that isn't the point. As I've mentioned (I know I'm responding to you responding to Iroboto :)), but I feel he means the same as I do.

To clarify what I've said before.

If someone is focused on an exclusive, then there are no substitutes. If someone just wants a really good game within a genre, then there are generally plenty of alternatives, although that isn't always the case. For example, if Fortnite didn't come out there wouldn't be a viable alternative to PUBG.

And even if someone is interested in an exclusive, it isn't necessarily enough to get them to buy X platform. I see this a lot both in RL and online. The whole, "I'd love to play X exclusive, but I'm not going to buy Y platform." Which can be for a variety of factors, not least of which is that not everyone can justify owning multiple platforms.

In such a case, even though someone is interested in X exclusive, they'll be happy playing Y game that shares a genre with X exclusive. And thankfully due to the proliferation of YouTube and Twitch, you don't necessarily have to miss out on experiencing an exclusive. I've watched a ton of people play Bloodborne multiple times. I'm one of those that likes some of the exclusives on PS4 but am not buying it anytime soon due to a variety of reasons. Cost, 30 FPS (or variable framerate and frame pacing) for most of the exclusives I'm interested in which leads to me not playing on consoles anymore unless its portable.

Writing this post, it makes me realize that one of the things that has weakened the "must buy" impulse of exclusives for some number of the buying public is the rise of lets plays on YouTube and Twitch. I no longer have to buy a console to play just 1 or 2 games (the exclusives I'm interested in) on it. And then feel like I wasted a bunch of money by doing so. This is especially true of the XBO as they've also gotten rid of Kinect and the TV integration which was two of the primary attractions of the console for me. But I'd also feel the same had I gotten a PS4.

Sure I no longer get to play those games, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Just the other day while watching CohhCarnage play God of War, I realized there's a few parts of the game that were frustrating without being good. Watching him being stuck on that part where you have to climb the rotating cylinders with the blades for something like 30 minutes. I would likely just put down the game and stop playing it if I were to play it now. It reminded me of when I actually did play it, how much I hated that part and other parts and why I don't plan to ever replay the series despite absolutely LOVING the combat mechanics. The story was also really horrible. :p

I think, or at least I hope, that the people that are saying there are substitutes within a genre for exclusives don't mean that there are substitutes if X exclusive is a "must play" for Y person. But even then it sometimes isn't enough to get a person to buy a console for me (I'm looking at myself here). I would dearly love to play Persona 5, but I'm not buying a PS3 or PS4 to play it. Eventually I may look into trying to get an emulator to run it, but at the moment I don't have the time for faffing around with emulators in order to get it to run well. Hell, I don't even know if the emulation of the PS3 version has gotten far enough along that you can play the entire game relatively glitchless and at 60 FPS.

That's because you're not remotely representative of the console buying public. Sub-30 framerates are a red line for you, but aren't for the majority content with a lower level of performance on their cheap console.

Well yes, for many people where that's an issue, they generally (but not always) just don't buy a console so can't be part of the console buying public. :)

There's an implicit acceptance among console owners have for terrible frame pacing and, IMO, bad framerates. Again there are exceptions with people suffering through bad frame pacing and framerate in order to play on console. But I'd say most are either just used to (if most of the stuff you play is 30 FPS with variable frame pacing then you'd consider that "normal") or just accept it.

The substitute thing is a nonsense to me... when you want to see a movie, do you really say to yourself that you're going to see Transformers because you can't see Pacific Rim ?

Let's be serious, when you really want something, there's no real substitute but just a compromise which is an attenuate frustration and nothing more.

That isn't a very good analogy.

What if you want to see Pacific Rim, but the only way to see it is if you have a 300 USD membership to X theater chain because they have exclusive rights to it? However, you've already paid a 350 USD membership to Y theater chain?

But you see that this other action film with robots, Transformers, is available at both X and Y theater chains.

Perhaps you'd pay the 300 USD membership fee to see Pacific Rim thinking that you'll then get access to their other exclusive movies. Perhaps you won't because you can't afford 2 memberships. Or maybe the other exclusive movies at the theater chain aren't very attractive to you and you don't want to play 300 USD + price of Pacific Rim just to see Pacific Rim.

They are unique in their own way, and more and more rare from third parties. There are many from indies, I would add Night in the Woods.

I'd go so far as to say if you want great story telling in a game, indie games are the way to go. There's a lot of crap to wade through but there are so many more moving and inspiring indie games than anything AAA. That isn't to say there isn't the occasional AAA that has a great story, exclusive or otherwise, but it's certain rare as AAA, including exclusives (like The Order 1886 or Ryse), increasingly chase the graphics crown rather than good gameplay or good storytelling.

Myself I now play probably 90-95% indie games, 3-8% High A games (things like X-com), and 1-2% AAA games.

It's rare to find a AAA game that is as good with storytelling AND gameplay as a good indie game, IMO.
